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A member registered Aug 06, 2020

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Was funny.

Liked that you get options to the story.

So, two ending options leave her nude at the end, but only one of them leave her scared for life. Will not say which though, or why. ^.^

(2 edits)

Just played the game. Would agree with much of what Gold Tales has said about Daybreak

Music fits the game. I love how in parts, such as in the cave, the sound of collecting things gets weird. ^.^

The characters are indeed cute, though simple. But not too simple. They look quite nice.

Yeah, the controls are tough. But I felt I did OK with the keyboard and mouse setup. Gave the controller a try, seeing I have one. The X-Box Pro 2. Didn't do anything in the game, at any time. So I don't happen to have any controller support for some reason.


I found the fight scene interesting. I felt it added to the story for what they may do at times for fun. And made them seem more robust, rather than frail and cute critters, and in need of rescue all the time. As is the meme in many such games. None is better then the main Hero. But, that is not in this story. Nice. ^.^

Though I know it was done for the story, to make a point, and it did, but was a bit disappointing, just the same. That after defeating Seraphine, she knocks the wind out of Eira's victory, by stomping Eira to the ground, and holding her there, wile asserting her dominance, in a way of saying without words, "You may have won this fight, but don't forget I am still stronger than you." Sort of action going on.

It was kind of sad to see. But does not need to be changed. No. It shows the dynamics of their relationship to one another, as you wish to show. Is out of the norm, and that can be a good thing.

The one you play as does not always have to be the strong hero type, or the strongest of everyone around, destined to be better than everyone. It's over played in game stories anyway.


I like the idea of a hub world. Is one thing I can't agree on with Gold Tales. I'd rather not have some menu driven level select. Aside from finding some form of warp gate, and you need to pick a spot on a map where you want to go. Makes the game feel a bit more open world, and less level driven. Not that all games need to be open world, but I think you get the idea. What you got setup for travailing to new locations, is fine by me.


This is not a complaint. Not at all. Is just an observation.

I find Seraphine to be a bit of a self centered brat. But comes with being the strongest of the two. She didn't like Eira using her ice attack, and called it cheating, despite the type of attack Seraphine was using on Eira. At least, Eira defended her use of her ice in a fight. Proving Eira can be just as bold at times, in her own right

Seraphine, seemed to be the bold trouble maker however, and tends to drag Eira along with her antics, despite it could get them both in trouble for it. She would state how important doing such things are to her. Such as wanting to go out for a forbidden last time night flight test run, despite proving she really didn't need to. Seemed more like she had got Eira to follow her, just to show off to Eira.

I think she just likes to be seen of as bold and impressive to Eira. Could either be seen of as egotistical, or endearing. Or a little of both. Take your pick.

But when Eira had something important Seraphine knew Eira could not resist doing, she got upset. Real upset.

Is understandable, for someone in her position.

In a way. Seraphine was not only likely use to being the one in charge of what the two of them would do together, in part due to her strong will and dominant side. But it hurt her in having to show her vulnerable side in having to let Eira have her way, by letting her go. In part with not knowing if she will ever get to see Eira ever again, once gone. Yeah, that thought had to hurt her plenty.

Knowing Seraphine is stronger then Eira, she could go along to protect her. And in reality, I'd say she should. But that is not the story. And reasons can always be made as to why Seraphine is going to let Eira go on her quest alone. Such as not waning to admit, how scared she would be, at leaving her home, for one.

Seraphine has shown she has feelings for Eira. And does care for her. But some things, are not always as one want's them to be. And Seraphine is finding that out. She will let Eira go her own way. But Seraphine does not have to show she likes the idea any, as she does not.

Yeah, I am pining over what I find to be an interesting story, to start it all off with. Pining, as in, now I want to see more of it. Oh' I so love a good story I can dig into. ^.^

On a side note: I could be wrong, and perhaps reading into it too much. As Seraphine said, "Don't make it weird." But could not help but think that Seraphine may have a bit of a crush on Eira. And, vice versa.

The whole feather gift thing was proving to be a bit complicated and personal. In a way of suggesting intent at being more then just friends, as Seraphine was insisting that is was just about being good friends and noting more. But, I have a feeling Seraphine might not have been 100% honest as to why she had given Eira the feather. And at the time, could have been just too embarrassed to say at that time.

