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Grateful Pear

A member registered Jun 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback ! It's very appreciated ! :)

I could definitely sink a lot of time into this! It's super fun and a great concept ! :)

Thanks for the feedback and for playing! :)

I really enjoy games like this. It was fun figuring out different ways to scale to make it to the doors.

I really enjoyed the simplicity and creativity of the game ! Definitely something I could sink some time into :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! :)

Thank you for the kind words and for the feedback ! :)

Really creative take on the theme, and especially refreshing since I haven't seen anything like it! Real fun play :)

I really enjoyed the art style and music ! It was a very creative take on the theme :)

I loved the entire aesthetic of the game from art to music to mechanics. I'm not good at math so I needed a calculator to play, but other than that it's real fun ! 

It was our first time making a game, and unfortunately it shows in some big areas. 

We are excited to update our game once the Jam is over to include a more stable camera and movement. Thanks for playing and commenting! I'd be happy to take a look at your game !

Thank you for playing and for the recommendation! :)

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Thanks for playing and for the suggestion! We wanted to implement more music, but decided to focus our time elsewhere. We love the idea of adding more music post-jam ! :)

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Thanks so much! That is the biggest compliment!! That's a huge inspiration! I love those types of games and they bring such nostalgia. Also, thanks for catching that, we'll have to look into that bug ! :)

Thank you for playing and for the feedback ! :)

This is all very helpful insight, thank you so much for playing and taking the time to give solid constructive criticism so we can learn and do better. Thank you! :)

Thank you for playing and for the feedback ! :) We'll be slowing the speed down post-jam!

Thanks so much ! I'll make note of that so we can fix the speed post-jam ! :)

Thanks for the feedback and for playing our game :)

Thanks again for all your helpful feedback :) they're definitely not that small in real sheet music, but due to the zoom of the camera, we made them smaller. I'm excited to make adjustments to the game based on our feedback. Hopefully once the camera is zoomed out, we can make the music notes more accurate. Thank you!! We're very appreciative !

This is really incredible for 48 hours! Really cool and enjoyable game :)

I loved the entire feel of the game! Music/art/concept/mechanics. I'll definitely be coming back to play this later :) Great job!

I loved the entire feel of the game! Music/art/concept/mechanics. I'll definitely be coming back to play this later :) Great job!

The entire aesthetic and movement of the game is really incredible ! :) Congrats on making such a cool game in 96 hours !!

Thank you so much! It's a real bummer that our game didn't come out exactly the way we wanted, but we're excited to update it post-jam and use this as a learning experience. Thanks for playing! :)

We will definitely be fixing this post-jam. Thank you for playing and reviewing !! Much appreciated :)

You can see a bit more with the game in full screen mode, but unfortunately our camera missed the mark this time.

This was our first game, so it's definitely a lesson learned! We're planning to update our game once the Jam is over to include a more zoomed out camera ! Thank you for playing and reviewing!! :)  

Thanks for giving our game a play and for the feedback ! :)

Loved the art style, the scaling spaceship with speed changes, and the fact that the "pew" noise was made by you haha. Congrats on getting a game in within 48 hours! :)

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Thank you for playing our game, and thank you for the comment! We appreciate the feedback and we will be more mindful of the camera in the future ! :)

*Edit: we just discovered you can see much more in full screen !

Thank you for playing! And thanks for the kind words :)

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Thanks for playing, and thank you for the feedback! We are eager to fix that as soon as the game jam is over! It's definitely a lesson learned :)

*Edit: we just discovered you can see much more in full screen !

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Thank you so much for the kind feedback and thank you for playing our game!! :) We are very grateful!

*Edit: we just discovered you can see much more in full screen !

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Thanks for the feedback!! It was our first time making a game, and unfortunately we overlooked the camera while trying to figure everything else out. 

We will be updating our game once the Jam is over to include a more stable camera. Thanks again! :) 

*Edit: we just discovered you can see much more in full screen !

Thanks so much for the feedback ! :) It was our first time making a game, and unfortunately the camera eluded our radar. 

We'll definitely update our game once the Jam is over to include a more stable camera, and maybe a countdown. Thanks again !!