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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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There isn't a way to control lights using terrain tags, they're only used for shadow auto-detection and creation. 

If you want to have a lot of lights, you would need to use an event calling each light, so you wouldn't need to use region or terrain IDs with them for your lighting. If you want multicolored lights, you would need to make each one in the custom light settings, then call each light by name using comments in the relevant events. 

Do you mean the shadows? There are no terrain tag lights, only terrain tag shadows. If you want to change the shadow ambient color, it would be in map defaults. 

For changing light colors however, you would want to either modify an existing light, or duplicate one within the custom light setting. In your given light's settings, you can change either the tint or the color filter to change the light color. 

And if on the off chance you meant changing the numbers for the terrain tags, they're under the game settings. You can then change the tileset's terrain tags from there to the ones in game settings, in case you're using the tags for other purposes.

It's available in the newest version of the plugin, but the demo still uses region IDs rather than the terrain tags from what I last remember. By default, the terrain tags for walls are 1 and wall tops/caps are 2. 

If you want a great plugin that's customizable, you're in the right spot for it. Shora's is the only one I've meddled with that functions like Khas's light scripts/plugins. 

I keep trying to make an event chase after the player character, but it never works. I don't know if I'm just dumb or if there's something wrong with it? 

I'm trying to use KoTCPathfindToTarget(1, $gamePlayer) script call in the route option of autonomous movement, with the 1 replaced with the proper eventID #, but I get "Type Error cannot read property 'x' undefined". I can't really find anything on this page about it, or if I'm using it improperly. Any idea why I'm getting the error? o.o

(1 edit)

It's a perfect solution. My eyes and I thank you so very much. ; w ; 

You're welcome and thank you! Hopefully it can be easily added, since it would improve the general usage for those of us with sensitive eyes. ; w ;

Saw a couple of other comments about the program, and I just want to say that it's safe to use. Windows freaks out about it, but it freaks about any program where it doesn't recognize the publisher. Looking at task manager when it runs doesn't show anything untoward. No unexplained resource usage or similarly named windows apps taking more resources than they need. Additionally, Malwarebytes says it's clean, and that's good enough for me.

That said, this is a wonderful tool that's made fleshing out my stories a lot easier compared to other world building and writing tools. I have a few stories going at once that take place in the same town, and with the graph I get to see clearly how everything relates together. A nice touch is the option to exclude certain objects from the graph so they don't clutter it up. Plus, with everything interlinking through keywords, if I'm unsure about a detail I can't quite remember, it's just a click away. In say scrivener, I'd have to dig through my file sections, since I end up way more cluttered in it than I do in nebulous.

I will say, it is a smidge clunky feeling at first, since it took a moment to get used to creating objects to act as the over arching categories to nest new objects inside. Once you get used to that though, working in it is a breeze. It's making writing for my game easier since the way I use it works well with how I think, easily hopping from one section to the next, adding bits and pieces as I go. It's like super organized sticky notes.

My only request (if it isn't in the program already) is to have the writing fields be in dark mode too. Hurts my eyes a bit when I have to edit or add objects, and it's a flash of white from the text fields when I open them up. I know there's an option for changing themes in nebulous, so if there's an option for that to make the text field dark, I haven't found it yet. ; w ;

I hadn't tried the X key, holding shift didn't let me run before. I'll give it a shot. :D

Got this pop up during the mushroom collection scene. Also, currently cannot get past that section, as it seems Sombria talking to the player makes Luzia freeze in place and burns through the timer, leaving little time to actually move and collect the shrooms. I dunno if that's intended, or if it's in relation to the Null Error. 

I'm uncertain as to how to use Terrain Tags in order to have the map cast the shadows without using the Region ID. The rpgmaker thread says it can be changed in game settings, but I don't see the option for it anywhere in the plugin settings? I see in another comment that it isn't implemented, and I'm wondering is it a bug that it was left out by mistake, or was it causing issues and needed to me disabled?

Replying to say I'm having the same issue with the newest version of Gazo. The suggested fixes sadly haven't worked. ; w ;

Dunno if ya'll did something, but it's workin today now. :D

If your site has any more information about the maker, I can't access it because malwarebytes keeps blocking it even after adding it to exclusions saying it's riskware. Even with it turned off the site 404s on me...

Thank you for this adorably made and easy to use program. It works great, and it's nice to see my static image finally have a little life for streams! <3

You're welcome! I'm glad you like them. :D

Sure thing, glad you can use them! :D