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A member registered Feb 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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it does seem the platforms is the main issue of the game with players, so I will be working on that in future games.

that's my fault. I wanted to make the jumps easier than the closeness of the platforms would allow while also animating a few of them. Originally, my intent was to have the buckets move in and out of the player's way, but due to getting a job during the jam, I couldn't implement that change.  However, that is not a good enough excuse, and I will work on this in future games. 

it does seem like the platforms is a bit of a problem. I will work on them in future games then. 

thanks! I'll be sure to watch these today as soon as I have the time to and I can implement it in the next game!

originally, I wanted to have spinning pinkish diamonds in the sky at about a 25% opacity, but I was running out of time to post the game by deadline. I would like to make it so when you get to the ending, there's a portion that enlarges your score and asks if you'd like to play again, but I don't know how to code that yet. 

I see what you're saying about the camera. Is there any particular tutorial you could recommend?

I like that idea. I also like how you sort of can guess who the character is, without being outright told who it is. 

the lil sploosh enemy is super cute. I feel a bit bad shooting it. 

start button had to be pressed a lot before the game would start and character moves a bit slow at first, but I think it's part of the game? Either way, I had fun collecting the souls. 

The visuals in this are stunning.

That was incredibly fun. I wish it wasn't such a short game though. 

Everything was great about this game; but the music does cut off particularly soon. 

Why does this keep happening to me? 

(great game!)

I asked for salt. I got salt. 

game's music is amazing. 

Tiny screen is tiny. But game is super fun.

Has the makings of a really good horror game if framed properly. 

The music was really loud and the wolf attack rolls were really small, but the overall game play was  very interesting. 

I really enjoyed the physics of the player node. 

I loved the concept but I was having trouble after the first level. 

It was fun once I got used to the mechanics. 

I liked it a lot. It reminded me of that old neopets game where the dino rolls around to collect berries. 

Like with some other games, really addicting. 

this was weirdly addicting. But I'm biased towards anything with hats. 

I actually had a really similar problem in my game and another I made. What I did was in the game scene, I added a staticbody2d node with the new world boundary shape to each side in the collissionshape2d node attached to that one. 

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing and its a lot at once. All I can seem to do is press space bar and things move. I know there's other stuff, but it's hard to read on top of the base map. 

It was easy to imagine a frozen lodge in the winter being slipped and slid through. The jump made things difficult but the game was fun. 

This was a really fun simple game that seems like kids would benefit from to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. 

The music brought me back to the undertale battles. 

It was really fun, but it was also easy to leave the viewport and it was concerning not knowing how much time I'd made it until after the end. 

It took me a minute to realize I was collecting souls to drive around. 

I wasn't super sure how to get started, but once I figured out I had to click reroll, I could move. 

Okay, worked on the download. One word. Roscoe.

That is all. 

Replayed and got it to work, but I have to press down the keys hard for it to work for some reason, so it seems like an issue on my end. Overall very fun. 

I will try again with this in mind.

Same. But if it's working for you, then it's got to be a problem on my end.

This game was way more fun than should be allowed. 

It's all really well done but movement in the browser is a bit clunky. 

I like everything so far, but no matter if I press E or any other button, near the objects or not, I can't leave the shelter. 

You know those games you used to be able to buy in walmart that would have the little digital characters in black over that sort of grayish/whitish screen? This reminded me of those in a good sort of nostalgic way.