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Exploding Donkey Company

A member registered May 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really cool, good pun title too. I really love the graphics, the posterized look is really cool. And like everyone has said, the radio message is awesome!

Minor things to look at is the windows interact text still saying "Placeholder text" and a table or two in the basement not being solid. A bit of a strange look having a player model but never seeing it outside of looking down at and through your insides lol.

Pistol saying "gimme dat" was pretty good.

Totally awesome game, unbelievable that you pulled off such a game with such beautiful art! I love how the game plays (even though I wasn't all to good at it), it feels very well polished. I somehow missed the existence of the electric fence on the station and so had a very hard time killing the aliens via carefully baiting them into my turret's range.

This game has big potential and could very feasibly be made into a full game that people (at least I) would pay money for. Your art is top-notch.

This is very cool, the wind mechanic affecting both the structure grid and the map is very interesting and innovative. This game is really solid and highly replayable for being made in 7 days!

The start is surprisingly hard, requiring you to learn what to do near-instantly, as wasting time or making mistakes early will compound later, which is fine I suppose and led to this funny stalemate where I was abusing heavy gold production to keep the snowballed army away (which I suppose I would inevitably lose when the army grows too large).

Fantastic game, with absolutely stunning visuals and a big soundtrack! Mechanically I had a very hard time getting used to the hitboxes, which seemed inconsistent/arbitray? I didn't understand what hurt me and sometimes walls did and sometimes they didn't. It also seems that the damage hitbox is much bigger than the item/ring collection one. But again, 5-star graphics and great menu design.

Very cool, love the intro!

As others have said, the graphics are a big disjoint and I did get softlocked by a box once, though I restarted and got it the second time. I am glad that the boxes move slightly towards a diagonal direction and aren't locked only to horizontal or vertical movement--it allowed for more efficient movement.

Yeah he has unused footstep sounds that were scrapped because I ran out of time, that would have helped greatly in tracking. He can hear your footsteps, so walking around while he is in the building is extremely dangerous, but possible for short distances (also depends on the type of floor)

Thank you so much for playing!

This game is amazing! I am blown away by the sheer amount of stuff you managed to get in in only a week!

The game is also longer than the average game I've played, but it earns all that extra play time by having a very fun gameplay loop. Those long-necked big guys are tough, first time I died was when they showed up. The sketchy stranger is a great mechanic, and I loved listening for his approach and turning around at just the right moment to stick a flare to him.

I played (and commented on) your game, it's awesome!

My game is this funny horror game JJ'S WAY

...don't worry, it really isn't that scary, I think.

This game is very funny and cool, I really love what you've done! But I really hate what they did to poor Gerald! I was trapped in a pit ;( but I think I will come back to this tomorrow and try to exact my revenge!

Done! I am a proud Funnelbuster.

I seriously like this, this was 5-star fun, the gameplay loop is great and I was genuinely fascinated by the way the game was rendered, like for a while I thought it was just a very well executed optical illusion, but I think it is actually fully 3d.

It is not enough to simply be a pilot--you must be a Funnelbuster. A pilot fears the winds that he cannot control, but a Funnelbuster exploits, morphs these winds to his own control. Pilots regulate fuel and land on time, but the Funnelbuster completes his mission but does not return home until every last drop of fuel is exhausted and enough material has been extracted from the tornado to double his own plane's stats. I embrace the tornado, I surf the wind, I am...


Anyway pretty cool, only sad when I quit and came back and my upgrades were reset ;(

Very cool! I was very impressed as soon as I booted up, the game looks very good and the animation is nice.

I really liked the ending because getting through labs 1-4 you get used to how things go, so seeing the door just open after the code but the player not entering instantly made me fascinated, and I loved the-- thing that happens at the end (Not spoiling it for anyone who has yet to play)!

That being said the game possibly demands too much time for the paper-clicking, kinda like porkrind commented, where perhaps it would be best to shorten the time and instead introduce a new mechanic/catch to increase difficulty.

Overall it was very cool, great presentation, and loved the one lore note!

You bet!

Exactly as stated, just thought I would put it out there. Play my game and leave a comment on the submission page, and I will trace it to your game and return the favor, guaranteed (even if you hate it)!


Click here!

Love this, reminds me of back when I used to program in the ancient Gamemaker: Studio versions! 5-star theme, everyone knows the feeling of scrambling to get their chores done. Game feels and plays good, and as others have said it is a overly-forgiving, making it fairly easy.

Pretty cool! I actually played this randomly because the house screenshots kinda looked like my game!

I couldn't quite win, why does the scary man bork the power sometimes, but others you just open the door after spotting him on the cams and then get jumped. Why check the doors if they are so dangerous?

This is really cool, the art is hilarious and it is pretty fun, love the premise. Tragically, I accidentally let everyone die the first time on the pizzeria--but I went back and saved everyone! 

Found the ourple crystal portal and got up to 90 resources on my second try, but I still got wiped, possibly because I returned late due to getting lost (and hoped placing a barricade/defender away from the totem would distract the enemies).

Thanks a lot!

I'll have your game played and rated tomorrow!

Hilarious, thank you!

I'll have your game played and rated tomorrow, just takin a small break after all that crunching.