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A member registered Dec 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Cool mini-games ! 

Merci ! On a bossé sur une version post-jam où justement, on a tout fait pour pencher la balance du côté du shooter justement. On es passé à 2 tirs pas 1. Mais merci énormément du retour complet ! Et j'ai pas eu le temps de commenter votre jeu car j'y ai joué aujourd'hui et j'ai voté un peu à la chaîne en me disant que je ferai le com plus tard, mais votre jeu a un concept trop cool (même si j'ai galérer à gagner la première phase)

I can't find the 4th evidence in the second game but I like the idea!

Even if unfinished, the game is fun and show some good ideas. Like in a lot of jam, we see how much effort have been put in the game, but cannot be display fully because of the lack of time.  

Very elegant and smooth! Love it !

I finished the game in the same turn my son die. What a poetic ending!

Very cool game ! I manage to save the band but didn't understand the use of the bomb. But love that kind of game ! 

Very clever game! I have some trouble to indicate some action to the game but most of them are easy to find. It's really fun as concept and work brilliantly !

The controller is sloppy and it make some jump weird ; but the twist and change of ambiance is eery and freaky. This execution is good on this twist ! Congrats!

Thanks to these many fish (and jellyfishes) who sacrifices so I can reach home with my children (1) ! They will be remembered !

u put good colors !

Really cool and cute game! I made it crash because a bee attacked a wolf, but I think I finish a lot of level (like 12 I think) and the difficulty was starting to puzzling me too much. Which is not a bad thing! It's a puzzle game!

The visual is really good! I like this kind of puzzle!

It was a full game. Like, made in a week end, in two days, but it was like a full game! Really, congrats! The music is nice, the idea is cool, the puzzle goes from easy to hard and harder, it's simple yet clever. A cool game!

The intensity of that fall was better than in the original game! The music help a lot, and even if the hitbox seem kinda clumsy by moment (maybe the lack of audio feedback when you hurt something didn't help) the gameplay is still really good ! And the environment change create some good evolution and drive the need to finish the fall until we met our target.

It was brutal yet superfun ! I have a lot of trouble to master the movement and get send to the sky one time, but it was fun nonetheless !Rreally good juicy game!

So good ! Love the way it work and the whole elegance of the game ! The "role reversed" theme strike quickly and nicely and every little twist on the game is really cute. Like, good game!  

A cool twist on Duck hunt ! A little hard, to get trough, but the little addition like the dog chasing us make it worth to try again

Very cool game design and executed perfectly! The puzzles are fun while staying surprising each time, it stay simple but feel good to be cracked , and the whole game is polish enough to feel very good, congrats!

Very well though and nicely executed!

The game was fun ! A little too long, but the little additionnal code to input are good to vary the gameplay. And the main idea is really fun !

I have succeed to break the framerate ! What a glorious day ! Also, very cool visual, art, style and idea ! It all mix together to a weird and unique game which I'm here for! Congrats !

The visual is very very rough, but the gameplay is top-notch ! Really cool and inventive, I like this kind of simple but creative game, with twist every two puzzle. 

It's too damn hard ! I still manage to finish it, but it was hard ! Also, the trash can was a bit contre intuitive, but we can understand it after a little time. It's mostly the enigme of "where we should put them ?" which seem too random. But in the end, I would lie if I say I didn't enjoy seeking the right combinaison. In the end, when I find all the place too go, and know all the effect, the game shift a little bit, and it was interresting to try to overcome the game. So : congrats ! You make a cool game ! 

(also , the visual and presentation are top, very well done!)

I DID IT ! It was short but really cool ! The visual, rythm and idea of the game are really cool ! The final game is short, but, eh ! It's a jam ! We do as much as we can. Congrat for this cool entry!

Chill, cute, and very well though. I was kinda weird out by the "you"'re a train, now here's a computer" but the idea of being a visual novel where you get the choice at the end is cool and make a good twist. The character get really good personalities with very few, it's quite well done ! 

Chill, cute, and very well though. I was kinda weird out by the "you"'re a train, now here's a computer" but the idea of being a visual novel where you get the choice at the end is cool and make a good twist. The character get really good personalities with very few, it's quite well done ! 

The final part is so hard ! It's really satisfaying to take a serie of three or more punch in these part, but if we miss one, it's hard to recover. But really good game ! The idea is fire, and the execution is juicy as it need ! Congrats !

I love the resolution part ! If it's a little short and quick, the making of the sword where all your pieces appear as part of the sword really make the trouble worth it. Very nice !

Un bon feeling de shmup ! Un poil dommage qu'au final on puisse juste maintenir bêtement le tire sans contraintes mais la gestion du lazer et des bombes compensent bien assez la charge cognitive au final. Et ça rend un jeu bien nerveux déjà ainsi ! 

C'est dommage que l'enrobage ne permettent pas de mettre en avant le jeu, mais l'idée est super cool et réussir à faire 3 gameplay de jeu en si peu de temps, c'est beau ! Avec une ambiance sonore et un peu plus de clarté sur les feedback, le jeu peux devenir vraiment frénétique, y a les bases qu'il faut !

Je suis trop frustré car en voulant taper le Konami code, il me dit "too many input" et je ne peux pas le lancer ;_; (et le fait de manquer de diagonal m'a aussi pertuber au début, ça m'a un peu fait rager au début)

La DA est vraiment sympa visuellement ! C'est un peu dur à suivre par moment (le déplacement de la voiture est p'tête un poil lent, je ne saurais dire) et la musique met vraiment dans l'ambiance

Merci ! Je suis content que la DA plaise autant ! 

On aurais aimer avoir le temps de faire du vrai LD et donc de donner une objectif plus clair, mais le manque de temps nous as rattrapé hélas...

Merci à toi 

Vraiment beau visuellement ! Un gros plaisir tout ces feedback et les p'tites animations !

C'est frustrant que les bumpers ou gachette du flipper n'ont pas d'utilité plus que ça, mais c'est beaucoup demandé pour un jeu de jam déjà

Merci à toi pour ton retour !

Et on vera si on arrive à se motiver à faire un vrai LD, le fait d'avoir manqué de temps m'a vraiment démotivé personnellement, et j'étais le seul de l'équipe à avoir les doigt dans unity, donc c'est un peu frustrant et dur de reprendre... 

Mais peut être si un jour l'envie nous prends et que la motivation est là, une version v2 sortira !

Merci !

On aurais vraiment adoré avoir le temps de faire un LD qui mettent en avant tout ce gameplay mais je suis heureux de voir que des gens arrivent à en profiter malgré le peu qu'on présente, ça réchauffe un peu le coeur !

Sympa même si c'est dur de commencer avec un seul niveau car du coup, tu alternes 10 fois les mêmes deux niveaux. C'est un peu frustrant de se refaire les même mini jeu assez vite hélas. 
Mais c'est compensé par les autres niveaux qui fonctionnent bien !

Beaucoup trop mignon et une excellente version de Frogger ! La musique frénétique qui augmente de cadence rend le jeu tellement arcade, c'est un délice ! Franchemen trop cool à jouer !