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A member registered Apr 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Three years have passed and I still play to this great game with my daughter. Really fun!

I really liked it! Very nice job, the game feels very polished, specially for a weekend-jam standard. I think the fast puzzle approach is a nice way to implement the limitation; the difficulty is well balanced. I only struggled a bit with puzzle 17th, although it was not so hard, for me it was more of a challange than the 3 final puzzles. The music also gives a very adequate sense of urgency.

All things considered, very nice job---you can feel that there is a lot of work put into it.

I liked very much the sprites and animations, there were a lot of them for a 72h jam, so good job on that! The music was also nice, specially how it interacted with the ingame progress.  Indeed it was difficult (I wasn't able to complet it, for now), and I respect the choice, since I like difficult games more than easy ones. But, without compromising difficulty, I would suggest to revise a couple of issues. One is that, quite frequently, the character dies without any animation, which let the player without knowing very well where was the mistake. The other is that is unsusually difficult to properly hit your enemies in the right place. I think this occurs because of their rapidly changing movements. Maybe giving them a behaivor a bit more predictable would help to this end.

In any case, you did a beautiful game. Good jam!

I was intrigued by your game, so I made an effort and enter in my old crappy Windows partition to download it and play. And, well, I can say it was worth it. I suffered from low FPS almost the entire game (that's my hardware's fault), but even with that it was a enjoyable experience. The qualities of every texture are really good. The top scupulture is outstanding (I don't know if you did that, but if that is the case, wow, impressive job on that). The top platform in general was very pleasant, and of course the ride was great. It reminded me to Skyward's Sword, but with in a more realistic (and at the same way artistic) way. The troublesome ending was also very nice (although I confess there is 1am here and it scared me a not-so-little xD).

All in all, very well executed proposal :) Good jam!

First, thanks for making the web version available! I wasn't able to play when I tried two days ago, since I use linux and didn't had any Windows PC at hand.

Now about the game, I like the idea of making a exploration game (or walking simulation). I wandered around for a while, and I can tell you I like your dream office. It reminds me a bit to my younger ages, when I struggled with Half-Life. I liked specially the set up (how the office is organized) and the big blurry windows, how the exterior could be anticipated from the inside. Also the little details (sfx of the walking, automatic door) are to be appreciated.

An issue I had (but maybe is from my end, since I don't have a very powerful machine) is that the control was too responsive. I don't know if it is only my case, but for me a reduced mouse sensibility would have been much better. The walking/jumping otherwise seems ok to me.

And as a constructive suggestion, adding a few interactable items to the game, like that automatic door, would help the game to feel more alive. Maybe even including some kind of (short) mistery / puzzle that needs to be solved. Although, as I just said, this is just a suggestion---I assume that doing all that 3d modelling was hard and took a lot of time. In any case, you constructed a cool scenario, so good job on that.

Good jam!

As our colleague has already pointed out, the initial feeling of being suddenly overwhelmed is very well achieved. I also like the enemy sprites also, and his slow attack, it combines well with the early phase of the game (when you need to avoid to get stabbed from multiple directions). As a constructive suggestion, I think the game would enjoy very much some music and sfx. And of course a little message when you manage to defeat every enemy---which of course I did :)

It was funny to play, good Jam!!

Very good game! A challenging combination of puzzle and plataform skills that keeps you playing for a long time. Funny graphics and sfx :) I struggled with the first two-key level (the one in the screen capture, I think) (more than 40 replays easily), and was completely stuck in the next level (I believe it was the next one; the one with a pit at the start). The reason is that, although I think I know what needs to be done, I can't seem to master the jumps over the spring guy. Some times I get a high jump while others the jump falls too short. [Probably I am missing something, if that is the case I would appreciate a hint :)]

In conclusion, congratulations for a very good jam.

Wow, that was hard! I liked the graphics, and sfx and music helps to create a tense atmosphere. The presentation of the game, tutorial included, was very good. Different types of enemies and the number of mechanics implemented help the game to feel complete. Which has a lot of merit in a jam (and using Scratch!), so good job on that; I know it's not easy to finish a project like this one in 72h---even less if you do it alone.

Just as constructive suggestion, I think that there are two options that would round the game. The first one would be to keep the level of difficulty similar to what is now (that is, very high!), but implementing a "quick-restart" shortcut and a highscore system of some kind; I think in this way the player would be more inclined to keep playing. The second option would be to ease a bit the speed of the game, or lower the number of enemies, etc., at least in the early phase of the game; so it has a slower / softer start.

Good jam! :)

I totally support the floor is lava rule xD
I meant AI (Artificial Intelligence---tweaking the enemies behavior, etc.) but I wrote IA, sorry ^^.

