Thanks so much! I was definitely inspired by the Druid class in D&D and thought this might be a nice little intro if you want to get the feel of being a Druid 🌿
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Wow, you did a whole deck building game in this short period of time, amazing job! it feels very polished and the pixel art looks great (especially the kaijus)! I was struggeling a bit with reading the kaiju and was wondering why it sometimes wouldnt get damage though ;D Also stumbled over a small bug I think (or maybe I missed something): I got a unit back on my hand after equipping it with the "goes back to hand" effect, but I wasn't able to replace it on the board, although I had enough energy. But other than that, really, really great game!
wow, great game! the gameplay itself is simple, but fun. I loved that you added some story and that you can actually finish the game and get a little cute scene, and that the little fish is growing adds so much to the story <3 Also, the pixel art looks amazing! the animated school of fish in the background looks really great and brings the whole scene to life. Great job!
great game! the pixel art looks nice and I really like the small puzzle elements! I felt like the x-button to shoot was placed a bit unconveniently, maybe some button in the middle of the keyboard would be more convenient. But other than that I really enjoyed the game! I always love atmospheric games with a interesting narrative <3
Very atmospheric game! I like the gun mechanic a lot :) I think it would be a nice addition if the play characters changes direction (the sprite) if you move with keyboard and not just according to the mouse position and if the music would loop. Also the character sprites look very great and the music fits very well, good job!