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A member registered Feb 21, 2018

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I love this, haha. What a great idea.

(1 edit)

This is my first submission to a Trijam. This game was made using dragonruby. You can check out the source code here: joshleblanc/trijam-266 (github.com) (sprites & sound omitted from the repo).

Sprites are from Kenney: Shape Characters · Kenney

Sounds are also from Kenny: Impact Sounds · Kenney

Music is from ineedmusic.co: Lo-Fi Music Pack – Ineedmusic.co

This project leveraged drecs, a simple ECS system for dragonruby: joshleblanc/drecs (github.com)

Yes, the timer's bugged. It should reset when you land on a platform

This is a fantastically difficult game. I really love how many shortcuts you come across as you struggle to get to the top. And then you get there and see that you managed to finish it in 1 minute, while we took 5+ :D

This is fantastic!

Really clean UI, the multiple camera options are much appreciated. The skills are cool, and the ui to upgrade them works really well. Really like how you've organized all the UI.

I noticed 2 bugs: Once I equipped the iron sword, I could no longer attack, and when someone _else_ equipped a weapon, I could see the world widget for that widget following them around. 

Other than those 2 small things - perfect. Really, really love this. I think the global kill requirements was a stroke a genius too.

This is a great idea. It looks exactly like minecraft!

Really great idea. The city selector looks great.

I think you can develop this for a long time to come. Really unending potential.

This game is fantastic. Fairly hard to aim due to crayta's limitation. Might benefit from an autoaim system (or maybe there is one and I just never levelled up).

The artwork and look and feel is superb. Really great game.

This is great. I really love jumping puzzles, and this fits the bill perfectly.

I do wish there was some sort of indicator I should have looked up once in the warped reality. Took me a second to figure out it was a jumping puzzle.

I also missed one of the pieces on my run through (the one on the anchor). I didn't know I missed one, and spent far too long trying to figure out where to go from the telephone pole at the end.

I really liked the various "NO", "YES?", and arrows giving you nudges in the right direction. 

I don't think I realized there was a tutorial :D

This is a fun game. I like the art direction. 

There seems to be a lot of stuff to do past the basic tycoon elements, but I'm not sure how it works. I can see I can buy items for crafting, but I'm not sure what to do from there.

Any guidance?

This is a great Obby. Simple and straight to the point, I can see people losing a lot of time here battling on the leaderboards.

This is a great first game on Crayta, you did a good job.

I really like the visuals on this - watching the sun rise and fall.

Really neat idea

This game is great. As soon as I spawned in I recognized the orcs must die setup.

I do wish we could form walls, but that would be much harder than just walking paths. 

For just being done in a week, you've basically created a complete game here. The mechanics are all there, the UI is all there. You could expand this forever, it feels like. 

Really good job

This is an interesting concept. I appreciate the tutorial under the help tab.

I _really_ like the explanation of how CO2 is a global resource and players have to kind of manage it together. 

I'm not 100% sure what the goal is exactly, though. I think it would be helpful if you could see the change per turn of your resources. For example, Money: 170 (+10) would indicate you're gaining +10 per turn.

I love the tile animations when you change tiles, that's really clever.

I think I'll need an explanation of "how to win", then get 3 other people in here to really appreciate it, but from what I can see, it looks really cool.

This has a lot of potential. Clearing the area after placing the awning is a great mechanic. The first 2 quests are a good introduction to a quest system, and the intro was a great introduction to the story.

I think this is a great start to something, and looks really good after only working on it for a week.

After much turmoil, I did manage to complete this. The collection of the wechiles to progress was _tortuous_. I didn't get the fifth key until my 5th box ;_;

All in all, I like the concept. I think there's room to improve with the pacing , but the groundwork is great. There might be an opportunity to add a leaderboard for how fast you progress, or some such.

I didn't manage to kill all of the enemies in the final room, I just skipped past them to the Captain. I was losing health far too fast and have terrible aim.

This is a nice tycoon. Well polished, UI is good, game functions without any bugs.

I'm Captain Cereal, and this is my favorite game in the citadel.

This game is great. Every mechanic just feels right

This is great Mikito. Really fantastic maps, combined with a classic Crayta blueprint.

I think this is a great start and a really impressive entry for the 1 week time limit. Performance is an issue, but it's crayta, so you're forgiven.

