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A member registered Dec 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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nice game! the concept is cool and the art is great

It did crash tho (at a moment when i used a sigil)

Simple idea, but fun nontheless

It's an insanely good idea and really well implemented, but as a non native english speaker this is very hard. Still fun tho

Really well executed concept! the camera sometimes takes a bit long to follow you, but appart from that i enjoyed it

I love the idea of taking that quote and reversing it! this game is kinda like quantum mechanics (except its not physics, and its not quantum)

great game! it feels really satisfying to chain kills and roll over enemies, and the time stop effect is well implemented. I do think the enemies that still move during the time stop should stop when you choose an upgrade (its not that big of a deal)

Incredible game for a game jam! congrats to all the team

(ngl its hard to compete with that when you're solo or duo)

Although it does lack sound and i would've loved if some dices were fixed, the idea is really cool!

The idea is cool! it would've been great to add a 2-player option

I liketh this game, as t uses dices in a mann'r yond is not by fate.  The visuals art eke most wondrous.  Soundeth designeth maketh fighting very much satisfying.  The idea of gaining wage by getting hitteth is eke excit'ment (i hadst enow to buyeth the castle in the endeth)

Nice game! the dice arent that important (or at least you can play without worying about them), but the game feels good overall

fucking genius

"it'll admit it's not a great fit" nah man you folowed the theme you simply have more IQ than all of us who read dice and thought only about the object

ye ngl i didnt even try the second one ^^

(1 edit)

Simple yet effective concept, i like it!

That's really impressive! the game actually feels like a zelda-type game

Really fun! The art is pixel-perfect as well

I dont think the difficulty is that big of a problem, the game isn't easy but the fun in these kind of games come from being kinda overwhelmed

Really cool concept, the game is hard tho but it's rewarding when you finally beat a level. Excellent use of the limitation!

Really cool concept, it took me quite some time to realize you can dash but the game was fun

The concept is nice, the level design is extremely good but holy hell is the game hard. Your character is basically usain bolt on steroïds which makes even the most basic platforming hard. It does feel good when you master it, but the level design and puzzles are already good, there is no need for the game to be that demanding mechanicaly. (really, for future game jams, this difficuly means that a lot of ppl wont even finish the first two levels, which is a shame, i'm not that bad at platformers and it took me 45 mins to reach the second boss, there are 150 games in the jam...)

The idea is cool and well exploited. I love the pixel art as well

Really cool game! Clearly the best use of the limitation i've seen so far

Cool idea, love the sprites, however there should be a limit on how much fertilizer you can use. rn i think the best strat is to spam the fertilizer without even using the day/night machine which is otherwise more interseting.

I did the math: each seed cost 4/6 = 0.66 gold, each fertilizer 3 gold, each crop grown this way makes 3 berries which sell at 6/4 = 1.5 gold. So each crop brings 1.5*3 - 0.66 - 3 = 0.83 gold. A rotation like that on 3 crops takes 6 seconds, so 3*0.83/6 = 0.41 gold/sec

On the other hand a "normal" rotation on 3 crops takes 30 seconds and makes 1.5*3 - 0.66 = 3.83 gold per crop for a yield of 3*3.83/30 = 0.38 gold/sec

Was fun tho ^^ cool game