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A member registered May 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Mostly a well executed game! Letting the player build their first snowman without any threats is a great way to let the player learn the mechanics comfortably before throwing them into the deep end.

The lack of BGM actually adds to the horror vibe of the game.

My only point of critique is there's not much indication whether dropping an item will cause it to get stacked/activated as opposed to just plopped down somewhere. This is a problem when you're trying to stack snowballs and putting a snowball down instead drops it on your location, nearly pushing you into the hat.
Some better indication on whether snowballs are stacked would also be good, I spent some time not realizing that a given snowball was already stacked and not behind the rest of the two.

Solid premise, but there's very little strategic depth as I could usually just level up all my characters and blindly upgrade whatever and still win comfortably every time.
There's some mouse detection issues with the UI which does put a damper on the experience, and when I didn't have enough coffee to buy an upgrade I also mistook that for a UI issue since that was not communicated clearly enough.
With some more thought given to difficulty scaling and strategy, this could be a lot of fun!

Visuals and the overall game premise feel very cozy.
Unfortunately the game suffers from a big communication problem. I had zero idea what I was doing and could only figure it out through significant trial and error. I know there is a text tutorial but text tutorials are no substitute for either good affordance or a proper interactive tutorial.
The add-in names were also sometimes hard to read and if they were in the left half you had to fill them in without being able to see how much you need at a glance.
There is also no indication that I could see of the presence of snowmen if you're not looking directly at them. This made having to deal with them a chore and very unforgiving, as you could get a game over at any time without any warning. Something like subtle spatial audio cues could fix this.
These are all communication issues that I think could be fixed, which in addition to some keyboard controls and ambient sounds could make this a really nice cozy game.

The basic idea works, but I found that snowball were flying around way too fast and way too haphazardly, and this made projectile avoidance more luck than skill based imo.

The pixel graphic characters were really well done!

Extremely well designed game - there's not much to do but the RPG/buying mechanics are just enough to keep you playing so you can get just one more upgrade.
The enemies are also really well designed - they scale in difficulty by implementing new abilities or combinations of abilities instead of just having more HP/defense.

The brainrot theme is really consistently and entertainingly implemented. The ending is especially hilarious.

Snowboarding feels fun but it's really easy for steering to spin out of control so I found it best to go straight with only minimal turning when necessary. Once I figured out you could just stop fairly easily the game became trivially easy.
I think the game could benefit a lot from some difficulty ramping, and maybe some extra things to break up the monotony, like opportunities for jumps/pickups to tempt the player into taking risks.

That TTS voice with that BGM goes hard ngl

Sled controls are fun, but the ice seems to always force you to go hard in the opposite direction, almost always forcing you to run straight into a wall or other hazard. It would have been a lot more fun if it just made your controls less responsive. As it is it's kind of confusing.
In the current itch frame a lot of things also seem to be cut off, an inclusion of the full screen button at least would improve things a lot I think.

The skill based attacking/defending is surprisingly fun, and the just-one-more-turn effect is real!
I think there are some major issues with the difficulty curve, I went from being basically invincible by investing all my points into attack, to almost dying, to then investing all my points into endurance and becoming invincible once again.

The gameplay tends to overstay its welcome a little bit. Some things on the interface could also be communicated more clearly.

The graphics are really charming and the visual style is definitely one of the game's strong points!

Hands down the best Game Feel with the sound design, screen shake, hit stops and slow-mo, nicely tied together by the background music. Threats are consistently and clearly communicated. The mechanics are also great and the enemy types complement each other nicely.
Controls felt a bit floaty and hitting an enemy or not felt more like a gamble than anything. Gameplay loop felt like successfully dodging enemy attacks until you get lucky enough to hit all of them.

Overall an extremely competently designed game, very well done!

Love the animation on the slot machine, I think you really did a good job there!
Would have loved to have more random stuff to do in the cabin, maybe different kinds of slots or other kind of gambling. Could be a cozy Christmas gambling cabin.

