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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Duly noted! I actually mapped E to interact at one point during development, until I remembered it was tied to shifting dimensions 😅

It might have been OK to have one key to cycle through the dimensions and use E to interact, I’ll keep it in mind for the next game / as a playtest goal.

Thanks again for your feedback!

What key would’ve been better to interact in your case? If I’m not mistaken, we also mapped Enter, but personally also felt it was kinda awkward.

We also had a lot of discussions regarding game controller mapping 😂

Thank you once again to everyone who played our game! We’re very proud of what we delivered, all your feedback is really appreciated and will help us make our future games even better 💪🏻🥰

(still a bit confused about our “Is the graphics 1-bit?” rating, as we didn’t use any alpha or aliasing so we only had two colors on screen at any point in time, even during the loader 🤷🏼‍♂️)

Yeah, gameplay is something we really need to polish, our issue is we always over-scope and we don’t have enough time for playtesting 😭 But it’s something that we will actively work on.

Many thanks for your kind words 🙏🏻

(2 edits)

I’m talking about this:

Also, WASD works, but on AZERTY or other keyboards for example, it’s not very convenient. Here’s an image of the keyboard, as you can see it’s difficult to move around:

The new input system makes it easy to map it, so you don’t have more work to do for more players to enjoy your game 🙂

Did you play Across the RIFT or did it slip under your radar? Eager to get your feedback on it, I’m sure you’ll find it worthy of your top ten 👀

Just did! 👍🏻

I’m not very good at rogue likes, but this was a solid entry.

I like having a skippable intro + a tutorial to get you in the mood before salying down enemies!

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That’s strange, the game starts in a very low resolution on my computer, everything is pixellated and illegible 😮

Here’s the Unity logo for example:

As helleg was saying, the mouse sensitivity is quite high and it would’ve been great to map ZQSD and WASD both as using arrows + E/F + the mouse is kinda difficult. Are you using the new Input System? It’s quite easy to setup all of these 🙂

Thank you! 🥰

Thank you! 🥰

Apologies for not replying sooner!

Regarding the graphics, we have two parts:

  • first, each 3D model has two textures (dark / light), which were drawn by Tayteus. Dark textures have less details, and light textures got all the details. I then wrote a shader to lerp between the two textures depending on the light (ambiant light or the player’s flashlight). This is a standard URP unlit shader.
  • second, I wrote a fullscreen shader that determines the color of each pixel based on its luminance value vs a threshold. Under this threshold, I output the *dark *color value, and over this threshold, I output the *light *color value. I created 4 different materials with this shader, one for each dimension. I then added a renderer pass to our URP settings, created a class that inherits from FullScreenPassRendererFeature to identify it easily in the rendererData, and when a change is triggered, I just assign the new material to the passMaterial property.

Solid presentation (art + sound), challenging but addictive gameplay, that’s a great entry!

As others have said, I think it would be extra if we were able to tell more clearly in which lane we are, as sometimes I got a bit lost visually. But that’s also kinda part of the challenge 😅

Quite addictive! As other have said, the undertale vibes are well done! I died against the boss, I have to train harder and face him again 💪🏻

That’s strange, I don’t think we had other reports of the keyboard not working 🤔 What browser are you using?

A big thank you for all your compliments! 🥰 It was our first game jam that spanned a whole week, and it was quite an experience 😅 I’m not sure I’ve reclaimed the lost sleep yet.

Nice artwork and narration! Hope to see you complete other games in the future 🙂

The very creepy atmosphere is really well done 👍🏻 Good a few good jumpscares when enemies came out of nowhere 😅

Did you make all the 3D models by yourself in the span of the jam ? That’s quite impressive 😮

Hope to play future entries of yours in a jam or another!

I like how both characters have their own sound mix. The art is very clean and detailed, which is a big plus.

It isn’t easy as it might seem at first glance, and delivering 15 complete levels with many different mechanics is quite a feat!

Solid entry 👍🏻

Nice and chill game.

