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A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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So the text flew by so fast I could barely keep up, it really is a best practice to have a tutorial or narration controlled at the player's pace.
I also had an issue with multiple level themes playing at the same time and with how busy the music already was you can imagine it was very overstimulating.

Those criticisms aside I rather enjoyed your use of color.

Gotta love physics based chaos.

Fun choice of music, and I like the inclusion of power-ups.

I was glad to see an automatic, 'flip my car upright' safe-guard in there.

Not the flashy-ist Jam Game I've ever seen, but hey its a functional prototype of deathmatch bumper car sumo, what's not to love?

Keep on Jammin on pal.

First off fucking love the name,

was definitely *not* expecting tank controls for mr. soccrmin but hey it works.

Bummer your PC shit the bed, good on you for posting what you had any way.

Wow, blown away by the art and presentation.

A freaking map editor? are ya'll for real? madness, A+.

I like how the early levels tutorialised the basic mechanisms but it still would be nice if the elements had a little more explicit clarity as to how they interact with certain tiles.

My only other criticism would be that levels need a reset button, as just mashing back a million times got old every time I got stuck.

All told tho, totally loved burning the world to smooth jazz, keep up the great work gang.

(1 edit)

Well first I gotta dock points for no sound whatsoever, but I realize that all that in 24 hrs is no mean feat.

Love the use of assets for the enemy and player unit variety and the multiple sizes of explosions make for a surprising amount of strategy.

Again great job for only one day's worth of work, though you really aught to have some kind of escape key to close the program.

Also great title.

Definitely puts the 'Hell' in bullet hell.

Fast respawn makes for very short iteration time witch is great considering how often you die.

The music is fun, but the opening loop does get repetitive after you get smoked the first 9 times.

Overall not bad, but also not great.

Keep on Jamming friend.

Definitely puts the 'Hell' in bullet hell.

Fast respawn makes for very short iteration time witch is great considering how often you die.

The music is fun, but the opening loop does get repetitive after you get smoked the first 9 times.

Overall not bad, but also not great.

Keep on Jamming friend.

'A bullet hell of your own making' what an awesome concept that totally fits this jam.

The art style is Suuuuper cute, and the music and sounds all fit perfectly.

Excellent level of polish on the menus and UI, gotta love seeing that especially since a lot of jammers overlook it.

If anything I think the projectiles could move a bit faster, just to speed things up and lay on the stress real thick.

A+ game gang, keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Kinda makes me think of Purgatory if Purgatory was also a Mall in the 1990's, very Kafka-esk.

Strikes me less as chaotic and more of a kind of 'Procedural Hopelessness Simulator'.

Great use of 3d assets, particularly the sky. Love the sound design as well.

All told, an artistically interesting romp in some kind of hellish wonderland, keep up the good work.

Lots to love here,

Multiple build platforms, excellent polish on the menus, a leader board, and very fitting yet unobtrusive sound design.

The idea of a sort of reverse pong where you're simply trying to hit more balls than you miss just to stay afloat is pure gold. Having the balls multiply on every bounce definitely ramps up the chaos super quick, spot on for theme.

I also rather appreciated the way the instruction screen subtly tested to make sure you were reading by only starting the game when you press the correct key, and booted you back to the main menu otherwise.

All told awesome game here lads, keep up the great work.

Love the font and polish on the menu presentation and UI in general, really great stuff & alot of jam games totally over look it.

The actual physics of the blower and the rubbish seem a tad inconsistent at times, and in general a lot of it feel very weighty, perhaps some more fine tuning would make them move more easily / erratically and sprinkle in a bit more chaos.

Gotta give you props for a nice, smooth, well presented HTML build, every-time I try to build in HTML it never seems to work so Kudos there.

All told very well put together project.

I totally adore this concept, gotta ding you points for no sound tho.

Its especially odd because you have a volume slider button in your menu, witch I assume based on the 'Title Screen' is a prefab you up-cycled, (nothing wrong with that) but it was so close to having a nice coat of polish on top.

At first the darkness of the levels seemed a little oppressive, but it really emphasized the need to always be shooting and therefore introducing more chaos into the levels, turning every room into some kind of hellish nightclub dance floor.

I almost missed out on the purple orb heavy pistol type weapon, thinking it was the same as the base rifle, so a bright pink or purple coat of paint on that one would go a long way there.