But as I said, I also could be quite wrong.

Just tried the game.

I see this game has the same issue other indie 3D platform games of it's kind tend to have, and makes jumping up to a platform frustrating at times. Mostly in tight spots.

The player gets stuck when near a wall or other object. Such as standing on an ice pillar next to another. And if you are right up to the pillar you want to get on top of, you can't jump. Also happens when near a log on a hill, and other such situations. If you stand next to it or in front of it, you can't jump. You must take a step away from the wall of that pillar, or log, or other object to get unstuck so you can make that jump. As said, this is common with such indie games. But should be fixed.

Walls and such, should not lock you down, and prevent you from jumping.


I did create a glitch, at the start when following Seraphine, I lost her. I could hear her walking but could not find her, for a time. I first lost her near the small fort. I went to the left, to the hearts, and Eira talked about the small fort, but Seraphine could not be found. I travailed all over for her, almost left the lactation, when she shows up telling me not to leave yet. I approached her, and she just stood there. Then as I walked about some more, I had lost her again. So, I restarted the game, and made sure to keep Seraphine in sight at all times.

That worked. When we got to the small fort, and Eira talked about it, Seraphine was there to add her comments.

After, Seraphine didn't move for a wile. I thought the game got stuck. Then she moved and led me to the next location.

Had complected the game after that.

I would suggest, fixing the situation with Seraphin waking around at the start. Make sure she keeps to her trail, even if you go ahead of her, or move off the trail yourself. Or have her just stop and wait for you, till you return to her. So she does not vanish when out of sight.


Would also make some of the dialog a bit more snappy. At times, it takes so long for an event to happen, or for someone to speak, such as when talking to the elder Owl. Had made me think the game crashed, or I did something wrong, or the game was waiting for me to hit Enter to progress. None of those was the case, it was just taking much longer than I thought it should for things to happen.


Also, the hit box or trigger to setup for some dialog with others, needs some work. Often when in a group, the [hit Enter to talk] popup, does not trigger as well as it should. I have to walk around a bit away from the group after talking to one of them, to reset the ability to talk with another in the group, instead of just facing them. And triggering the popup so you can talk to others is glitchy as is.

I'd suggest having a hit box around the body of the one you want to talk to, placed just a little larger then the one it's over, and the trigger placed around the head of Eira. That way, it's whoever Eira's had is close to will trigger the dialog popup for the one you want to talk to.

I would also make it so the dialog auto cancels, once you move away from the one you are taking to, so having a chance to talk to another near by in a group, goes more smooth.

That's all I got for now.

Easy to cheat in. Locked doors, no prob. I am a wall climber. ^.^

Over all, a good idea for a short game.

Is this a DLC to Lunistice? Or is this a demo of some sequel to Lunistice?

I have Lunistice on Steam. And it's a solid game. But I don't see anything about a Lunistice 1.5 with all these updates on the Steam game page. So am assuming its a form of sequel. But want to be sure.

Would also like to find out more of this comic about Quetzalli in general. It is marked as Change of Rules 2. So, where is Change of Rules 1. Or is there story created previous to #2?

If there is more to Quetzalli's sotry such as when he was tempted to take the potion that changed him, might I find more or all of it in your dm-team page?

Well if you are interested in this old relic of stories about ChaKats, something I do recommend, here is a link to the mane page. - - And here is a link to the main story page. - - Will want to start with Forest Tales #1: Reunion 

It is a lot to read. Has been there for years, and still is, surprisingly.

One of my favorite sections, made into a book I got. If you get that far, you may figure out why I like it so much. Forest Tales #16 – #18: Transformations

As for your story, I will want to see the next page of your story then. ^.^

Interesting concept. I like it. I like it a lot. ^.^

Reminds me of some unusual skunks from a set of stories about chakats. The chakats are hermaphrodites. The skunktaur are a bit related, and made about the same time, but by someone else.

Instead of being both male and female at the same time, they are a form of hermaphrodite that go thought a monthly change, where they be male one month, and female the next. The change itself is rather fast. About 15 min for it to finish once started.

