Thanks! I appreciate you giving it a go!
Greg Squire
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Thanks for giving it a go! I like the idea of having the lasers richochet! I planned on having better pop particles (and sound) but ran out of time. I also agree that haptics would be a nice touch when firing the gun. Also I had issues with bubbles ending up just outside my global room mesh (so it wasn't just you), not sure how that happened either.
Thanks for giving it a go Ian, much appreciated! I totally agree with all your points. I did make the bubble turret grabble/moveable (before the game starts), but it would be best to figure out where the center of the room is and place it there. I know there are some ways to do this with Meta's MRKit, but I ran out of time to figure out how to do that.
Nicely done! I love the atmosphere and the voice overs to tell the story are excellent! The atmospheric music was spot on. I also liked the inventory mechanic. I was able to get through several rooms, but once things turned dark I went down to the cellar with the door that was slighly ajar and I couldn't get into that room. I was able to distance pull some wine bottles through the crack, but I got stuck at that point. Quite a bit of content for a game jam game, so I'm impressed.
If this was a full game, I'd add some comfort options like teleport and snap-turn (continuous turn makes me nauseous after a while).
Hi! We held a game jam this weekend and we held our closing ceremonies. We had some in-person judges determine our main categories, but we have an "audience choice" category where we utilize's ratings system. I had incorrectly set this to end at 6pm (it should have been 8pm) and once we turned them loose to vote, it had ended (but it had 3 ratings entered already). I modified the ending time to 8pm as it should have been, and then everyone starting entering their ratings. Another 180 ratings were added, but the results page is only showing 3 games instead of the full 14 games.
I'm guessing that manually changing the end time may have screwed something up. Here's the results page in question Is there any sort of magic you guys can do to get it to recalculate the results and get the other games to show? Also is there a way we can fix this in the future if we make the same blunder (so we don't have to bug you all)?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks for the great feedback Ian! I'm glad the passthrough is working for someone at least. It's still very much a work in progress, but it's moving forward at least. (There were a few steps backwards recently.) Good suggestion on the physics movement; I'll have to review the code to see what method I'm using. It makes sense that physics will work better with a physics method of movement.
Weird that the ball is moving with the thumbstick. I may have an errant script on there or something. I agree I need to tone down the shadows (had bigger fish to fry). Thanks again!
Yeah there is still a lot of jankyness I need to fix. From your video it looks like the cat is colliding with some spatial data (as seen from the shadows it makes), but you're not getting the passthrough either. That spacial data may be from the test data that's in the project, but it should be replacing that with your own. Hmmm.
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