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Hun & Bun

A member registered Feb 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Funny story about that, originally, the cat's head was meant to move left and right depending on the key being held, but Godot doesn't play nice with single-frame animations. 😅 I'm glad you were able to get it working regardless! Thanks so much for the kind words!

Thanks so much! So glad you liked it!!! :D

Yeah, tbh I spent so long trying to get Godot to behave with the animations that it didn’t make it super clear positionally among other things. I will say, if you want a brief extra bit of entertainment, click anywhere in the background on the title screen lol. Thanks so much for playing! 😄


Thank you, and that’s totally fair. The concept being a bit janky to begin with mixed with Godot refusing to utilize the cat’s head rotation animations make it… less-than-intuitive. 

Thanks for playing!! I definitely agree we could’ve made things a lot more clear. The cat’s head is supposed to turn when you hold ‘A’ or ‘D’ but Godot wasn’t a fan of that particular animation clip for whatever reason. In hindsight I probably could’ve offset this loss of visual feedback in another way like rotating the whole cat 🤔

Godot is pretty solid. It's not the MOST intuitive engine of all time (Going in 100% blind to both, you could get a bit farther in Unity before basically needing a class, in my opinion ) but once you get a hang of the way it works, it's a nice workflow.

I'd say learn it for a jam or something if it interests you, but just know it has a lot of "required reading."

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed :D

Thank you!! Weirdly, our team talked about adding a little foggy paw print to the window in 3 spots to show your general hit-location, but I guess we all forgot about that idea at some point…? It happens I guess 😅 Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing + feedback!! Funny story about the aim mechanic… The cat is meant to move his head left and right when you hold the corresponding key. Problem is that Godot seems to really dislike single-frame animations on 3D models, so we couldn’t get it working in time. 

I was testing the game on a locally hosted server for the web version, so I didn’t really account for how laggy it would get once on itch. 😓 Sorry about that.  

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed!  

OKAY WOW! Was every art asset drawn specifically for this game? Like it's impressive regardless, but if it was all made from scratch within the time allotted, you're on a whole different level!!!

Great game, full stars!!!

Conceptually, I really like this game. Unfortunately, Unity doesn't play well with alternate resolutions, and since it only plays in full-screen, I ended up with some visual issues on my 1440p monitor. 

Also I couldn't seem to figure out the sewing machine minigame. Maybe it was a resolution issue, but I had to drag the white square around for a while to gain access to the sewing machine, and it would call it bad no matter what. 

This is such a cute game! I love the bounciness of all the animals!

Also look at him! He is just a lil guy! 

My only complaint is that there aren't way more levels to play! I would 100% play a full release of this. It reminds me of playing that game with the wind-up toy marios as a kid. 

This isn't funny, cats only turn to firearms when they're VERY stressed.

...jokes aside, I love it. I'm not sure why but it gave me vibes of "Forager" despite not sharing that much with it. I definitely loved the UI all being cat themed too, and the rat-ghosts are oddly adorable. 

One issue I've noticed with Godot projects (including my own) played in-browser is that the quit button just halts the page entirely. HOWEVER, given the game-over UI, I think this was actually oddly better...? Like there was something so funny to me about clicking "Don't ://" when I died and the site took it personally. Full-stars across the board.

Thanks for playing! I definitely think if we had started on the project earlier, more music would've become a priority. Heck, both programmers who worked on it play guitar 😅 Thanks for the feedback!

This is a really fun logic puzzle! Who knew devs, who famously spend most of their time stumbling through logical problems, would be so good at implementing them into a game?!?! 

The puzzles were as enjoyable to untangle as they were well-worded. I think this type of game could be expanded in a ton of directions too. More puzzles for the current version, maybe a 3D version where half the challenge is digging through a messy lab looking for "that dang newt eye I JUST HAD I SWEAR!" 

Lastly, I am quite jealous of the studio name lol, "Bearded Ants" is an amazing name 😆

If the hosts are able to let you re-upload while rating are open, please reply to this comment so I get notified, the art in the thumbnail looks really nice! Always sucks when something like this happens!