I for one would like to be either, like the chakats, being both at the same time, or more rather be like the skunktaur, being able to change between the two, and not being stuck as one or the other. Being stuck as one, does kind of suck a bit. But one does get use to it.

Yeah, deal of the century! Mostly that the full list of what you get is much larger now, for that mere $2.

Was on gumroad. I had gotten his past 2D Sketchfolio 1-5 set. But after looking today. Is all gone. Think he went full for this sot of selling now. He stated that he sold 231 on Gumroad, and 673 on So he is doing much better here, then he was there. Am working on a game, and am planing on selling it here, for even before seen this, seem to be the best option for what I be making. Just saying.

I use IrfanView 64 to play most any animated .gif and animated .png.

Yeah, for what I make at work, and am near broke at the end of every week. $2 is still noting for me to loose any sleep over. And this is some Quality! 3D animated work here. Is worth way more than the min of $2. Hell, a person could probably sell some amateurish basic sketch drawing online for that $2. Some just want everything for free. >.>

After seeing this massive collection posted on IB. Had to get it. Paid a bit more then the minimum $2. For all one gets, is worth way more then $2. Love your work man. ^.^

Have been enjoying the new added art. And wish you luck with your next game building venture.

I don't know Renpy.

The animation would be done in 3D with Blender. That would mean making and rigging 3D models. And creating the small world environment for the events to take place in. After, I would need sound, and some form of voice over.

It would be a project, one I be only a little familiar with.

Cool. ^.^

Not to say I will. But if I was to do anything, it would be to make a short animation, using the story you made as a base, with some of my own small changes to it. As a form of fan fiction, of a fan fiction.

Been thinking about it a lot actually. Became oddly obsessed over this story of yours. I don't know why. O.O

But I lack the talent and time for such a project. However, if I did do such a thing, I'll be sure to let you know.

(2 edits)

Is true, or, that is how I see it as a character flaw on his part.

And seeing his intent is to basically corrupt Gomamon into a total perv, that is, his kind of perv, even during the "good" route, I'd call him a bit of a antagonist, and is not meant to be fully liked. If you don't swing that way.

As for me, I don't, and felt he had been a bit too much of a jerk to Gomamon for repeatedly poking fun at him by referring to him as a girl even throughout the "good" rout.

But all in all, it did not put me off from enjoying the story any. And he was rather quite redeemable most of the time, if you chose his actions wisely.

I do happen to like dark, so in my own way, I did enjoy the "evil" rout too. Wile knowing the mane guy was going to be an extra mean antagonist to Gomamon, to turn him into a total broken submissive in the end.

I too felt he could have been a bit nicer to Gomamon during the "good" rout, but then it be me making up the story as to how I want, rather than taking the story as written. And is never the right way to think when reading someone else's work. Is not fair to the writer. As then, it would not be writer's story anymore.

He is what he is meant to be. A person who is not perfect, and not always nice.

If I wish, I can just imagine him to have been nicer on my own, in my own made up version of the story played out in my head. And that is more than enough. It's what shipper of fan-fiction do. Or, at least, I do. ^.^

Oh' for got to mention, I love the artwork to this game. ^.^

Don't know why it was not in my paid games list, but payed for it now, and am going to give the .76 a try, just to check out some of the art updates to it over the .69 version I tried.

(1 edit)

I have the 0.69 version.

Been quite addicted to this, and played through enough to get three endings.

Had played for the nice ending first.

I know why it's there, but one thing I would change, is how Gomamon reacts to [Molest] and [Kiss] once he has not only gotten comfortable with your advances and touching throughout the game, but getting cheeky and flirtatious himself, showing he now wants it.

The [Pet] and [Bellyrubs] get to the point of excessively sexual near the end, and he enjoys it a lot, so his responses to [Molest] and [Kiss] by then don't quite fit their now grown relationship. He responds to them as though being molested is new to him, and is unwanted by him, when it shouldn't.

And though getting kissed on the mouth might be new to him, even by then, his reaction to it should not be so unwanted either. Just saying.

Might want to unlock [Molest] and [Kiss] as a positive experience, once it's gotten to the point, Gomamon is getting sexualy playful himself. Mostly sometime after breaking the second gate.


