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A member registered Jan 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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The puzzle design is quite good for this game, but it feels like it just needs a bit more polish. The movement feels quite forceful, my guess is that you are using .AddForce for the jump which leads to a rather sudden push up. I feel like using a more customized jump arc could definitely add to the game. Beyond that, the use of a skill-based turret inside a puzzle game makes the second level feel a bit more awkward then it really has to be, although this is more a minor thing. I would say it's definitely a good design, but could definitely be improved further.

The game in general feels quite well polished and the art style is great. Personally, the gameplay ended up with a going through each floor incrementally and just grabbing everything rather than solving the puzzles half the time, which may have minmaxed the fun a bit. However, the storyline was still extremely solid and its just an extremely charming game.

Cute and charming, great storyline and generally fun gameplay.  A few things I'd like to note, the postprocessing seems a bit over the top, particularly for the coins. I understand that it might be intentionally so to kind of hint towards the fact that this isn't real, but it honestly made me wince a bit every time I picked up a coin because it kinda feels like a cs/valorant flashbang. The dragon fight gets ridiculously easy once you realize that you can just spam left click as you actually hit the dragon's projectiles before they hit you which led to kind of an anticlimactic ending. I feel like adding a binding of isaac esque minimap could also help a bit, although that is just a minor suggestion. However, very well polished and a great experience overall. Good Job!

Not going to repeat all the other comments, but its definitely an extremely atmospheric game with a great storyline and gameplay. As a Stanley Parable referenced game, I think one of the major flaws of this game is simply that there just aren't enough narrator lines for most scenarios, although that is of no fault of your own because there is simply a time limit. However, part of the magic of the Stanley Parable is that it seems always aware of whatever you are doing which this game just doesn't fully accomplish. However, like I said earlier, it's still an excellent game, but definitely needed a more generous time limit to be at its peak potential

Just a small note, since it's currently a weekday and there is school, I'm a bit more busy and so is the majority of my team as we are all high school students. We'll definitely get to everyone's game, but there might be a slight delay. Thank you!

Hi eromop, we have noticed a  decent number of users getting confused with the items and we are really sorry that it was confusing to so many of you. To quote my previous reply "There are some instructions at the bottom of the itch page since we have noticed that people are getting lost on the controls. To use items(if they have a use), you open your inventory then drag the item to the bottom right where there is a box which says use.  This is also how you refuel your torch(by burning wood/paper in the top right icon), as well as reading the journals or getting descriptions(top left inspect). Hopefully that helps!" The inspect action actually does tell you what to do with each item or at least gives you hints, but you are right that maybe it should have been more intuitive or easy to find. Anyways, hope you enjoyed.   


At least you gave it more than one try. As a quick rundown, the items are generally not meant to be necessary but simply minor additions to the gameplay. For most items, simply left click to use them and you can use the inspect to figure out what they do(Although the repair kit is a bit useless). Items like the upgraded lamp and especially the axe can make the game much easier, but are as a result quite expensive to get and take some time to gather all the resources. Until you get those, it is a game largely about trying to evade enemies and most, especially the later ones, have unique weaknesses and mechanics which you can use to better evade them. Thank you for playing our game!


No worries about being scared. To be honest, I hate playing horror games myself, but just really loved the idea for this theme. As a result, even I'm really scared to play my own game. I'll definitely try your game later, but I'm a bit busy with school so it might have to wait for the weekend. Thanks for playing!

There are some instructions at the bottom of the itch page since we have noticed that people are getting lost on the controls. To use items(if they have a use), you open your inventory then drag the item to the bottom right where there is a box which says use.  This is also how you refuel your torch(by burning wood/paper in the top right icon), as well as reading the journals or getting descriptions(top left inspect). Hopefully that helps! 


Thank you so much for getting so far into the game! I'm glad you enjoyed the ambience and environment. Regarding the centipede not moving, I was the programmer for the enemies, and I did note that issue at the very end, but I noticed after the deadline so didn't have time to fix it Our team is going to try looking into the random dying bug, although we haven't encountered that before. Were you doing anything before you died or was it just out of nowhere? Anyways, thanks for playing!

That's definitely something we realized at our last minute playtesting, but sadly wasn't able to get to. I hope that it was still enjoyable anyways, and just to put it here, there are many paths you can take to the goal, and some do not have as many creatures than others. This game isn't meant to be won in one attempt, but by improving and learning patterns(including for enemies) bit by bit.  Regardless, thanks for playing and have a great remaining game jam.

