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A member registered Mar 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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¡Gracias! Diseñamos cada nivel intentando explorar parte de la temática :)

Nice game, I liked the cutscenes, the game's background; totally loved the tazmanian devil on the illustrations, the ingame dog thingy is funny, but I would love to see the other design implemented. The game is fun, I agree that weapons could be balanced so most of them are equally good, but work for different playstyles or situations. The mayor thing I would update is the bullets' speed, they all felt too slow, and made the game-feel weird.
You did a great job for the jam

The game is very well-done. I've played a couple of times, and before reading the comments I had the same problem when it came to choosing an upgrade. The selections' shortcuts (1,2,3) should be more clear ingame. The solution and exploit I found while playing was left clicking, then I noticed that when a new upgrade was available I could move the selection with A & D, and apply it with Enter. That meant I would either use the mouse and stop attacking, or something walk towards enemies or an undesirable path to select them. I know this will simply be fixed by telling the player on the start of the game the shortcuts, but this comes with my exploit:
I found out I didn't need the pannel to be opened in order to upgrade, neither I needed any kind of time or points requirements. We can upgrade anytime we want. Once the player clicks on the upgrade pannel, they can simply tap Enter and an upgrade will be applied. That means I can spam Enter throught out the entire game and get myself unlimited early upgrades. Of course, the game gets a little laggy and overcrowed with all that effects on top and all enemies spawning at 8+ minutes.
Following that, the game could have some graphics updates, giving some love to the UI. I really liked the concept art for the enemies, they loose some of they power when scaled for the game, but I wouldn't change the style for the game, since it was well received. The thing I would look at is visual clarity, the background could be less bussy and let the other assets stand out. The upgrade effects could be redesigned, they can be really noisy, the more you have. Specially the Cotton Aura, or passive effects that stick with the player.
Good job with the game overall, I would gladly keep an eye on the game's updates and leave more feedback ♥

I enjoyed playing your game, so far my highscore is 12700 (Difficulty ranking 13). I think the simple mechanics along with the level design allows for a good replayability. From my experience as a player, I could feel a sense of mastery the more I played, building a library of possibles paths, strategies, and so on. I would like having a short platform in the middle, connecting a litte bit more the left side with the right one (you can jump from right to left without touching the ground, but not otherwise).
I found a little bit weird the double jump at the beginning, since we're not able to jump on the middle of the air. I'll call it a short/regular jump and a long jump instead, many games have this mechanic, but they usually use another kind of input (not double tapping the spacebar, but basing the jump distance in the amount of time you press the button before releasing)
The music is pleasing. I couldn't tell if ther was a sfx for closing doors. For clarity, I would separate the current points and the game over countdown. The countdown could be some time of bar, or clock-like graphic. And alert the player the game is about to end, intensifing the nightmare visuals, or having the screen pulsating.
I didn't expect the pillow animation, it feels good and smooth. I liked both 2D and 3D art, they still have room to be more integrated.
Overall, excellent idea and execution ♥

Wow, this game is impressive, is really cohesive, matches the theme so well.I won't be surprise if you guys get close to 5 stars reviews.
The story is short, emotional, simple; level 3 is so goofy that made me laugh. Art direction is great, does an amazing job to bring the right ambiance. Good and fitting music. The game is simple, yet effective, didn't have any problem with difficulty, neither encountered bugs.
I try to give useful feedback, but with having it played just one time I don't really have any criticism. I would have to keep playing with nit-picky googles.
Congratulations ♥

I was wondering why there was no comments or ratings yet. When I downloaded the file ther was a .gbsproj file, and some folders with assets. Is it possible you forgot to build the game, or uploaded the project instead by mistake?

Wow, what an unexpected game, it does differ a lot from the general jam vibe. Is nice to have those accessibility options and TW.
Liked the room environment, I didn't notice a graphic improvment between Low and High Graphics, but the Low Setting does a lot for the performance, that could be the only setting, or could be set as default. I have much feedback to give, some are suggestions, and others are more technical, I hope they'll be well received.
The chat messages were really natural, is believable and relatable. There are a couple of instances where the text shrunk so it would fit on the box, this should be the other way, adjusting the box size based on text amount, so it's legible. I know that might be a programming challenge for this time constraint.
The text displayed on the room objects were a nice detail, you could sense the progress the character makes and they evolution. Maybe the end isn't that impacful as it could, but the story overall is great. What I found later on the game was a lack on connection between stages. The concept is fine, a recurring nightmare, but it gets kinda repetitive. Variaety in level design is an option, powerups is another one. I would like to see that character progression- that we see while awake, having an impact in the spider stage. So the moth could also improve.
In regards of the spider gameplay, I think is really hard aiming to the right spot to defeat the spiders. Part has to be with the jump itself, doesn't feel right. But the spider collision is weird, we landed multiple times on the spiders' back, taking damage instead. It takes a long time to master the game, but even then, we still struggle a lot.
You did a great job bringing all this together, the game is inspiring.