Big fan of the soundtrack and general arcade retro vibes!
I'm not sure if the spin attack is inspired by The Adventures of Lomax, but if it is, in that game you press jump mid-air to activate it, and I think that would have been better here as well.

Fun for its short runtime that doesn't overstay its welcome.
Pretty easy once you get a feel for it, haven't really felt the need to ever use the jump though.
I think the game could have benefited from some sort of extra score opportunities (coins etc.)

Very professionally developed game in all aspects (at least for the parts that did get finished)! The use of jump buffering and grace period for jumping after walking off a ledge (although I do think it's a bit too long) is appreciated.
The levels were also clearly designed consciously.

It was a bit hard to play with my Moonlander (it's a split keyboard with the spacebar assigned to the right half).

The premise is cool, but I feel like it could have really benefited from some form of adversary (some form of challenge, a monster to hide from or defeat, etc.)
As it is it's a lot of walking back and forth.

The autoshooting mechanics combined with the dodging are really fun, and the visuals and music make it a great whole as you can concentrate on dodging stuff while deriving satisfaction from damaging the boss.

I had a lot of fun playing this one!

The starting cliff is virtually invisible so I ended up walking off of it several times. The rotating platforms also seem to get stuck on the rotating phase if you die after it starts, which makes subsequent attempts a bit more difficult.

I think this game would be helped a lot if you didn't have to do that initial walk back to the boss.

I think this game could benefit the most from added polish: sounds, particles, effects etc. especially to better sell the physicality and impact of attacks. The biggest weakness of the game comes from that physicality not being there, especially when your health goes down without you even noticing.

As it is I found I had the most fun when trying to run to the end past the enemies without fighting any of them since running past them untouched seemed to be the biggest challenge until the last level.

The overall feel and aesthetic of the game is really cool and reminiscent of those 90s shooters. With some extra polish this could be a game I see myself playing for fun from time to time.

I have to commend this game for its excellent design.
Everything you encounter is immediately and intuitively understandable.

The controls feel good and reveal a good understanding of game feel.
The graphics and sound are simple but coherent.

It may be a short and simple game, but what is there is very competently executed. Good job!

Really cool graphical style, am I correct in seeing an inspiration by Ghoul's Forest?

Should be fixed now, let me know if it still crashes.

Very simple but at the same time one of the few games on here where no part of it seems like a chore to play. The gameplay loop was minimal, but engaging. Some of the enemy sprites would be genuinely spooky if employed in an actual horror context.
A reload button would have been appreciated, or maybe I just couldn't find it. Add some more depth and game feel, and I think this has potential to be a great game!

A fun concept but I found it way too easy to get cornered and stunlocked by Sakana.

Very engaging but of course it is, it's modeled after Oregon Trail after all! Very cute and funny pop-up messages and in-character of Pippa.

Very cute, very sovlful

A very unique and engaging idea for a mechanic. It gets a lot more engaging once it stops waiting for you to pass or fail every box, but also gets unfairly punishing once you have multiple boxes bouncing around since they collide with each other and there's not much the player can do to stop a box from knocking another box away from the correct path.
Boxes also tend to get stuck in between the chutes and the wall. I'm also confused about the target, I seemed to pass most levels without reaching the target, maybe it was a bronze/silver/gold medal thing and I just didn't notice the target change.

A well-made game that is actually a complete whole, very rare and impressive for jam games!

The idea of attacking with scissors where you let your enemies get between them is kind of unique, I don't think I've seen anything like it before. The camera is too zoomed in so it's hard to get an idea of your surroundings.

Very fun and addictive, good balance of drip feeding content via RPG mechanics. The usability could use some work, although I got used to it eventually, batteries that finished producing could use some more promiscuous signs to show that they're done. Twitch-placing characters in a tight spot is also frustrating, as it refuses to place the character unless it's close enough to the center of the tile.

I think there's really big potential for this game! Biggest downside I think was how slow and lumbering the attacks are, it didn't feel very responsive. Some improvements to the game feel can make this game really great!