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A member registered Dec 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Your game is nice and fun.

Your game is a lot of fun.
I like everything.
but maybe you could have added an exit button in the menu.

I do not understand anything,
I don't know how to play.
I pressed space and the character began to move but that's all that I was able to do.

All in all a fun little game.
I like the artstyle of your game. It's cute.

In my opinion the bloom from the star at the end of a level was a bit to high. (but maybe you wanted it that way.)
The ground had some invisible walls that made it a bit harder to push boxes around.
You're game would be a lot better if you would add some sounds and a little music.

Have fun creating games in the future.

It's a nice little game.
I liked your game but the mouse wasn't moveable in the ending screen.

Your game is nice.
The collision with the water is a bit glitchy but the rest is great.

Great game.
It was fun to play and I liked the sounds.
I thought that the music was a bit weird. (but that might just be my taste)
The artstyle is great but maybe you could have added some small animations.

Thank you for your feedback.
I could deffenetly improve a lot in this game.
The rooms are indeed a bit too big and the melon could be fired only once.
I will try to make my future games better.

(1 edit)

It's a nice little shooting game but it's missing of some sounds and music.
You could make some sounds by using a freeware called SFXR.
The time is looking a bit weird. I think it would look better if you would just count whole numbers instead of smallers or don't display the whole numbers.

Great game.
I like the conversation between the robots.
I love it, that you had to switch between robots because they have different abbilities.
The music and the sounds are nice and fit together well.

I felt like the movement is a bit too slow (but that can also be just me).
You could make the title screen scale when you play in full screen.

You did so much in just 3 days. This is amazing.
Everything is great.

Some things I noticed:
Maybe you could give the trees colision.
In the final level after walking through the exit, when you then open the settings menu and go back you can resume the game.
The music doesn't loop.

I really like your game.
It's fun, looks good and the music and sounds are fitting and nice.

Your game is great.
You picked the perfect sounds for this game. xD
Your game kinda reminds me of flash games (in a good way).

The turrets work great but maybe you could make that you can only place them on the side of the road because the good guys and bad guys walk through the turrets when it's on the road.

You're game is cool.
I like the art and music but it's missing sounds.
It's cool that you added a tutorial but it takes a bit long until the next message appears.

Thanks for your feeback.
It is indeed a bit hard to tell what changed sometimes. I should have made something that symbolises it.
I will try to do that better it my next games.

Thanks for your feeback.
I think I should have told the player somewhere that he can double jump.
I'm going to tell the player the controlls a bit better in the next game.

hmm, That's weird. It loads for everyone else. I don't know why it doesn't load for you.

You're game is fun to play.
The idea of not wanting to win is nice. It flips winning and loosing.
I like the music and sounds of your game.

I like it when it swaps the colors and makes you rethink what you want to touch and what you don't want to touch.

I wish you a lot of fun creating more games in the future.

You're game is a lot of fun.
I liked to play through it.
I really like the artstyle audio of your game. It gives me a retro feeling.
The topic is well integrated. The idea of getting new abilities by dying is great.

The only thing That's not 100% great is that there are some small bugs. (The enymies got stuck in the roof once.)
But the small bugs aren't game changing and don't make the game worse.

(1 edit)

Your sprites are nicely drawn.
The movement works good.
The theme fits because the helpers drag the boss to the right and make it easy.

The orbs are like a wall when you touch them. You could set the collision on triggerd so you won't collide with it and just collect it.

I didn't understand how to defeat the boss. I spawned all the helpers with Q and picked up the sword and tryed to slay it by clicking with the mouse.
I saw that the sword was swinging but I don't think I have actually hurt the boss.

It would be cool if you would have added some sounds and music to your game.
For some sounds you could use SFXR. It's a free software for short sounds like jump, shoot, explosion, damaged etc...
For the music you could use a free software called Bosca Ceoil. Brackeys has made a tutorial on it.

I hope my little comment is usefull and I hope you'll have a lot of fun creating games in the future.

edit: sry that my comment was posted multiple times at first. It kinda bugged around when I pressed on "post comment" and then I thought it wouldn't have been posted so I pressed it again and so it kinda posted it multiple times :c. (I deleted the other comments again so there should now be just this one.

I like the artstyle.
The particles fit the galaxy environment and I like how they suround the bigger particles.

The music is great and gives good vibes.

The theme "Stronger Together" fits your game very well.

If i got it right, then the goal in your game is to combine as many particles as possible without destroying it. But I don't really see a reason for it.
It would be cool if you would have a little collection menu where you can see all the diffrent types of combinations you can do and which one of these you already had.
That way you would have a small goal of trying out all these variations of combining particles.

A little mainmenu might have been nice to have.
In the mainmenu you could then also add a little library of the diffrent types of particles.

I hope this little feedback was usefull and I wish you a lot of fun creating games in the future.
(and sry that I'm not very good at writing feedback o.o)

(1 edit)

Your game is fun to play.
I like the mechanic with the jump that gets higher by collecting friends.
The door mechanic with the keys is great and works well.

There is 0 audio. You could have added some music and sounds to it.
An easy to use  and free sound tool is SFXR. It creates sounds for things like jump, collect, explosion...

The line in your ground/wall is sometimes cut off. You could have added more tiles to your tileset.

Your game is great but the walk to the generator and back feels a bit long and when you die once you need to all of it again from the beginning. It would be great if there would be a checkpoint at the generator.

I love the artstyle, music and sounds.
They fit together very well.

The game looks and plays great.
The music and sounds fit the game.

It's a fun game.
The controlls work great and the puzzles get harder with new ideas.
It's nice that you made an options menu and a pause menu.

Maybe you could let the level auto reset when the player does a mistake and an exit button in the mainmenu would be nice to have.

Your game is really cool.

I really like the way the music changes when getting new flowers and how the jump sound builds uo on itself.

The controlls feel very smooth and it's fun to play.
And I like the trail effect the player has.

Maybe you could add a little Menu music.
and for the tileset you could maybe add an inner corner piece.

Thanks for your helpfull feedback.

I will try to make the walls and floor look better in my next games.

And I will try to make better cameras in my next games.

(2 edits)

Thanks for your feedback

There is a healt display on the top left but it's a bit buggy in the WebGL version. In the WebGL version the health display is only visible while you are in full screen mode. I don't know how to fix that.

The thing with being only able to only shoot one melon at once was also in my head but I kinda forgot to implement it.
and I like the idea of needing to pick the melon up again.

(3 edits)

The game has a nice idea and I really like the artstyle.

I like the music and the sounds but the volume is very low. An option to change the volume would be great.

I fell out of the world because I walked off the edge and my Computer started lagging once I collected many villagers.

Your game idea is great.
The art of your game is great.
The music and art fit to the game.

I think a pausebutton would be great to have in your game.

It's fun to play.

I like the idea of your game.
Your game is fun to play and I like the music.

The game is fun to play and the music is great.
I like the artstyle and the idea of the game.

But some sounds could juice the game a bit up.
After winning the game and getting back to the menu, the music will play twice.

This game is fun to play.
The artstyle is great and the sounds fit perfectly to it.
The music is banging and makes you hyped to infect some zombies.