This game is awesome, I really enjoyed it. I agree with thechunkypenguin's feedback. And had the same experience as Panasdeliveryservice, I didn't notice a plushie could knock other out, at first. But then I found the game so entertaining.
I think some kind of dash would be beneficial for the player, those types of dashes that grant you a short time of invulnerability, so you can get out of sticky situations. Or maybe and option to use the pillow as a shield.
This is a great fit for the theme and an outstanding work for a solo dev, well done ♥

What a cool game, the hit effects are really juicy, it could have a sound fx too, but was really entertaining. Even when you can just trap the heart beween boxes as Kilian did and watch the highscore go up. For prevening this I though about suggesting another shapes foe the boxes, but maybe the collisions and bouncing would get unpredictable.
I would suggest making the boxes repel themselves, or having an area where they can't get closer together. Or another approach could be making them float randomly when you release them, or making them go back where they came from. 
I find you idea refreshing, this can be a fun casual game.

Hi, nice game, would be nice having some sort of highscore, or just a score that doesn't save, but shows you how far you get. The car's window as framing was a nice detail.

This is a really original game, was fun to play. Feedback would be towards clarity, having to memorize the 3 colors for the areas, and what does it means every state a person have may be confusing at first. I would like to have them represented as icons above their heads, so it's easier to tell. The color shifting on top of the sprites may be really hard for colorblind people. In that regard, magenta and orange are really close together in the color wheel, changing them to be red-blue-green or cyan-magenta-yellow would prevent this.
Anyways, I'm not colorblind, wanted to comment that just as a recomendation. You did an awesome job.

This game is really interesting, on how you used the theme, I like the idea and mechanics. I found it a little too hard, it may need some adjustments on the ammount of people flexing and swinging. It's a little too fast phased, maybe coding a wave system, so the difficulty scales, but starts slow. I felt as anxious as the main character, so we the players can relate I gues haha.
Oh, and the art is great -would hear to Ozymiandias feedback in regards of character design- but overall, the game is fun, funny, and stressful... stressfun

I have a similar experience than Ozymiandias, until I understood the best places and order to build. I was also about to give you the bullets velocity feedback, as Hardik Prajapati commented. Oh, and I tried the slow but strong turret once, and never built it again, didn't seem worth.
Nontherless, was a good tower defense, I really like the ideas you talked about at Discord, that would make it more different of others games on the genre.
Great work, keep going!

Nice game, it has a lot of story and great ideas. I agree with other comments, like giving each character a distinct color, so it's more clear.
And about the last interactions loosing some of the rhythm. I think explaining less, but in a more natural way would be better. But, for a jam game, I appreciate keeping it short and to the point, so we can get the concept, rate it and go to play the other submission.
One criticism I would personally give is the lack of choices, there wasn't much interactions (2 or 3) so it felt more like a novel than a game. I know that we have a lot of a time restriction, but I'd have liked more instances where we as players could choose the dialog (even if it didn't change the ending at all, but just to feel more impactful on our side).
Anyways, you did a great job and managed to submit in two jams, so congrats ♥

The game is really cool, I did also encountered some bugs when respawning, being pushed out of the platform, but I reloaded the game and kept playing.
I like the mechanics and idea, there was a small delay between the robots getting hit and dying (maybe it could be the same delay, but playing a destroying animation). Some times the throwing was too strong, a nice way to fix that could be setting the strenght based of how much time do you press the button until release. 
The last feedback I can give you is about level design, I manage to skip all restricted areas and guards (since they ignore you in normal areas if you are not holding the virus), just by throwing the virus side to side and running. So I found a lot of areas unnecesary, didn't need to go there or play as intended. So the game can really benefit by redesigning the levels in a way you are forced to use all the mechanincs puzzle-wise. 
I enjoyed playing your game, you did a great job.

Thank you ♥ -won't be tomorrow, but soon lol-

Hi Vii, thanks for commenting. Unfortunately we didn't manage to finish the game on time. Some stuff are still in development (crafting system, access to more alpacas), and others are half-implemented, but unavailable (9 different colored alpacas sprites, 5 item types, and more art assets).
We are still interested in completing the project, so we gonna keep working. Won't be possible to update it this week, so we'll have to wait until the voting phase for the jam ends. I'll announce at the BuddingGameDevs' Discord once it's done.
I hope you'll find a better experience then. See you soon. Gure