A nice surprise! I had to say that we had almost the same idea at the beginning of the jam. But in the end we didn't went for it, since making a driving game in 3 days seemed too difficult ^^ Really cool aesthetics, the sprites are really cool, so is the palette. As others have said a bit of sound would round the game. (Btw, I was going to tell you that the endgame seemed a bit abrupt---I didn't knew about Desert bus. Now I know, funny reference to be honest xD).

All in all, good job :)

It was fun to play, and as other have said, the colorful scenario is nice. Good job, it is not easy to code a full game (including IAs) in three days, and alone!

As a constructive suggestion, I think it would be nice to tweak a bit the mechanics, for example by introducing a cooldown in the pillow hit and a dangerous (or deadly) limit in the arena (so in this way you would have to think when to use the pillow).

Very good presentation! Everything in the game is communicated as clear as if there was no limitation, if not more. Art, music and sfx are also very enjoyable. It is always a subjective point, but for me the difficulty (or difficulties) was well balanced for a jam. Feels very complete and polished, so congratulations for a great jam :)

The atmosphere is very well achieved. Music, sfx and sprites fit together very very well. The mechanic is simple but effective in spicing up the exploration. All in all, very good job :)

I have played several times now but I feel I am missing something, so I have to ask...
SPOILER ALERT: [I understand that when you take the pizza, the main goal is achieved. ¿But what does it mean the end message? I have used the key to open the main door, I have picked the items (key-shirt-pizza) in the final message order, but it keeps puzzling me. A hint would be enough :)]

Many thanks for your kind words!

I am afraid you are not alone, since even 2 of the 3 coauthors of the game are still trying to get the top prize ;) But I promise it is possible to beat the game. In fact, here is the proof:

Thank you! We intended to incorporate a brief tutorial (much in the same way that you did with 🌃 🚆) to explain a bit the mechanics before the actual start of the in-game jam, but we ran out of time. I guess we also needed to attend family requirements during the real jam ^^

Wow, that was difficult! And also awesome and very enjoyable. The soundtrack is outstanding, and fits the aesthetics of the game perfectly. The feedback is also very good. It took me a good number of times to beat the game, since at first I was focusing in destroying everything. When I realized the game is more about evading skills, I have started to arrive consistently to the boss---a really cool boss, to be honest, and surprisingly well balanced for a jam!

In conclusion, great game :)

Very fun idea! Dog and sheep are charming <3 I also like the aesthetics and the UI, very clean. I have to confess that the game is a bit difficult for me. Just as a suggestion, I would try to change the curve of the dog presence (or bark), making the decay with distance a bit more pronounced (so far units don't get as easily disturbed), and see what happens.

All in all, very good job :)

Many thanks for the feedback! Indeed, when one of the adult jims takes care of the baby, the benefit of the interactions goes completely for the little one. Meanwhile, that adult can't do anything "productive". There is one exception, though: putting the baby in the cradle frees the adult, who then can take care of its own necessities.

PD: Just for the record, none of the jims has been severely hurt during the jam---they are from a tough species. Although family comfort surely impacts productivity.

Cool game!!

Really liked how you fully implemented both theme and limitation here, the idea seems very original to me. I was a bit confused during the first seconds, but that feeling of discovering your own goal is neat. The night train atmosphere is also well achieved. It was enjoyable to discover the mechanics of the game, and also trying to have every need satisfied. The game feels very complete, even including a tutorial! It is a considerable quantity of content to be done in just 3 days :)

All in all, a great job!

Really good idea! As others have said, the game is very well presented. Very good feedback---feels very polished. The relaxing mood fits the theme perfectly, and the fading dots give a proper challenge. It is just a thought, but I think it would be a nice game for a smartphone. [As others have said, it appears to have a minor bug, causing the path to randomly(?) stop, forcing you to release the mouse button and start over frequently; not very important though, since I completed the game without trouble.]

In conclusion, impressive job for a solo run in 3 days :)

Then I guess it's a tie ;)

2500 ^^

(1 edit)

Amazing proposal, and very well executed. I really enjoyed the play. In fact, realizing that there are numerous different endings, I regret not having a bit more time to trying to see them all (maybe tomorrow!). The characters are lovely, both how they fit the narrative and their aesthetics. The music is also very good. But the best part for me is how you have found such an original approach to the theme and limitation.

As constructive feedback, the only thing that comes to mind is to add the faces of the characters in the loyalty list, to make the early game a bit easier. Although I have to say that after a couple of minutes you start to learn most of the names, so maybe it is not that necessary ^^

PD: I really wanted to save Jordan, but I ended up saving Jimmin. If I only would have known that he wouldn't recover from the lost of Peng :__

They are not very polite :\

Probably your character, being a cactus, would have been invited to pass and drink.

