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A member registered Mar 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh yeah I'm curious, what does the writing on your title screen literally say? I can't read Japanese but I figured out the blue part means ninja lol

(1 edit)

Thanks. I REALLY like your updated volcano graphic. The sprite color changes do look good but I was trying to stick with NES palette (not sure if you were too but it doesn't line up with the specific NES palette I was using, the one in the sprites folder).

I'd have to do some testing on lava speed, though it will be a while before I feel like working on this game again, if at all. If I come back to it I will test your speeds and maybe find a compromise (like making it speed up after a certain delay).

I might use your title screen as the new icon for the game if that's okay (I would credit you of course). I think it's way cooler and more eye-catching than the current one which I threw together in like 10 minutes.

OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS. If I make a post-jam version I will add this if that's okay with you (along with any other updates I think are good).

The lava speed (technically it should be called magma but I wrote lava in the code lol) is one thing I found really hard to balance. It's definitely too nonthreatening as it is, but making it faster often made levels too difficult in the start. I tried making it speed up if it's sufficiently far away from you, but this messed up some of the levels.

Can I see the updated project file? I'm really curious lol

Wasn't expecting to still get comments this long after the contest. Thanks for playing

Congrats on winning the game jam

Wow I am glad I tried this one. While it's a bit fiddly for my taste, especially with some of the weirder quirks like the conveyor belts sometimes not really working, I had loads of fun creating a Rube Goldberg monstrosity to carry the car to the finish line. The deterministic physics kept it from feeling unfair. The music is funny and sets the tone perfectly, and I loved the low-poly aesthetic.

That's the most common criticism I've gotten, but I'm not sure if I want to change it. My best run is 1.82x speed which is probably better than most people get, and that takes just over 6 minutes to achieve if I did the calculations right. For me personally, that's long enough to feel strongly invested in the run without being insane like the multiple hour sessions I needed to reach the top 10 leaderboards in One Finger Death Punch 2's survival mode (which is why I dropped that game). If I come back to the project I will consider some kind of dynamic speed adjustment, like collectible clocks that raise the speed instantly.

This was loads of fun and I absolutely loved the art style. Would've been even better with audio, but still one of my favorite entries.

Solid enough platforming, interesting concept with the hearts sending you back a level. The only real issue I had was that the game sometimes dropped my jump input, which caused a few deaths.

Really liked the visuals and the gameplay ideas, but man it's going 100 MPH right from the start. Controlling the bounce of the mosquitos is quite hard (and feels somewhat random) and you're swamped with them right from the start. The result is that even a good run is very short, and the game is discouraging when you first try it.

Pretty cute, conceptually funny game that took a surprising amount of effort to beat on normal. The main thing I'd suggest  here is a more robust input buffering system that handles corner turns better. Right now it's too easy to cancel your first input with your second (e.g. hitting down then left results in you just going left).

I was doing that but I couldn't get high enough to clear the pit. The fan just blew me back down into the cannon.

My game had a similar sound delay problem in certain browsers, so I'd guess it's a browser-related issue or something

It was playing at the wrong time to be the shooting sound. I guess it was really delayed for some reason.

(3 edits)

The text from the book in the tutorial area cuts off and doesn't tell you what you're supposed to find. I did get past that part, but I can't pass the first level because I can't walk through the lattice-like structure to get to the gate. Not sure if I'm missing something obvious, so I'm gonna hold off on rating for now.

EDIT: Completely unrelated, but I liked the music and it sounded very similar to a certain section of Earthside - Skyline

EDIT 2: Nevermind lol I got it. I liked the aesthetic well enough but the gameplay boiled down to a couple minutes of running around and arbitrarily pressing E on things, and I agree with MashUp Games that it doesn't really fit the theme.

Pretty fun little arcade game, but like many games here it would've been better with even a simple form of difficulty escalation.

Solid gameplay, though I would've preferred if the zombies started out slow and gradually got faster. Good, consistent visual aesthetics aside from a layering issue with the crate shadows appearing over character sprites. The sound effects all played at the wrong time, either too early or too late, and having sounds for picking up ammo or taking damage would've been good. The music just totally stopped after I played for a few minutes, which was odd.

