it does seem the platforms is the main issue of the game with players, so I will be working on that in future games.
A member registered Feb 11, 2024 · View creator page →
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that's my fault. I wanted to make the jumps easier than the closeness of the platforms would allow while also animating a few of them. Originally, my intent was to have the buckets move in and out of the player's way, but due to getting a job during the jam, I couldn't implement that change. However, that is not a good enough excuse, and I will work on this in future games.
originally, I wanted to have spinning pinkish diamonds in the sky at about a 25% opacity, but I was running out of time to post the game by deadline. I would like to make it so when you get to the ending, there's a portion that enlarges your score and asks if you'd like to play again, but I don't know how to code that yet.
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