Thank you so much for the positive feedback! :) We are definitely considering working a bit on the project after the game jam, but also most of us are seniors or juniors and have really busy schedules alongside that.  The one thing I would have changed about this project would likely have been scoping a bit smaller since it's for a gamejam. Reaching the end(escaping) isn't easy and the map itself is huge+the game itself is inherently a bit difficult. I'm just a bit disappointed, but I knew this would be the case, that most people will only see like 2 of the most basic enemies and a tiny portion of the map before quitting/dying, and making such a big scope definitely led to us rushing playtesting last minute which we really should've dedicated more time towards. Regardless, thank you for playing our game!

Hm... which enemy was it(the like human without head, the blue wolf, or any other one)? I'll try to recreate it. Thank you for the help bugcatching.

There's a note in the description regarding this. I tried really long to fix it, but it just isn't really feasible without revamping all the audio. In short, the project has so much audio being played that WebGL can't handle it. That's why I normally suggest to run the Windows version for the full experience.  Thanks for playing!
A pretty difficult survival/horror. Hope you enjoy!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback, but I'm a bit confused about the getting stuck part since the player and enemies can walk through each other. Could you maybe explain what happened in a bit more detail so we can fix it for the future? Thank you! :)) I'll check yours out tmr its midnight here lol. It's bad when you are too scared to play your own game.

Sorry I didn't get to yours quickly. (I'm really scared of horror and yes my team did a horror game) One of my teammates who might be less averse to adrenaline rushes will hopefully check out your game soon!

Just replied!

Definitely an extremely chaotic game, although there is always a risk with chaos. This personally reminds me of one of my earlier game jams which was also a space shooter and similarly had extremely slippery controls. I think that they can make a game really intense but there is a really delicate balance between out of control and can't stop the action. Personally, this game veers a bit more for the out of control and I found myself more often than not trying to stay still in one spot.
However, I also really enjoyed the use of different obstacles and introducing them over time. Meteors especially and the fact that shooting them makes them divide actually makes you think twice whether you can just dodge the meteor instead. The ships flying all across the screen also made it an attention sucking experience.
Good job and good luck for this game jam!

Just checked it out, hope you find my feedback helpful!

A surprisingly difficult game where even a single fly takes 10 bullets of an SMG to the face and survives.
In seriousness, the almost comedic feel and visual style of the game with the wild spraying of bullets and the cute enemies makes it an extremely enjoyable and relaxing game, even though its difficulty definitely ramps up quickly. The roguelike aspect also makes it feel very much like a sandbox and I particularly enjoy the idea of using lives as currency(keys).

On the con side, sometimes the doors, due to maybe more simplistic generation, seem to be a bit too random. I have gotten I believe 5 upgrade rooms in a row, and often with the choose a gun rooms, both guns are the same so I don't even get to make a decision. I think fixing up this side of the game would definitely make it feel more of a choose your build type of game and allow for player freedom(think of a game like rounds).

That's all and hope you have a great remainder of the jam!


I just finished trying out your game. My feedback should be in a comment, and thank you!

From the very beginning, the graphics, music, and just general feel of the game definitely hit the arcade style spot on. Nothing really seemed out of place and the entire experience feels extremely polished and complex. I also really like the level at which it forces you to risk going for more as if you return to camp the next time you have to start out on the first stage again. There definitely is a lot of progression and replayability here and I think that's this games main strengths along with its theme.

In terms of things to improve, while there definitely is a lot of variance in what enemies can spawn, as well as the player upgrading over time, the gameplay loop could benefit from a bit more complexity. Maybe giving the player more options to fight or the enemies new unique traits could help elevate the strategy in this game and make it feel a bit more skill based.

All in all,
Great extremely polished game and it definitely hit the arcade feel right on the spot!


Hi fellow jammers,
We are a team of 8 high school students(who attended the same game dev summer program) from all around the world who have together made Headless Hotel, a top down survival/horror game . 
We have all been extremely excited to participate in this jam and, of course, as jam tradition prescribes, to try out as many of your games as well. So feel free to link your game down below and we'll be sure to fully check it out and give constructive feedback on your game. Similarly, please do the same with ours, particularly, in giving us constructive feedback so that we can improve further in the future. 

If you do try out our game, we do highly advise you to download the windows version as the WebGL's audio often bugs due to WebGL specific limitations and feel free to attach images of how far you were able to achieve.

