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A member registered Dec 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah we had to waste most of one of only 4 days we could work on the project trying to fix that, didn't work out too well. Thanks for playing

My personal favorite game now, and maybe others too (i hope) but I did find a few issues

The shop is kind of lacking, on my first playthrough I randomly picked what to buy, and I literally could not buy more handling to make the game possible to beat (although it was still super fun)

Some of the hurtboxes didn't really make sense. I feel like when the spearmen where attacking, you should be able to hit them at least 2 or three frames after, but it feels like you have to wait an eternity before the hurtbox goes away. Also the thrown spears could damage you when you drive into them from behind, which didn't really make sense, and also caused some damage, which in my opinion, was unecassary and confusing.

Last thing I thought was notable is that just holding drift and letting go felt like a gamble as to whether you would hit what you wanted, which is fun sometimes but frustrating other times.

Loved the game though, and the spartacus scene was amazing. Thanks for making this

Mario kart 9 better end up being this game


The game is super well polished, its always nice to see when people can make the most out of the time they have, but the camera of the game can be a bit frustrating to control, especially with the volcano challenge. I spent ten minutes trying to line up an unreliable shot, and had to wait like 5 minutes for each of the people close to the volcano to come back. The cursor could also use some work, it felt like I had no control. Overall, other than a few bugs where the ragdoll wouldn't react to being flicked, ad the camera thing, the game is full of fun entertaining content. Would play an expanded version

Super wacky, super fun, and the difficulty scales a lot. 100% my type of game. Thanks for making this.

Definitely something. Bugged out for me but after a couple refreshes I got it to run a bit and there's also some charm to it. Hopefully in the next jam you'll be able to use more of the time.

It should have said in the story mode, but I can see how you'd miss that

The goal of the game was to destroy the other karts, not to go fastest. We were planning to add a totally super secret win method to win by getting first but it kind of subtracts from the point

Known bug that was missed on export:
You can't get to the final race from the 3rd race (loop one)

If you want to play it then just use the level select menu

This game is actually genuinely fantastic. I do think the beginning starts of a bit slow, and obviously more "enemies" were intended judging by the name of the upgrades, but I genuinely really like this game.

Some of the art could probably be touched up, since the contrast is really harsh in some places and really subtle in some others (brick vs background and snowman vs ground) but I genuinely love this game

Sound design is interesting, but never boring

Visuals (in terms of art) are just fine, maybe adjusting how it contrasts against the background

Solid gameplay loop, but that kind of comes packaged with incremental-style games so it doesn't need to be commented on further (doesn't mean its bad, gameplay loop is fun, but obviously there isn't much there from jam time limit)

I feel like the game would benefit from pacing changes and more visual effects to keep the player entertained throughout the whole game, since the beginning is a bit annoying to get through

One last thing is that i think the snow decreasing over time should be changed to just how much you move so you're encouraged to optimize every aspect. Time based stuff like that isn't my thing to be honest. Although maybe I'm wrong and its just because there isn't much else to focus on.

Overall, yeah solid game, would recommend 10/10 in every aspect (but maybe originality is lacking a bit)

Super fun, but it builds up really slowly. I feel like for a jam game the pacing should be kept fast since there's not much content near the beginning.

The controls are fine, although it can be really annoyingly hard to aim properly, I feel like the game would literally be better with bigger bullets. The bullets being small makes it feels less like the game is challenging, and more like the player sucks.

Also great writing, it definitely kept me engaged (when I wasn't accidentally skipping it)

There was 100% a rewarding feeling whenever I killed an enemy, but at times the gameplay felt a little slow, and I had no clue what was going on. You went overboard on the visuals for sure, but in a sort of good way. Sometimes it was a little too much but other times it also made the game feel awesome.

One small thing is that the best strategy I found was just spam clicking everywhere, and then just getting enemies by chance. It works wayyy too well and I feel like it sucks all the fun out of the game since you just kind of stop thinking, although chaining enemies like how you suggested in the beginning (tutorial thing?) could be a bit frustrating so just spamming everywhere was also a bit of a solution to that.

100% a fun game, but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing any damage and the enemies are just beating me up and I can't do anything about it.

(1 edit)

I cobbled most of the game together in one 14 hour stretch on the second day of the jam. No comment on the drugs.

Thank you! I should add, there was no planning at all for this game. I simply just added whatever I thought made sense, and then usually never changed it from its first iteration. All of the art was made when needed, and never changed. Same with the controls, and all mechanics. I instead focused on tweaking the the difficulty of the boss fight, so next time I'll try changing the introduction to new mechanics, and avoid single sentence tutorials.

Thanks for the feedback! Next jam we'll probably either go for a more in depth tutorial for control changes, try keep it more similar to the original, or justbnot change them at all.

Glad you enjoyed! If you have any further feedback please reply!

Thanks! We actually just opted to go with the flow for the story, since I realised that it worked best for a goofy game like this. Unexplainable things just happen. I'm also very glad you enjoyed the art, it was actually my first time drawing like that for a game.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. We took inspiration from hoe older nintendo DS games would go about it. And thank you for the feedback on the boss fight. We'll definitely focus on trying to make the game less frustrating. Originally you were supposed to have 6 hearts but a playtester claimed it was too easy.

My time was 50 seconds exactly :O Very satisfying game - I was a little sad when I finished the whole thing - but it makes sense, too many levels would stretch speedruns to absurd lengths

Its a very fun and pretty game - I love how you twisted the theme into the speed aspect - rather than a challenge

It was fun, but it doesn't really offer much

This was really fun - but can I ask - what on earth is the space junk supposed to be? I am really curious

The ending of the game is pretty abrupt and it can be pretty hard to get some speed but other than that - it was fun!

I'm pretty bad at these types of games - but its very nice to get past sections of the map.

Thanks - its nice to know that the controls weren't a problem

Thank you! And I do see your point about the camera zooming in, I would update it now, if I could, and when playing the game I kind of forgot about the gravity I added. I think if I actually thought more about it while playtesting then I would probably have a much better game since it could be used in a strategical way.

I feel like the game is a little bit confusing at some parts - especially the tutorial - but other than that good job!

I feel like the game couldve benefited from a tutorial - but the controls on the game page works as well. Good job!

Walking into walls always bugs me out for some reason - but its really fun nonetheless!

Its nice and fast paced - but I can't stand the fact there are no checkpoints or anything of the sort - and I feel like the rapid free fall should be a little more "rapid"

It is very fun and interesting - but I can get myself lost or trying to figure out the geometry of a level often - while it is cool, it can be pretty hard too.

Slippery controls - and I'm all here for it - but I think the asteroids are a bit too punishing.

It was hard - but I feel like with a little more practice there would be some amazing plays!

Fun, and has an interesting puzzle aspect. Great!

I like it! Everything was great except for the fact that I couldn't change gravity and press the movement key at the same time - which was pretty frustrating

I find it cool that you were able to do this - so good job! But it can be very hard to figure out what to do. The walkthrough grass blended in for me until I accidentally used it the first time it appeared - and at some points its hard to find out what you can fit through.

Fun but it is really confusing - I am often just trying to figure out whats going on.