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A member registered Jul 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hey everyone! 

Tonight, I’m having a game night with friends, and I’d love to include YOUR games too! Drop a link to your game in the comments, and I’ll play and review as many as I can. Let’s share some fun, weird, and creative jam games together!  

I also made a game for this jam, and I’m really excited about how the mechanics turned out. I’m seriously considering turning this into a full game with an overhaul but keeping the main concept, so I’d also love to hear what you think of mine—what worked, what didn’t, and what you’d want to see in a full version. 

Leave me some constructive comments, and I will do the same for you! Looking forward to your thoughts! 

Try it out here:

I like the PS1 Lora Croft vibe

The gameplay loop is addictively satisfying

The art style is so cohesive and charming!

The art style is so cohesive and charming!

The core mechanic is really innovative and fun!
Hi please give it a look! Will do to yours as well!

It's sad that you should also upload with the .pck, the game won't open with only the .exe. I am a diehard fan of the Hitman series and would like to try your game after you have re-uploaded it. :)

Nice concept

I love the mystery mood, and it's fun to dig on others phone like a prevent. but I got stuck after log in to the email, what should I do next? I couldn't open the pdf in the email

I love the sci-fi background, well done!

I stuck in the menu can't cllick the play button with the vute cat hand :(

我有Error, Load唔到入game :(

做得好有心 多謝你哋!



Interesting! Me and my wife had a great time solving the puzzle.
Btw, what is that blue thing in the middle?






1.(我電腦的情況) 畫面同視窗比例有啲錯,我要手動較browser個scale先望到過關啲字,但都未望到Next Stage個Arrow,第一次玩我仲諗乜個故事完得咁奇怪lol,然後隔兩日玩多次再較個scale先發現原來仲有下一關。

2.玩咗幾關後stuck咗喺個blue screen,遊戲繼續唔到落去

期待post jam build, 想睇埋個故事!





Incredible work! It's clear you poured your heart into this project.
The visuals are really engaging and enhance the gameplay, the cat is really cute, want to buy product of it <3

The sprite and style are very cute, I love the squirrel so much!

Impressive job! The level of detail and polish is remarkable for a game jam entry.

Well done! The visuals are cute, I love the look of the archer, enjoy playing it.

This game has a lot of potential! It's exciting to see such innovation.

Great job on the design! The visuals are really engaging and enhance the gameplay.

(1 edit)

It is an amazing work for such a short period to make, good job guys. It is so complete, the atmosphere, the art, and even voice acting? That's an overkill for a game jam lol. I enjoy it a lot, please tell me if  you made a full game of it.

Unfortunate for your upload situation. I will say this is a great gameplay idea, I got inspire from this. Would love it even more if I don't need to go though the tutorial again everytime I lose. Good job, this idea should be seen by more people!

That's a very sweet and warm idea, good job <3

nice farm + rouge! I love the game play and the art style, excellent!

Arts are very cute, and i love they keep asking to fire people because can use AI to replace, 10/10

I stuck in the "next" section, can't progress :(

Very cute art, I love when the little old guy put the V sign while winner XD

Cute sound when scaling the toy, exciting game play, good job!

Cute sound, great visual, everything ids very cute. Super polished, well-done!

The concept is cute! I love ants and I love this cozy experience, it's kind of relaxing to walk around and observe what that giant thing is. I love this game, thank you for creating this.

Blobby is very cute! Would love to see some animation on it.  The gameplay is challenging and it's fun!

The idea is very funny, silly and brilliant! I already started to smile while reading the introduction, laughing out loud while playing. The dialogue are great, everything is smooth, and the losing meow sound with the fired cat drawing is hilarious.  Love every aspect of the game, keep up the great job!

Took me sometime to finally reach 160m. Enjoy when it collapses, keep it up! XD

Giant robot, EVA and Plant vs Zombies, anything could better than this?

I love the art style, the music, the newspaper, and the cheeses! Great job!

I actually loving this, would love to see you make the gameplay longer