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A member registered Jul 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Woah, you're making us blush! Thanks for the awesome feedback!

Thanks for playing our game! Impressed you got the Kraken! 

Hey! Yeah, we took a bit of a gamble with the theme. We went for the figurative interpretation as in the main character is "taking a breath" from everyday life in their dreams.

Hey! Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! Not sure what the issue with the screen swapping could be, but thanks for letting us know!

I am on an M1 chip mac and cannot open the build : (

Hey! Thanks for trying our game out! We're aware there's a communication issue with the bottles. You can move left and right with scroll wheel or by scrolling (up and down) on a trackpad. If you're willing to give it another try, that should solve your issues :D

Nice game! Love the style! However, it is a little unintuitive here and there even for devs. The chat system is a very nice touch and made the game quite immersive.

Overall, really cool game with an enjoyable take on the theme : D !

Well that was fun! Loved the play on coffee and YouTube. Not quite sure what I should have been avoiding or picking up, but with some more clarity it would make for a very fun minigame.

The overall art style is great and the game feels very nice to play.

Overall, good job : D !

Great concept and I absolutely loved the touch off adding a "share what you made with your friends" message. I do however kind of wonder how this fits with the "so much easier than in real life" theme. Feels just as hard if not harder than drawing a stick figure with pen and paper?

Other than that, great execution, a few bug...I mean features that were probably unplanned for but overall great game : P

We worked around a similar concept, but took 2 completely different approaches. Absolutely love the style and the loading screen adds a nice touch, I just wish there was more feedback in terms of letting me know I was supposed to drag it by hand. I closed and reopened the game like 3 times thinking it was just freezing/crashing on me xD. I liked the overall retro aesthetic, but I do wish the green sound levels were a little easier to see. First time around I didn't even notice that some of them were green.

Overall, great take on the theme!

Great concept but I wish there were more options and less characters. Would have gladly traded 2 character for more options with the other 2. 

The music fits the game perfectly, but the font on the other hand was a little hard to read.

Great character art, especially love how the expressions match what is being said.

Ahahahah that was a great read. Thanks you so much for all the feedback xD. Maybe leaving out therapy bills was a good idea or the player would have always been broke lol. Good point about the UI feedback, definitely could have been better. Regarding Spotif.... I mean.... Pointify... no, it just plays music. Basically a choose-your-own-soundtrack system. Hopefully we covered enough genres to satisfy most people.

Regarding the extremely accurate random title generation, sometimes it does produce some gems. Like... who wouldn't play a singleplayer socialist themed game?

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback and awesome rating. We're glad you enjoyed the game! Great idea about seeing your games separately along with more stats, would definitely have been a good addition : P

Ahah thanks for the feedback. Hopefully we managed to capture the essence of being a game developer... minus the making money part... xD

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the review. We haven't had time yet to look through the other submissions but we're looking forward to playing through yours as well :D 

Heyo! Wouldn't we all love to have an app like that xD. Happy to hear you loved the art, and thanks for the review! :D

Hey there! Thanks so much for the feedback. We're aware it's a little slow in the beginning and we wanted to add a x2 speed sim option, but ran out of time (same as with the achievement bug fix) : ( .

Glad you loved the art.

Surely something we'll keep in mind in the future, thanks for the feedback :D

Thanks a lot for the feedback. The detection is something that we'd really like to polish up in the future when we get the chance. We're glad you enjoyed the visuals, we worked really hard on those :P . Thanks for playing our game : D.

The idea is brilliant. I really like the whole mic idea. However, like another member of my group, I couldn't get it to work properly all the time, but I must say the game was still interesting to play and with more polish it could make for a great game for those with accessibility issues. I really like the simple art style: it makes the game look visually polished even within its simplicity.

(CYPHER GROUP -Filippo Cortese)

(2 edits)

Visually, beautiful game (I think we'll all agree on that :P). I personally am not a big fan of most serious games, but I must say this felt more engaging than majority of other jam-made serious-themed games. It could use some more polish here and there, as well as some more details to make the experience more immersive (great audio though...). Mechanics could have been better presented to the player at first, but experience still enjoyable.

(CYPHER GROUP - Filippo Cortese)

Liked the overall idea, and I am especially a big fan of the style and feel of the game. I like the whole '2d sprites facing the player' approach with some of the objects, and overall quite well put together given the timeframe. However, I must say it took me a while to understand what was going on and what I had to achieve, especially because I found no indication at the start that I could talk to the people in the room. Overall I was impressed by the atmosphere the game created, but the mechanics and overall user experience could have been a bit better though out.

(CYPHER GROUP -Filippo Cortese)