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A member registered Jul 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for giving it a try.  Sorry I didn't already have a Windows build, but I'm glad you got it to compile.

Not currently.  I will try to compile for Windows before the jam is over.

Minus any mobs, and I'd say that's pretty accurate.  I wanted to add in a couple animals, but that would've eaten up too much time animating them.  Thanks for giving it a try.

The collisions still need some work, definitely.  Most of the objects just have cube shaped collisions associated with them, as a target for the raycast to interact with.  I'll try making some of them clippable, just not sure if that will make them where you can't interact with them, either.  Thanks for download and feedback.

I seem to be having graphical issues.  My cursor won't move beyond about 75% of the screen in either direction, but only gets worse with resolution changes.  Is there a fix or this?

I like that Tic-Tac-Toe had an AI, though I crippled it after a few draws.  The Snake could use a little more speed and a smaller hit box, but was otherwise fine.  I swear Snakes and Ladders was rigged, though, lol.

I tried to make it recapture focus, but it never did work out the way I wanted.  The crafting was supposed to update upon making an item, as well, but that also got buggy to polish up.  As for the objects not being removed, you have to be within the chunk to collect the object.  I wanted to fix that, but ran out of time before even getting a chance.  Good to hear you got as far as crafting a furnace, though.  Thanks for trying it out and giving feedback.

The first time I didn't react in time to avoid shaking hands, but I fumbled hard enough the second to avoid it.  Made it out with 100% sanity and some extra pocket momey as well.  Couldn't get the infection risk below 11%, though.  The music was super chill and enjoyable.

Very wholesome and charming, with a nice atmosphere.

Pretty interesting game, I'm not quite sure what to do other than eat fruit and kill aliens, but it was enjoyable.

This is a pretty fun game.  The controls take a little getting used to, but button mashing seems to help with getting past the tricky obstacles.  The running animation is also pretty dope.

Checkpoints, friction, and maybe a slightly higher perspective would be nice.  Other than that, it'd be pretty cool with some more obstacles.  

Thanks for noticing the editable seed.  As simple of a mechanic as it is, it was one of my favorites to implement, and had been planned since the project started.  Also, thanks for trying and commenting.

An inventory would greatly increase the longevity of gameplay, and additional items are always a good thing.

It worked for both the emulators I have on Linux.  Pretty basic, but cool.  The jumping was a little odd, because it seemed like you had the flies set up to collect 3 off of a jump, but it wouldn't quite line up for me.

I have to say you did well on the poop sound.  It's a little fast, but the target helps.  Not sure if I jist didn't play enough, but there could stand to be more drones, or a faster way to regenerate poops.

I didn't realize I needed to be online for the game, so my score was lost.  I got something like 100 rolls at <400 infected, though.  I ended up getting trapped by infected people and not a bucket in sight. 

Challenging game, perhaps a tad too many enemies for the alotted health.  It'd probably work better with indications of cooldowns, or perhaps if the enemies would hover low enough to jump over them.  It's a good start, and I could see it becoming a pretty decent game with a little more balancing.  The jumping feels a little too heavy for how fast you can traverse, which both helps and hurts the player.

I don't get how to play.  Would you mind listing the controls on your page?

Ahhh, okay.  I probably would've figured that out if I'd gotten further in the code than setting the screen size.  It's pretty cool, man.  Actually kinda refreshing to see something made with Python, but PGE would make the game scale better, I'd imagine.

Well, it took some effort to get running, but it works great.  I wouldn't have even tried to make something in any assembler, so kudos for that.  There is one complaint I have, though; and that is tempting me with more rabbit holes to fall down.

I wouldn't even say they need to be improved, it's just unusual, which actually gives it some interest.  It all has a particular style, and that's really the important part, visually.

Yeah, I wasn't too happy with how flat everything is, but I wasn't ready to start dealing with depth yet.  There are actually some hill tiles in the game, but they didn't work as well as I'd hoped, so I just commented out all those portions of code.  Thanks for the download and feedback.

I mainly like the concept you've got going.  Not really sure what to do with it in it's current state, but it's very interesting the mechanics you've got so far.  And I'm not sure why, I didn't like the graphics too much at first, but they've grown on me.  It's definitely unique, good job.

It's quite difficult until you figure it out.  The time pressure helps to grab focus, but more levels would be a nice addition for the future rendition.  Good to see someone making use of the alpha channel in a more broad sense than just cutting out the background of sprites.

Other than not being able to exit, I enjoyed this a lot.  Now, I will say the crafting system could use a bit of work, and I'd totally be down to show you some methods I've found to be really easy to use and minimal code on the function/method end, if you're up for it.  You could make something really cool with a bit more time and polishing.

For anyone else wanting to try, I'd suggest using the highlighted portion of code below before playing:

Thanks for hosting an extra jam this year.  Not sure when the next one will be, and if I'll have time for it, so I'm glad I got to take part in at least one of the OLC jams for 2020.

Thank you very much.  Esc will open the in-game menu, sorry I forgot to mention that on the page.  Building was a hope, but I ran out of time for the jam.  This project is certainly going to be developed further, and I'm open to suggestions if you have them.  Thanks for the time and trying out my game.

Yes, the world is based off of the seed in the options menu.  Thanks, I made everything myself, other than the engine, of course.  Yeah, Godot is quickly becoming my favorite developing environment.  I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for taking the time to try it out.

I haven't tried the game yet, but a suggestion for the future would be to zip the .pck and executable together.  I've had problems with people not downloading the .pck in the past.  It also makes for quicker upload/downloading.

Sorry about that.  I really should have reversed the background colors.  As far as goal, there isn't really one, other than not dying.  I plan to come back to this project later on, though.  Hopefully make something more than just a template out of it.

Thanks for giving it a test run.  Yeah, the message system still needs more tuning, and the button clicking is a rather annoying issue.  The tradeoff was the sound needs to expire before allowing the user to continue or it just doesn't play the sound.

Fixed.  Thanks for the input and trying it out.

Leave a description of the bug you've found here and I will try my best to solve the issue.