Thank you and Happy Ratings!
Henry_Hamster, Youngje Park, LucasNovigradian, Matth_ew12zz, Magllama, bswitz, Sandra, & DolphyVix.
(NHSGA 2023)

My apologies, I'll try to get it working after the jam, but I was in a bit of rush so I wasn't in time to add a downloaded version. Thanks anyways for trying to get it working by yourself.

Hi! Long time no see.
In general, I would say this game looks amazing and its concept is great, but there are a few things I feel like could be changed about its execution, although some of these aren't exactly applicable to the game jam setting. First of all, I understand that its a minimalist art style, but when the game revolves around staying in the dark while that 'dark' is just pure white in the game feels a bit unintuitive. I personally really like the difficulty level of the game, it makes it a bit challenging to complete, but with its simple controls quite easy to pickup. However, in certain levels, it can get quite annoying to have to wait for the guards to go to a certain point before continuing although whether to address that is your choice. The sound effects are spot on for this game I feel like, they complement nicely, but don't take away from the minimalism, but the music feels a bit to cinematic for the style. One more thing is that if you do decide to further work on the game, it could be beneficial in my opinion to push more into the museum theme as right now it does feel a bit more like a top-down platformer(? if you get what I mean), where the theme of robber doesn't really affect things that much. In conclusion, I love the art style of your game and its concept, but in certain areas I feel like they could be made to be more compatible together. Good luck on your submission! :D

Well most people do take a little longer on level 3 and just in case you still want to give it another try, here's a hint I dropped earlier on in the comment section. "Just in case you're still stuck, I'm just going to drop a very minor hint here to level 3. The solution is way simpler than you think. That's why its so early, because its pretty simple once you figure it out. " Anyways, I appreciate you trying my game and I'm happy that you liked the overall feel.

After finishing the entire game, I'll have to say that this is a really entertaining tactical game. It definitely has a good degree of depth  to what one should do each turn., especially with the fact that enemies  deal a decent amount of damage, and the game itself was easily understandable. The one thing which I would like to suggest is maybe displaying beforehand how much damage each attack will do to an enemy, because I felt myself getting a big surprised when an enemy just survived with a sliver of health and I get rekt and also maybe an undo button for your moves, because sometimes I would be just out of reach to hit an attack. All in all, great game and I really had a lot of fun playing it! -Sincerely, Li-huan Shen

Well first of all, I really liked the fact that this had a 3D models and a general art style which really fit with the post-apocalyptic feel of the game. Furthermore, the balance between having to rush dice to towers and them watching them explode is really fun as well as launching them across the map for air support. Two minor complaints which I have are that firstly, if you place your dice behind the tower(ie by launching it there), you can no longer access that dice until it dies because the tower blocks it. Secondly, it gets a little annoying that the dice explosion timing seems to be a little more random(Based on what I saw it seems to be like based on when it lands on an exact face). Outside of those two minor complaints, a great game! Good luck on your submission!-Sincerely, Henry_Hamster

After finishing the game completely, I have to say that this game is actually really fun and pretty thought provoking. I especially like the fact that this strays from the other roll the dice around a tile games by making it so that the player has to get through a lot of gates to even get to the end. Furthermore, the execution of the game itself was good and I really liked both the art and the music. Overall, I don't have any rea complaints besides maybe having the undo key be something other than backspace or having it be remappable. Anyways, good luck on your submission! -Sincerely, Henry_Hamster

Just in case you're still stuck, I'm just going to drop a very minor hint here to level 3. The solution is way simpler than you think. That's why its so early, because its pretty simple once you figure it out. Thank you for trying my game anyways though and I'm happy to hear that you liked it, albeit the early difficulty.


Honestly, I would be surprised if anyone did completely finish the game. Based on my testing, it takes the average person between 30min-1 hr to play the full game, and I definitely wouldn't expect anyone to spend that much time on one game. Still happy that you gave it a try!

Very unique game, but personally, I feel like this game could have benefited from a lot more polish and a more in depth tutorial. The gameplay itself was, in of itself, decently fun because of the need to optimize based on your luck as well as scaling the dice in different ways is interesting. However, I feel like I was pretty confused about a few mechanics in the game and also the volume of the game was too loud to me, and although its not made specifically for this game, I feel like a options menu would be very helpful.  Good luck on your submission though! -Sincerely, Henry_Hamster