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do after collecting all 15 stars? The NPC didn’t have any new dialogue. Also, are the other sharks supposed to kill us? I got chased but that’s all that happened.

Congrats on delivering this by yourself!

I think you have a bit of scaling issues with your canvas, the credits were not fully visible on my laptop, you should check the Canvas Scaler and make sure it is “Scale With Screen Size” with a good base resolution 🙂

Wasn’t expecting the jumpscare, good job.

I think it took me less than 2 minutes instead of 10 😅 Might have found a shortcut.

The concept was fun. Light / Dark mechanics were clear. I wish there had been more than circles and squares to find!

Fun platformer 🙂 It’s actually quite difficult, as the movements have to be tight to switch between light/dark and make it to other platforms. Traps and ennemies make it a full-on challenge!

Wayyy more enjoyable 😁 Thank you for uploading the build!

(Managed to get some ghosts stuck between doors 👀)

It’s our 1st FPS and we had some issues with the mouse sensitivity (some computers had some kind of snapping where the camera quickly jumped back into the center of the screen when the mouse input was too high), we’ve implemented what we thought might be a fix by capping these values, but it seems to have throttled other mice 😔

Nevertheless, thanks for your kind words! 😌

So cute, with the entertaining music and creature animations!

Controlling the ship was a bit confusing at first, but after some time I managed to get the hand of it and enjoy it 😁

No, I think E would work fine since we are not using the mouse, but you can also use Enter with arrows which is real close 🙂

Liked the atmosphere you managed to create!

Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the end as the movements keys are mapped to WQSD and not arrows, which doesn’t work with AZERTY keyboards 😢

Are you using the “new” Input System in Unity? With it, you can map multiple keys to the same input, so you’re able to have both WASD/ZQSD/Arrow keys, but also support gamedpad, etc. Very useful.

I love your art style (dithering is really well done, simple geometries work wonders), and the themes explored!

The text appearing progressively made my eyes hurt a bit, and it’s unfortunate that the controls are mapped to WASD only as with an AZERTY keyboard it’s quite difficult to navigate 🥲

Nevertheless, congrats on delivering this by yourself!

If you want to revisit it, we uploaded a Windows version that should run better 🙂

Yes, plain old Unity audio tools for integration 🙂

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We used ElevenLabs:

We had quite a bit of text and had to re-record some lines as development progressed, so we went over the free tier limits, but it ended up costing not too much 🙂

This was my score after my second try… as I tried to avoid all the bullets coming my way on the first try, even the light respleneshing ones 😂

Great combination of graphics and music, very enjoyable gameplay too, that’s a gem!

I agree with you on the fact that sometimes the orientation is quite difficult, as we didn’t have time to flesh out all the areas, all walls look quite the same 😅

We just uploaded a short guide for players who might feel lost too 🙂

As Larissa said, the visuals look great for the most part, I love the attention to details, the game world feels vibrant. But the lack of contrast and the CRT effect made me a bit dizzy when traveling vertically 😵‍💫

I was confused at first by the space bar that restarted the current screen, you should add it to the game description 🙂 But it was useful when I got stuck inside walls or between objects.

Overall, uneasiness seeps quite well from the documents / notes collected, the story and atmosphere were well orchestrated.

Congrats on achieving all of this by yourself!

Wow, that was really creepy. Loved the atmosphere.

My only nitpick would be that the controls are not configurable, and I cannot use arrows or ZQSD to move, so it was quite difficult to look for carrots, as I was often using the wrong direction.

Congrats on delivering this by yourself!

It seemed easy at first, but the introduction of paint eating enemies and the variety of strategies to managed them made it quite more challenging!

Good time playing it.

I played yours, here’s mine if you wish: 🙂

Nice take on Papers, Please! and integrating the Light & Dark (Day & Night) theme 🙂 I tried skipping the tutorial but it wasn’t a good idea, I think you should make it mandatory 😂

It’s amazing that you were alone to deliver all of this!

Hello! Tested yours, here’s my game, if you can spare some time for feedback: 🙂