Controls are listed on the game page ;)
Hifo Nothodara 05
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So I finally took time to play this game and it is a gem! I really like the multiple weapons, the story and the battles and you can really feel that this game was put thought into. The ending is really important in my opinion (behold my view now:) and even though some will say "huh doesn't make sense to me" or will just find arguments to say that it doesn't fit (some times even that it is bad) well but those people don't understand to interpret stuff to themselves and are very straight forward/are not open minded/don't know how to deal with other opinions. To bring it to the point I think that your game touches on the problem "revenge" well and even though it is arguably not perfect (on top of time constraints), it truly touches on something, which is the most important (nice music by the way).
Else I like that you try to make interesting even without making the enemys move! For example you put them on top of higher trees/bushes. Nice minimalistic game design! And yeah, all around an amazing game.
Some optional suggestions!:
- pls make the final attack more rewarding! Make it like in doom eternal where you get at least some amo + lifes for playing more aggresive! This alone would make the game way more engaging.(You could also make them ragdoll and hit other enemys on their way)
- the weapons you unlock relativizes too much the last weapon in my opinion. My take: make the movement speed decrease! It means that the better the weapon is, the easier it is to get damage.
- glitch: you fall slower if u touch walls
- 2 more enemys <3 (f.e.: a short range one which can move)
This comment gives me another very good impression, thanks! There again I'm not a native speaker and still very young, which my writing is just not on a stable level. I knew that it is a big weakness but it is how it is now hahahaha. Your game design feedback is 100% correct, thanks (at least I totally agree)! Yeah thanks for your quality comment!
Thanks for the honest review! I will admit I am not a native speaker when it comes to english and overall I have never wrote extensive dialogues like that (especially in one go), to say that I had little experience for that. So your impression may be right. The intention is that this game appeals to everyone and the joke was meant to be a fun change to lift a bit up the mood. Some people may not like this constant depressive mood and to go a bit against that I decided to but a mood changer. But my bad writing might be so weird that it just harmed the game so yeah. Still in that case it is important for me that you understood my intention as I did it with purpose like many things in the game. Still thanks for your point on view on it. It is an important aspect on my games to work on.
Good game! I love the fact that I got multiple times those items on the same spot in a row hahahaha. By the way it is a good design choice to make the enemys work also against each other( Robots lasering zombies). Well done!
- pls make abilities like stun closest enmy or stuff like that.
Very nice game overall! I think you got a wonderful idea which I would change a bit with a different mode. The mode you give is very chaotic and fits the theme well (make pls random pitch on the cats mows hahahaha). I would though make something slower and more about organizing the items. Why did I came up with that? Because your game offers a secret mechanic which is that by falling, the items can change rotation! I would use this neat mech and base the game more about that! Else was really fun!
Really fun game! The game is simple but there is good design! For example you know in advance which rat will come as you hear the sfx. Nice game!
- 2 more types of rats
- make the green rats kinda recognizable so that the decision making is more interesting (as rounds will get naturally harder you will have less and less time to decide which would make this change even more interesting)
- 1/2 more abilities for the cat! The stun is already really good but why not one which closes the holes or stuff like that!
Take time! Game design is smth very hard as it needs to cross a line between something personal and objective for it to be really special <3. I personally go very chill about this. I first try to enjoy the game as much as I simply can :D! Playing games like a 6 year old makes you feel the magic. And good games have some kind of magic (getting kinda immersed). Bad games can't. And from there I analyze. Why made it me feel like that. Why did I like that. Why not. Is there a game dev intension. What does he want? Tell me what you hahahahaha.
Not necessarily actually hahahaha! It is hard to balance everything and it's far from perfect. There might be something to improve and there are many things that can already be improved. Making different assets for lamps in monkey and bat. Overall mixing all the different ideas with the same assets is really not clear design. But yeah thanks for responding! If you are interested for a solution I can send you a video via discord sooooo jup!(same name by the way)
Could finally play this game and it was a blast! A real gem in this jam (pun unintended)! The amazing storytelling paired with the great visuals makes it really one of the best games of this jam. Well done!
- sometimes music is not playing (idk maybe audio prob) so fixing that could reinforce the atmosphere
Cool game with a cool artstyle! Like the dialogues and that you made a world around this simple game. Well done!
add more than just a jump in the movement/ more interactive changes. The books were a good try but it was only at the end and if u missed them you have to wait way too long
So I will keep it short I love Celeste. I beat Farewell and it was truly one of my best gaming experiences as a whole. This game is obviously not nearly as good as Celeste but it has a quality that many platformers don't have. A track that makes you say: "Nah I'm gonna win!" It was first tricky with the dash but as the music kicked in it made the game immersive and I could look away from it's flaws as a platformer.
To make it clear. You may not have taken the idea and perfectionized the controls of Celeste, but you got/undertsood it's heart with the persistence you make the player feel trough the music. The games looks more silly than it is and this alone makes it a good game.
Amazingly done!
By the way can I please get the Track of the game? It is so goooooooood!
Fun and simple! I like how you can strategize to go on platforms so you can not get hit in the next attack of the human. So yup! Cool :D!
- more movement options! Like a chargeble high jump or smth. the main reason your game is fun is to trick the human (dash alone made me play four runs more)
Really like that there is a lot of content with this one. You really did your best to make the game as complete as possible.
- music sounds odd but sfx not?! hahahaha (don't take this seriously)
- which engine are you using? The physics logic is improveable. Don't let the bullets go trough half of a block (annoying issue for me at least always in godot; took me ages to find a good solution)
- make the enemys target you from far away, else players will camp and get bored (undertsand the decision because you want all the players to be able to finish the game put it takes a bit away from the fun in my opinion)
- make the gun give recoil!!!!
The base game itself is very fun. I think you did some cool design choices to keep the game interesting. You can not take the watch carelessly or else you might get hit. Also prop. underrated controls. They might seem unpolished but that makes them great (pls take that not in a bad way ;) ), as jumping so quickly makes the traversing fun and a bit more challenging/ for me interesting to traverse(maybe personal as I finished farewell in celeste but found it really neat). The audio is also superb! Are you a composer?
Fun and underrated game game!
Suggestions (optional):
- make the game more linear or more open/ metroidvenia
- abilities!/ make them more complex! An ability can do much more than just stop time! Maybe it can give you some tiny damage so you can't spam it. You went already in the right with this orb at the beginning that gives you every time you touch it more freeze time!