The "clunky in a good way" is a great way to put it. I could totally see you guys refining that even more given more time with it
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Amazing art. I'm very impressed with what you were able to accomplish in the scope of the game jam, especially in terms of the main character's art. I think it's also THE best interpretation of the "you are the weapon" theme I've seen so far. Turning it on it's head "you are not the weapon", where you're this big war machine trying to just get by. I also thought it was neat how you can't make nice neat little farming patches, you're this big destructive guy with his tilling laser so of course it's gonna be super chaotic and like a wake of destruction except a wake of farming. (So it makes sense the tilling laser was hard to aim. If people complain about it, maybe make it even more clear that your war-bot farming is supposed to be chaotic.) How slow and clunky the main character was was almost unbearably at first, but once I figured out you could just jetboost to get around long distances, it made a lot of sense for the theming for him to be big and clunky when trying to do precise aiming and movement.
I really wanted to so more of this world and its charm, and have characters to talk to. I wish you could talk to that robot scarecrow as an npc, even if it didn't talk back. Or maybe it talks to you and your war robot mc is the big silent type. At a certain point I didn't engage the game loop anymore, and just jet-boosted around admiring what you'd built. I just want to see more of the world. I feel like it could be a love death robots episode.
It's a really cool concept. I dig the art and the viking theme, and the deckbuilding elements seem like they have a lot of legs, that there's something cool going on there.
The thing that would have helped me a lot is more visual feedback about what I can do, and what the result of what I do is. It wasn't immediately clear when I could play things, how much I had to spend, what the effect would be if I did something, and what exactly happened after I played a card.
It is pretty neat how you can construct your starter deck at the start, and I'd like to see more about how the deckbuilder would play out in how you equip items to make your deck.
Also, I'm curious. The card art looks really good. Did you do it yourself?
Cool game with a cool concept. I would have liked to see more mechanics or cutscenes fleshed out around the theming of the biomass guy. Unfortunately, I kept running into a bug where I'd possess multiple people and get killed because my projectile would shoot out of the guy who was not next to the guy who was shooting me with a gun.
The wall climb was a cool change of pace for a pseudo-platformer like this and I could see more being done with it.
Very cute game. The art and music is very charming. The tone of the music, and especially the chimes after victory and stuff really sell the atmosphere you're trying to set, I think. It's kinda funny how you can keep swinging after you die, cuz you're the sword and not the grandson. One thing that was very frustrating for me though, is that this game really encourages you to spam-click with the gameplay, but after you die, the death menu pops up and I would accidentally click the menu button and lose all my progress. I got a handful of levels in at least 4 times before I couldn't do it anymore with restarting from scratch.
Cool concept, though. I'd love to see cute interactions between the grandpa and the grandson, I think that would really capstone this experience.
At risk of disqualifying ourselves by editing our itch page or game atm, here's a post-submission PSA:
Win state is unfortunately broken, so waves just stop spawning at 10 minutes.
Drain CAN kill you. Beware, kids.
Though we really wanted to, there are NO level ups or power progression. So, we lied through our teeth in that description, lol. We had every intention to, but it met the chopping block during crunch time.