I love the concept of a bear too lazy to reach for his food, but still willing to build a HARPOON FORK! 😆 

My one suggestion is to randomize the pitch + speed of the sound effects ever-so-slightly. It's the easiest way to make a game with very few sound effects feel like it has a lot. 

This is a game that makes it VERY easy to see the creative, storytelling mind behind it. From the progression being just a peek into someone's life, arguably from the perspective of the ducks, to the speeding-up of the wind to signify how fast time passes us all by. 

It's simple in execution, and the dialogue is a tad stiff, but it MORE THAN makes up for it with the usage of visual elements to provide a deeper symbolism, whether or not that was intentional. 

I would really like to see this story told in a longer visual novel format. It could peek into the lives of several duck-feeders over the years, all without ever leaving the bench. Kudos!

This game has a ton of potential, I think. The gameplay is simple, yet still kept my attention for a good while.  My suggestion for an easy way to increase the visual appeal without a ton more work would be to randomize the coloration of the other leaves a bit. Most game engines have a way to modulate the color of a sprite a bit without drawing a new one. 

Long term, adding a few swaying and twirling animations to the main leaf, you could narrate a story, or poetry behind the gameplay and have a REALLY captivating game with that alone.

Full stars across the board. I really enjoyed this one. It felt like it was well thought-out, and equally well-executed. I knew I was having a great time when I accidentally hit the back-button that FOR SOME REASON exists on the side of my mouse and thought I lost all my progress on year 5 and was devastated 😅(Luckily it only backed out of full-screen and gave me the option to restore...)  

I'd hate to leave you with no suggestions, so the quality-of-life updates I'd like to see are just a counter of how many days a crop/fishing-cat has until next harvest (relative to now) and maybe a way of visualizing the range of most placeables. (particularly utilities which say "adjacent" on the tool-tip, but don't specify if that's 4 or 8 sides) Tbh, the game works fine without those things, but if you were to expand it into a longer experience post-jam, it would be helpful.

Pretty enjoyable little puzzle game. Gave me lots of nostalgia for the era of flash "escape the room" games with the item hunt. 

Thanks for playing! I think in future WebGL builds (for any game) I'll have to be more careful about particle usage... Pretty sure I left it 100 concurrent particles per leaf haha.

Yeahhh the quit button should've been removed in the WebGL version, and I should've warned about making sure hardware acceleration is turned on. Maybe lowered particles too. Thanks for playing despite the flaws :D

Wow, this one was a lot of fun! The endless ricocheting is such a fun concept to play with! 

My only criticism is I'd like the bullets to be a different color so my mouse doesn't get lost in the crossfire haha 

I like this game a lot! Judging just on the initial screenshots, I had wrongfully assumed that this and 'Lord of the Flies' (another entry in the jam, not the classic book lol) were the same concept. Both games proved me wrong in their own rights.

I very much enjoy the idea of gaining points at a detriment to the longevity of the run. That's a very unique way to play, and displays the theme very well. The arcade style of the sound effects added a lot in my opinion. The only thing I can complain about is that some of the pixel art could be cleaner, so the flies don't get visually lost amongst it, but hey-- I'm no artist myself, so I can't judge haha. Great work!

To be honest, at first I wasn't super excited to dive into a text-based adventure. Nothing against the genre, just not normally my thing. That being said, this was great, and help my attention the whole way through.


my absolute favorite line is "the bird used the telebirdation spell" lmaooo

I also really enjoyed the meta lines about how the game was made in a couple days so "you expect me to draw all that?!" and the confusion about the witch dude being dead in cannon or just assumed as such. 


To be honest, this gave me a new appreciation for these types of games. Reminds me a bit of reading Homestuck in junior high, which brought back a lot of good memories, as my fiance was the one who showed that comic-game-mashup-mess to me. Thank you for making something awesome, funny, and oddly nostalgic. Full stars :)

I enjoyed myself with this one. The puzzle solving is pretty good. I will say, as much as the repeating puzzle plays into the theme, I was hoping that getting past it would be rewarded with more levels and puzzles. However, I do understand the limitations of a week-long jam.

I do enjoy mouse-precision type games like this, and I enjoyed myself enough to come back to this game after playing a bit last week. 

