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A member registered Oct 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Teaser do Jogo Isabel Quer Bolo! da equipe Vish! O Retorno:

(1 edit)

Equipe Vish! - O Retorno

Equipe Vish! - O Retorno

Equipe Vish - O Retorno:

Equipe Vish! - O Retorno:

I just loved talk my way over and loved the art style!

the player could have a little more contrast against the background, but it is just a little polishing to be made.

Good Job!!

I liked the idea and the mood of the game.

I miss some player feedback about the health and a little more control over the robot.

But is a beautiful game and i loved art style of the menu

I mean the pitch, but is some thing that with a settings menu can be adjusted.

It is a great project!

I’m really anxious to see your progress!!

Yeah, I’m working in the waves right now. it is something that was annoying me during the jam but I didn’t had time to make it better.

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback!!

It is really good to hear that you liked!

Some adjusts will be make when the jam ends to make the game better and better.

Thank you!!

(1 edit)

It is a really interesting idea.

The instructions could be clear and it has a bug that when the drone die it became invisible, but still moving around

But with some more work the game could be really fun

Hi! It’s a very interesting idea.

Some things that cross my mind while playing:

  • It is hard to see the coins against the ground
  • Why the vacuum cleaner are taking coins and not something that represents “value” to it
  • Some vacuum cleaner sounds would been great

I couldn’t really understand what was the goal.

I saw the collectables and the purple ball, but stopped in there.

I loved that is a accessible game idea.

With some adjustments it could really be a nice playable game.

The voice-over was a little high also

The art is just amazing! Well done!

The enemy’s ships are really fast, I believe this and the damage could be balanced. But over all it’s a good game!

Nice game! it doesn’t seemed to me a very original idea. But I could not see any bugs, so good execution!

I missed a feedback when the enemies are hit…

Hi! it’s a really fun game! I loved the reference to shovel knight!

Your art is really cut and i really liked the level design, good job!!

It’s a interesting idea.

In the “day” mode is a little hard to see the pink bug against the red background. The art could be worked in the future. But the idea fits well the theme and limitation. :)

I liked a lot!

It would be great if the letters that start a word were highlighted.

I’m sorry to hear it.

I choose to put the sounds louder because i didn’t have time to put the settings menu together… I thought in the worse case people could turn down the volume (like you did). Because some of the people that play tested during the development told me that the sounds were to low

Thank you!

Checked your game and loved!

Really loved! I really had the impression of running in a maze!

I would like to know the story of the character.

Its very hard! But i loved

the feedback for the words collected could be more visible

I loved your game! the arts are AMAZING!!

Wish the player could aim all directions, but just loved it.

Really loved your concept and design!!

Please make more levels!!

The art style remembers me of static.

The camera was a little slow. Maybe you could try indicate where the player should go by using some visual clues.

Hi! i really liked the idea, but i believe some instructions would be great. Also, think about make more clear for the player that the red rectangles should not be touched.

Hi! i really liked the idea, but i believe some instructions would be great. Also, think about make more clear for the player that the red rectangles should not be touched.

I liked your idea, but the levels were really big, the player would like to see that they were able to take all the garbage of the level and that is not possible now.

One thing i didn’t understand was why you have to go near the garbage to get it if is the mouse click that complete the action? I recommend leave only one of this two. (or mouse click or player proximity).

So… the .exe is really a problem, most of the people playing to rate dont want files of the games in there pcs, so would be great you remenber this next time.

You shouldn’t say your game is garbage every single time because I had not played the game yet but already had seem the developer saying there was a bad game. You may try let people form their opinion before talk about every thing that goes wrong.

These all great ideas and some of them I was already thinking about adding when the jam is over.

Thanks for the feedback, I was really helpful and complete!!

Yeah, i feel that too. I'm planning on increase the difficulty curve after thee rating period ends.

Just didn't had time to improve this.

Loved the art!!

Very engaging and enraging game hahaha!!

It is a good memorization game!!

Its one of my favorite types.

The hourglass could give more time, because now at some time, even if the player complete  the levels at the ideal speed, they will not be able to go very far in the levels.

Hi! Liked your player animation a lot, if the other characters had animations like that it would be really fun to watch.

Your idea is really great, but the tasks could be a little more challenging

I found the controls and timing a little challenging.

But over all it is a really good concept. If you continue to develop it can become a really fun game to play.

Hi! loved the idea!

It was hard for me, because i don't have any motor ability, but it was very fun and engaging!

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I loved your game!! 

The sounds are amazing! Had to stop myself from playing to be able of rate other games too.