A great entry, without a doubt!

Really good graphics, nice sound...and a very cool idea, given the theme and limitation. Just to add a bit of feedback, maybe is a subjective thing but I would decrease a bit mouse sensibility, since I found the rotation of the camera too speedy. In any case, a lot of work to be done in 72h, I'm impressed, good jamming!

Oh boi, definitiely we have to revise that map generation algorithm!!

Thanks for playing and for holding up to the un-skipable intro scene! xD

I hope that at least the scorpions allowed you drink something, so the trip was bearable ;)

Oh boi!

I really love pokemon and, why to deny it, I am also a bit nostalgic ^^ So I really liked your game, as you can imagine---for me, best take on the limitation so far. Given the time limit, there are a lot of mechanics implemented, which is neat. The game is fun to play and keeps you hooked until you complete it (or even further). Great choosing of the music, btw, it fits very well. As a suggestion, only minor tweaks come to mind, as maybe adding some more feedback when you caught a po...a creature, items remaining or about the attack effects.

So, overall, great job.

PD: I couldn't beat the game until I caught a (weakened) scorpion, it was a true force of nature, doing every encounter by itself---now I understand why you love them! ;)

Many thanks for your kind words :D

I couldn't agree more on the mouse issue. It was a last moment addition just to make the game fully mouse playable (so in this way some of our relatives could try it on their phones), but definitely we will improve the controller.

Since you like the scorpions, we feel obliged to confess that, in fact, they were planned to have way more presence in the plot, including some artifact mechanics and dialogs. Sadly we run out of time so, for now, they have to settle with their current lines of dialog ;)

I liked the final message ;) And I laughed several times with the text messages, specially with the fake palms of the top level xD

If I may, I would suggest you to a couple of easy upgrades. One, to include some music to get you more __inside the pyramid__. Another one, maybe double the size of the pyramid, so the character fits better in it. Or going for a first person camera maybe, so you don't get to see behind the walls. And finally, I would make the move depend only on WASD, and the rotation of the camera on the mouse---like in a standard FPS.

In any case, there is a lot of work in all the 3d modelling, and you achieved to deliver a complete game with two levels, so congrats on that :)

PD: Thanks for the Linux upload, it is not very common! Also, since your are using Godot, I would recommend you to upload to an html5 export. It is as easy as exporting the project with the html5 template with "index.html" as the name, zipping the 5 or 6 files produced, and upload it here. In that way the game will be playable directly from the browser.

Thank you! Totally agree, the controller was a very basic one, we had the classic WASD motion implemented, and in the last day we decided to add mouse support. We needed some kind of navigation system (for evading obstacles, etc.), but we run out of time ^^. The map generator algorithm should be refined too, in some instances---I thought that only in a few of them, but maybe is a relevant number, according to your feedback---the final scene appears too quickly, since in theory all objects (except one) can be used in some scene.

Thanks again for having played and for your feedback!

Great work! I didn't expected a racing game, it took me by surprise---in a good way! I really enjoyed the mechanics, the driving feeling was very nice. I would suggest to try a continuous (vs discrete) controller, that is, a mouse or a joystick instead of the WASD. Although as I said, the game was very enjoyable as is :) So congratulations on delivering this game in just 72h!

Thank you for your words and feedback, really appreciated! And we totally agree with your suggestions, it was just a matter of time. 10 min before the deadline the player would not  even die xD

PD: I will try to get a hand on a Windows computer just before the rating period is over. For the cover and screenshots your game looks very good :)

Glad you liked it, thank you!

PD: If I can get a hand on a Windows computer (right now I only have Linux available) I will try your game! Seeing that you used Godot, maybe---if you found the time---you can upload an export to linux or html5 (in this way it would be playable from the browser and more people would play it).

Thank you for your very nice words :)

The original plan was to include some more scenes and to improve the current map generation algorithm, so the game was a bit more involved (and maybe the path to follow more clear /interesting). But we really did our best within the time limit ^^. So, very glad to see that you managed to complete it :)

Thank you :D

I liked pretty much every aspect of the game: the double jump mechanics, the audio, and in general how everything fits. Special mention to the graphics, making this in 72h you have taken Aseprite to a new level ^^. The whole scenario has a very good feeling.

So, all in all, real solid work!

My bad! I intuitively went for the mouse left click. I should have tried ^^

Top-notch presentation!! Game was fun to play, the mechanics are good and the visuals impressive, considering the 72h time limit!

As a suggestion, I would try to give the dragon more fly time, or maybe a bit more speed. But is only a suggestion ^^.

In summary, very solid work!