A fix that might need to be made, is when I went down the dark path, the player teases Gomamon's fish attack, before Gomamon brings it up during [Idle-Chit-Chat]. So the player should not know about it when he talks about it as a worthless attack during some other instance in the game.

There is a few such moments in the game where something is mentioned in one part of the game, before it's talked about in the part it's meant to be described. It can break story immersion.


Over all, it's been a fun little story to play though. Would like to see it when finished. When you feel it's at version 1.0. ^.^

Neat idea. I like the models. Changeling game. Not sure I can beat it. Is fun to try.

Pasting this into your windows explorer will take you right to the save files. You can delete them there.


(1 edit)

Love save files. ^.^

Staring out, after first getting into town, my guy Gilly is all decked out in some of the games finest. All matching. Is a good looking guy, ready for adventure.

How ready?

6 levels of extra heath.

A Sword - at 155 - strong at +12, Choker - at 166, Gloves - at 160, Codpiece - at 978 (mighty giant war-hammer proof ^.^), Boots - at 489. And more gold than should ever be normal - two slots of gold worth 9999, and one at 7037.

And an unseen starter 9999 pre-colected energy. That should get a few portal levels open. ^.^

I know what some might be thinking, "Cheat much. >.>"

And that be a yes.

Thank you.

I posted the issue I had in an edit below my post.

Don't know if you did make that adjustment yet, or if it was a glitch, but I was killed by an NPC, after we had a fight with some skeletons, and all was down, before I was killed by the NPC.

She just came right for me, and cut me down last. In what seemed like some berserk blood-lust rage, ignited by the fight. O.O

Good. I like the idea also.

Would be a fun way to build up the town by adding more NPCs in it, in various ways. Be them made to follow or be carried. ^.^

This might mean, in time, setting up more starting land for the town, to build on. No need to go over board. But a land mass almost as big or half as big as a wild environment, I feel should be plenty.

And what I mean by build up the town, is just having homes appear when needed on their own, or you can place homes manually.

All of that could become a bit of a side quest, to add a certain number of NPCs to the town, for some kind of bonus, like getting to have sex with Shale, and no other way in getting to do that.

Just a thought. ^.^

Yes, ragdoll is funny. Some games have that for the same reason, and no other reason.

Was thinking when I first seen it and tried it, that for this game, it could be taken a step further, and perhaps be used as another form of flirting, an extra submissive flirting, inviting an NPC near by to just come over and have their way with the player avatar as they wish.

Could be further built on, by having a set of things an NPC might do at random, partly based on the sex of both the NPC and player avatar. The more added, would help keep it form looking too repetitive.

Could be real fun to see also. Just a thought. ^.^

(1 edit)

Must you play as a male? I got everything I can find, but a few chests i can't jump high enough to reach, and can't have sex with the firs and only fur I have come across. I also can't seem to enter the town. There is also a counter of something I am suppose to get, but I have no idea what they are.

Others are enjoying this game, and some said they been in the town, but how?

- Edit: -

Found the issue. I was attacked and interrupted when I first tried to talk to the first fur, and that canceled any hope of opening the portal, for once interrupted, she will not proceed or start over form where we left off, and get to the topic of opening the portal.

Re-staring the campaign from scratch was my only hope of getting her to open the portal. And now that I have, I found the game better than I first thought, so far.

Now I wait for the game to be finished someday, so I can play through all of it.

Fun game.

For anything I would want to see in such a game, mostly when the game-play  can last about five hours, depending on the game span settings, I would like to see a way to same the progress, and come back to it later.

Knowing the project is done as is, I'd suggest having a save option in the mentioned Daggan 2, if possible.

Fun fact, don't know if this was a glitch, but I started a game, didn't even get to make a move in it, before I had to leave it. When I came back, seen the game say, "You win." Don't know how that was possible, but was funny to see.

Took time to learn a few things about the game, such as, you don't aim at what you want to hit with the aim cross. Found it near impossible to hit small rocks doing that. Instead, I had to aim the swing slash, usually animated below the aim cross,  at a target to hit it properly.

I look forward to seeing the Daggon 2 once it's available. And wondering if it will have everything in 3D, or if it be a mix of 3D and 2D like this one is.