Judging by the sound effects, "space" is a giant invisible water voxel. I think that's incredibly clever, and kudos to you for thinking of that.

I think this is a good entry and has a ton of potential to grow in the future.

This is a super cool idea, and is a really clever take on the shape the future theme. I'll echo Ephemerald's comments that I'm getting frustrated, but I wouldn't say that detracts from the quality of the game design.

I think maybe the frustration comes from an unclear understanding of which timeline you're controlling, but I'm not sure. It could just be I can't solve the puzzle :D

This is pretty cool. I think there's a lot of places you could go with this from here. 

Am I correct in assuming travelling and seed placing is all that's implemented so far? Want to make sure I'm not missing any features.

Slater's got the right idea with claiming planets I think

This gives me strong returnal vibes, I love it. Managed to find the fire, water, earth buffs, but couldn't find anything else. 

I think this game is fantastic, runs really well, visuals are great. Love the popup messages and the persistent buffs between deaths.

I love this. Took me a second to figure out what was going on, but once I did, this is brilliant. 

I was left confused for awhile because the prompts were a little off. For example, to harvest the farm it says press e to "pickup". I assumed that would just pickup the tile again, not harvest the farm.

Once I got that all sorted, game worked great. Really like this one.

I think you've got the start of something pretty good here. I read you only did this in a couple days on discord, so this is great.

Love the bots that follow you around, they add a lot. 

Thanks, got it all sorted.

I was alone while playing this, so I'm not sure if everyone spawns on the same playing field as you. Regardless, I think this is a really novel race concept between players. 

Obviously, I had a little bit of a hard time with the rules, but with an explanation I think this will be a lot of fun. I like the climbing aspects to get the final gem.

The increasing wall thickness is an interesting way to spice up the rounds. 

All in all, a solid game. 

This game is fantastic. Really enjoy the gameplay loop. Simple but fun. Performs well, too.

Man I love these kinds of games. I really enjoyed this and the puzzles.

I did run into a problem where my blocks disappeared, unfortunately, but you covered that with the restart level system.

Great job


Could you explain how to play? I'm afraid I couldn't figure it out. 


Spent some time with this this morning. I absolutely love puzzle games so I think this is fantastic.

I like how the puzzle areas are "claimable" by the player by interacting with the button. The UI highlighting the selected pieces is a really easy way to understand what's going on.

That said, I haven't figured out what the qualifications are for selecting 1,2,3 pieces at once, or determining which direction you're selecting. I'm just kind of waving my mouse around until it changes to the one I want.

The animations on the pieces turning is great and adds a lot of the interactivity. Using dead grass and lively grass to indicate the connected pieces is just great polish.

Only thing I'm missing here is leaderboards. I'd love to compete with people for number of puzzles finished.

Really great job, I like this one a lot.


I played through a round this morning. I was alone in the game.

I really appreciate the memory aspect of this game. Remembering the 3 items you need to find as well as finding them is a nice challenge as you run around the map.

I thought the robots could be a little more aggressive. I did manage to have one chase me, which was fun, but most of the time they walked past me without giving chase.

I found it difficult to know what was going on until I hit F1 and read the help. I think it would help a lot if the player spawned beside a scanner. The first thing I did when I joined the game was pick up 3 items that were next to me, assuming that was the objective. 

I think the time limit is perfect. It took me 6:39 to find all 9 items and escape. I didn't feel like I had too much time, and I didn't feel like I had too little time.

The item spread is great, too. It took me a fair amount of time to find the items I was looking for in the store, but not so long I got frustrated and wanted to give up. 

I did find the scanners hard to find. They have a nice blue ring at the top that helps in the fog - can those be brighter so you can see them from further away?

I found no bugs (other than the damage vignette bugging out sometimes, but that's my fault not yours). The UI works great, and all the mechanics work perfectly. Really good job, I think. I Love the faces on the robots.

All in all I think this is a solid game. It'll be fun with a fully lobby - I think AJ will like this on streams.

This game is brilliant. What a unique twist on the genre. Really a lot of fun and quite challenging. 

Really good UI work. Really unique experience in Crayta. High quality game, good job.

Interesting take on a tycoon game. I like the shared communal space for collecting. Filling a water tank is a cool idea, and I appreciate the visuals showing this happening. Good job

Really good groundwork for a town builder. Game is easy to pick up, even without an explanation. The tile placement gave me Hundred Days vibes. UI is good as well. 

Good job