I barely understood what I was doing but I still won lol. The physics were weird but it was fun to control and I would've liked to see more levels.

Pretty polished and well-executed game in general, but the hallway with the sawblades constitutes a gigantic difficulty spike that I admittedly didn't manage to clear. On an unrelated note the dialogue was a bit hard to read because it was so fast.

Amazing fried egg

The gameplay felt a bit slow and choppy, almost like there were performance issues or something, but the puzzles were quite fun to solve. A more gradual difficulty curve might've been better, though personally I caught on pretty quickly.

This game's bizarre and fiddly physics make for a cliff-like difficulty curve. The physics interactions are so interminable that it nearly feels luck-based, even when you've learned some strategies. Even easy mode is very punishing, and baby mode softlocks you if your pizza gets stuck in the bottom-left corner. On the plus side, it does fit the theme and the music is cute.

Feels like a Dan-Ball game. Cute and relatively polished visuals, good gameplay that fits the theme, and I liked the upgrade system a lot, but like many submissions it's kneecapped by the lack of difficulty escalation. It only got easier as I collected more upgrades.

Cute game, cute music, but I can't finish it because the traditional platforming sections keep ignoring my jump input and getting me killed

I liked the concept. In practice, the levels were too similar and too easy because you could largely ignore all the obstacles and shoot the coffee straight into the cup. The camera controls seriously threw me off and I would've liked the option to invert them.

The line-of-sight mechanic with the robot confused the crap out of me at first. The puzzles themselves are pretty good (although I have no idea how I solved the last one).

Obviously underdeveloped, but I love the basic idea here

I think this is the single most creative and theme-appropriate entry in the contest. Some checkpoints would've been really nice, though; replaying the level wears thin pretty quickly considering the intentionally clunky controls and some of the more left-field additions. The police officer in particular would've been far easier to figure out on your first attempt if they started shooting before you were in range, and the part after the moving platform with the two coins you needed to jump over was quite a difficulty spike.

Any game that derives its difficulty from the clunky/indirect nature of its controls has to be exceptionally careful to avoid becoming frustrating, and unfortunately this crosses that line for me. I did have fun with it though, especially in the beginning when learning about stuff like picking up spikes as ammo.

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I don't like how it's brutally hard right out of the gate, and the second level seems to require either godlike timing or godlike button mashing to successfully reflect all the fires. I had to give up at that point. But goddamn are the music and graphics incredible.

This is totally my brand of puzzle platformer. I wish there were more levels. My only real gameplay complaint was the inability to jump while on a falling platform.

I didn't really get the sense that I was attacking an enemy, but this is still a fairly fun (and difficult) typing game

The player movement felt pretty off, but that (along with any other game mechanics present) didn't matter because I beat the game on my first try by just confusedly holding the left mouse button for 30 seconds lol

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I really liked the gimmick with using the statue form to cancel your horizontal momentum. The gameplay in general was fun but a bit fiddly, which came to a peak in the level where you need to use the statue transformation to bounce off the slime blocks and reach the fan. I probably tried it over three dozen times and didn't even get close to clearing that jump. The rules regarding when and how long you can turn into statue form and still be able to bounce off the slime seemed pretty arbitrary and confusing to me.

Being unable to move diagonally feels really odd, especially when player movement is so slow in the first place. I also didn't feel like I was "reviving" the zombies because they just turn into invincible black statues. Credit where it's due: you added a form of difficulty ramping, which puts this ahead of a number of the endless/highscore-based games on here. It does feel like hitting a wave where you simply lack the ammo to make it through is a foregone conclusion, though, since the number of zombies you need to "kill" increases every wave and you can't seem to replenish ammo from crates or anything.

As this is essentially a rage platformer, I think it would be better if you ditched the lives system. But nonetheless I enjoyed getting trolled by it.

butt run

I'll definitely play the game again when you update it because it was pretty fun