My vote is to see everything as 3D models, such as in Just in Slime. A game that reminds me of KoboldKare, just a little. ^.^

Oh' yeah. On a side note: During the game, once I found out I could stuff mice in to her back door, I put as many as I could fit.

This made the game a bit more challenging, for I had to time my movements according to when she was getting off on those mice squirming in her. Or she could fall mid jump, or miss catching mice when I wanted her to eat them.

Part way in the game, her inventory reset, and she lost all her mice. When I hunted for more, I found an amount that made her get off on them much more quickly and more often than by being full. This in turn again mage the game all that much more changeling, and fun to see. ^.^

Never tried a game jam. Have not mastered game making, so... >.>

Is sad to see so many good games made for a game jam, that was never expanded on after it. And some I feel should be. Yu Crossing Animals, be one of them. That was fun and the art cute. It deserved to be a much fuller game, in my opinion.

Yeah, both the visuals and game play was quite fun. The robo dog was real cool looking. Made me think of something that be a cross between a Doberman and a Rottweiler in robot form. If I was to make one for a 3D game, that be my inspiration.

Not a big vore fan, But I can dig it. Am more into unbirth-themed content than vore. Thankfully there is plenty of content to be found on both. ^.^

Perhaps someday, I may add to that list.

Just finished the game. The pixel art looks good. Loved all the animations to it. Can be hard to do pixel art that good.

The physics for both the belly and the womb was fun to watch, with mice in there. Found if I have four mice in the womb, and three in the vag, she gets off from that real fast! O.O

The platforming was fun also, and quite solid. Yes, that big section of spikes right after learning about womb was a challenge. For you loose all forward momentum after hitting the wall. Is more realistic, but can make platforming hard at times. Thankfully that was the only spot I got stuck on, for a short time.

I had only two gripes.

The main gripe I had was, in how hard it was to slip anything out of the womb, once it was in there and the entrance closed.

I found it was easy enough to get a seed out, when it was moved out pointy tip first. Same with the mice, was a bit harder with the mice, as could only get them out nose first. But doing either was quite hard, mostly when I had a lot in there.

When I got to the end, I had a seed stuck at the entrance to the womb, and could not get it out easy at all. It took garbing another seed, and using it to open the entrance to the womb long enough to quickly pull the stuck seed out.

The other gripe was related to the first. Had to do with how many G. seeds I needed to open some of the doors. 20 for one of them. This would not have been an issue, if I could move things in and out of the womb much more easy than I could. Made it take way more time then it should have.

If you ever do rework this, and make it bigger, with more stuff to it. I would suggest fixing how hard it is to move things in and out of the womb once the entrance closes.

All things considered, I did like the game. Would love to see this expanded on.

Am is wondering, if you mind me using the concept of this game, to make my own? If I do make one, and that is a pretty big if, it be a 3D platformer version of this one. If that is OK with you.

Came across this at random. Not so much into bugs, but the story was quite good, and card game and use of it with the story was even better. Took a wile to get the hang of it, but eventually did win. Also took me writing down the values, so I would not forget them.

Had got this game on Steam, before it was removed. I love the art in it. ^.^

Pleas have a PC version, not Rift. I have the HP Reverb G2. Make it Steam compatible, then so many will want to try it.

Set my PC to 800 x600 and it looked much better. I could see them! ^.^

Was very hard to see them on a small  27" 4K display. set to 4K. O.o

I did try to use windows magnifier tool. But for some reason, the magnifier would stop flowing the mouse the moment it was over the game, making the magnifier useless for this. Otherwise, it would have been real nice to have used it with this game.

This is  a cute game.

Wish the little Lintwins looked half as good in the play area as they do in the viewing image of them. Would be good to see this remade in something like Unity, so as to fill a lager play area also, and the little ones can be seen better.

Would be quite something to see this remade in 3D, with models made in Blender. Though I understand, that would be vastly harder to make.

Not only got use to some of the game play, but  was able to manipulate the save file some also.

I could customize  a few things within the save file itself. The Joy Power  (cash) was the most easy to set to whatever I wanted.  Most everything about the Lintwins I could reset also. The  animal type, colors, sex, friend, actual typed in fitting names I can remember, and more. ^.^

Other than the little Lintwins looking so tinny in  the play area, I do like the idea of the game.