Looking back on it, a counter showing how many pizzas you have would have been useful. Thanks for your feedback!
Freezoroni Studios
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Thanks Theo! We were planning to update the game sometime in the near future, and the feedback from the comments really help us in knowing what we should work on. I already have a bit of backstory done but nothing else yet, i will be sure to keep your comment in mind when working on the rest of the update! :D
Well this game looked great! The art was fantastic and I loved how you could bump into the sharks and make them go up and down. I could see the relaxing vibe that was attempted but I have 2 main issues. #1 Why is there no music? I know that not all games had music in this jam(mine did not) but for a relaxing type game like this music is basically a requirement. Im pretty sure there are some good copyright free relaxing music you could have looped because I feel like that would have made this experience so much better and much more relaxing. #2 The fish are popping in out of the void. Maybe you could have made them spawn a bit further back on the x axis? I don't know but I just felt really taken out of the river experience every time I saw a fish popping into existence out of no where. Overall this was a pretty good first try at a jam, but there were still some pretty major issues. Keep making games though because I feel like you can end up making an extraordinary game with the style of art that you used for this experience!
Quite a calm little game! Although i'm not sure if it is really a game by definition, but it as definitely a nice and relaxing experience! I would have maybe liked to maybe have had a little more content like maybe another sakura branch or something. Overall this was a relaxing experience that was very polished. Well done!
Yeah, Thank you for your feedback, The auto-full screen is a problem for some, since I prefer it that way I didnt think about those who did not, thank you for reminding me that t may not be the best choice for all players. I also understand the problems with the main menu and the enter problems. I should have used a better way to deal with navigation so I understand your gripes with that. There is surprisingly a reason why why we made players restart the entire game, since we did not want players to simply press random buttons until they got the answer, we decided that having the game restart was the best option since it was a better way (in our opinion) to prevent random key presses. I do realize there were better ways to deal with that, but it was the easiest and most convenient way to deal with it in the time given for the game jam. Thank you so much for your feedback! I greatly appreciate criticisms and feedback because they will help me and my team improve as designers and developers!
All 5 Stars. Looks perfect, Movement feels slightly sluggish but that part of the game since there is a giant ball holding you back. The music and sound design is flawless. Just amazing game. One issue is that the controls appear at the end of the game, but that is the only one I found. Overall amazing game very polished phenomenal job.
This Game Was fun to play, but I would have liked a background (although I understand It might not have been possible to add one due to the time constraint). I loved the music and the concept was fun although at first I thought the game was broken because I could not figure out how to interact with the ghost. (I actually found the amulet and did not pick it up, before interacting with the ghost) But an indicator for interact would have been nice. The controls also so could have been tighter because they felt slightly sluggish (or maybe they were supposed to for the atmosphere). Other that you created a nice, short, and fun experience!Overall good job!
Yes that crash you got was a bug when you die and try to read the sign at the same time. I did not realize the bug happened on the entire map. Thank you so much for your feedback, all of the colliders in the game were precision ones for the spikes. We are going to patch the game after rating end to improve the level design and fix a couple bugs. Thank you so much for telling me about how you went left so that we could make sure that players could not do that in the patch for after rating ends. Thank you so much for playing our game and giving us your criticism!
Really Gun game but I did find it quite hard to lose after you get 500 points. After that I did not touch my computer for a couple of minutes and I did not lose and instead got to 1500 points before closing the program. There should probably be some sort pf scaling difficulty or else the amount of points you get is too insignificant to affect the balance in the portal. Other than that I had alot of fun with this game. Overall Good job!
Good concept but there needs to be more polish, I know this is your first game jam and I can relate because this is my first one too, but I feel like this game could have been greatly improved with some visual feedback like little animations or a health bar for the ghost (that I never defeated). I also feel as if both the player and the ghost were smaller, there could have been movement on the x axis of the game which would have improved the game drastically. Overall there is a good base but it needs to be expanded upon because the way it is it feels incomplete and rough around the edges. Good for your Game though, as it is a learning experience.
Great Game! I loved the game play and the concept behind the character movement. The floating table part of the game was a bit buggy because the frog did not move along with the table so my frog often slid off. But other than that everything else was very well executed and I had a ton of fun with this game. Overall good job!