If I may make a few suggestions, here's what I'd do differently. The fly sprite could use a single extra frame. Maybe just move the wings down two or three pixels and set the animation to be very fast, similar to how flies are animated in The Binding of Isaac. The movement could use a limit. Since you can move your mouse out of the bounds of the game and back in on another edge, you can pretty much teleport out of any danger. This can be fixed by moving the frog toward the mouse at a set rate rather than instantly. To alleviate the temptation to hide in the corners, you could perhaps make the map a pond with round edges. The flies can still travel the full screen, but the frog cannot. Lastly, I think the fly ingestion would be more satisfying if it ate all of them at once, and then flies would just spawn faster from there.  Hope that helps :)

I've started this one several times, without time to finish it, but NOW THAT I HAVE...

Blink Blonk is absolutely fantastic. I spend a considerable amount of time trying to solve the puzzles, and even longer trying to break them using wall jumps and block placements, and honestly... There were ZERO places I was able to break the progression. I managed to get to the second-to-top-right room early, but I didn't have 3 blocks to go further, so it still managed to keep me playing fair. Long story short, the level design is just great.

The upgrades you get feel satisfying every time and are at the PERFECT place in the progression. All-in-all, there isn't much I can say bad about it. It's hard to even find criticism. I guess the non-solid blocks could be a little more obvious...? But even that is just grasping for SOMETHING to make this review useful haha. Keep up the amazing work!

I really enjoyed this one! The sound design was good, I love the sprites, and the lightning striking the flies that remain at level-end is the funniest thing I think I've ever seen lol.

For anyone playing during the jam, look at the Pursuing Pixels frog with the beatbox dance perfectly to the tune of the in-game track hahaha.

My only real criticism is that there should be some indicator for how many shields a  fly has. Some shields seem to take more hits than others, so it would be nice to see what you need. I know the king takes 2 hits every time, but some of the normal ones seemed to need two hits as well, though perhaps it was user error and I wasn't quite hitting them. 

Didn't think this one would grab me as fast as it did, but that whipped-cream-soundin' box made me feel like I outta be giving a speech at the local middle school about struggling with addiction. 

Jokes aside, I had a fantastic time with this one, and I had to stop myself from playing more once I hit 969 points. The gameplay has the satisfaction to play of titles like flappy bird or hill climb back in the day, with the beautiful simplicity of something like 2048. You have a real hit on your hands. 5-stars across the board! 

Read it and weep fellas

Awesome work! I had a great time with it, and the concept was one I seriously meshed with, as I've been on-and-off working on a game focused on trash in the environment, and this is SERIOUSLY inspiring to keep it moving on that. 

I think a full version of this game would be amazing. I can imagine some cutscenes in the style of the cover art, conveying the backstory of the greedy space colony and their uncaring nature toward the land below. With more time than the jam, I can see this going far, and with a great message to boot. The crafting is fun, the inventory management is challenging without being annoying, and I enjoy the failsafe of the campfire if too much stuff builds up, at a cost to the environment.  Great work!

The only thing I think could use changing in a post-jam full version would be the rotation of the world. It might be nice if you could drag the world somehow, perhaps by middle clicking and dragging, rather than scrolling. 

Loved it! Perfectly scratched that Dig-Dug itch, and I enjoyed every second! It had a bit of a steep learning curve, with some of the seemingly cleaner paths actually being a hinderance for later levels, but that honestly helped cement the theme for me. Your stamina bar and bomb count are persistent! Pretty great concept. I am curious however, what the chances are for levels to generate with no plausible solution. There were a few times I'd dig and just get a whole row of !!!!! lmao. 

Just meant I got to play some more, so I didn't mind it. One of few games I'm giving five-stars across the board! Keep up the great work.

(1 edit)

Pretty great game! Achieving a difficult-but-fair feel is NOT easy for any dev, let alone with a time constraint, so I'm impressed. 

It took me a while to get to this score...

but I **KNOW** I can do better, and I will, as the replayablility for this game is fantastic. Even though I'm not exactly a top-tier player, (lol) I don't feel robbed either. Can't wait to come back and play again! Definitely got me interested in PICO-8 too! 

EDIT: There's supposed to be an image in the review, but it's not showing up on my end now. Anyways, my score was 234M :)