Your shotgun gets a solid A for fun factor (I Gotta judge every FPS by its shotgun), and the health pickups seem generous enough for the typical amount of self harm your likely to inflict in a room.

I also am in love with the pixelated camera resolution, It really makes the otherwise dull stock assets pop.

Overall SUPER FUN GAME but, YOU REALLY NEED SOME MUSIC! Lots of great royalty free Drum & Base songs out there on Newgrounds just waiting to really make this game sing.

Absolutely adore that reload animation, so smooth, so satisfying.

It would be nice if the skeletons weren't so spongy, kinda makes the early game difficulty curve a little brutal. A visual indicator of player health would also go a long way.

My only other critique is that it would be nice to have the game pause when selecting upgrades, so the player has more time to read and internalize the info so they can make an informed decision.

All told tho, great jam game, keep up the good work!

Rather amusing comedy game, the visual style really compliments the humor.

Some background music would be nice, but not really required.

The feeling of absurd helplessness seems rather Kafka-esk.

Not sure what the right click button does, it would be nice to have something to dig you out when you get stuck in a big horse pile.

Overall, amusing enough jam game.

So, I gotta ding you points for no sound whatsoever.

Also a little unclear on what the goal was, at first I thought I was supposed to avoid the ducks but they seemed to have no impact on me, and I certainly couldn't shoot them, if anything they acted as platforms, so was the goal not to fall? Because the way I would teleport to the top of the level every-time I hit the floor did not communicate that at all. It just seemed kinda arbitrary as to when I would get a game over.

From a technical standpoint I see no reason why this game could not be hosted as an HTML build or as a .exe, needing to install the whole thing seemed a tad unnecessary.

The shoot to move mechanic is a fun idea but hardly original.

All told this feels like a weekend jam game, not something with a week long deadline.

I will say however I fell in love with the name & the sprite of the raccoon is very cute, definitely be sure to recycle that asset in the future.

Keep at it & I'm sure this project can flourish into something great.

Gotta ding you for no sound whatsoever, but the visuals do have a nice look about them. The different weapon selections were nice idea, but as far as I can tell they all behave the same, for example it would be nice if the shield provided some kind of defensive bonus or something while using it.

The rune collecting and upgrades were also poorly tutorialised and the large info dump on the please help tab killed a lot of my enthusiasm to learn almost instantly.

So all told, not a bad game just one desperately in need of polish.

Keep on jamming friend.

I love the chill vibes, great take on the theme.

The art is also fabulous.

Two small criticisms, 1 is the bucket gauge supposed to go negative? and 2 some music and ambient sound would really pull this whole thing together.

I love the chill vibes, great take on the theme.

The art is also fabulous.

Two small criticisms, 1 is the bucket gauge supposed to go negative? and 2 some music and ambient sound would really pull this whole thing together.

Thanks chum.

I was very proud of the way the pixel art & sound came out as well.

I definitely under budgeted time when it came to stuff like tutorials or menus, those areas for sure needed more time in the oven.

Its largely just an ecosystem sandbox. What you do in it is up to the player, And yes, a lack of ability to affect the predator population is another glaring issue I'd fix if I had more time.

Great use of sound and color to communicate information to the player. I especially was impressed by the amount of polish on the menu screen's and the .exe Icon (nice touch).

I kinda found myself wishing the interact distance for objects was a little bigger but otherwise this was top notch.

Great use of sound and color to communicate information to the player. I especially was impressed by the amount of polish on the menu screen's and the .exe Icon (nice touch).

I kinda found myself wishing the interact distance for objects was a little bigger but otherwise this was top notch.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I realized partway through development that the issue with simulating an ecosystem with no boundaries is that it's not a matter of IF it will crash, its a matter of WHEN it will crash, so I put in a line of code to pull the plug if the frame rate ever drops below 0.5 fps. Definitely serves to make the experience more ephemeral for better or worse.

At first I thought about giving the player a game over if any one species went extinct, but I realized living in a world without animals is kind-of it's own punishment & I'm generally not a big fan of telling people how their supposed to have fun with a thing so I left it as more of a sandbox.

I think I will make a more polished version of this idea someday, definitely both characters need a way of dealing with the predator population for sure.

Thanks for the feed back.

What a delightful & fun spin on golf! Water barrels and mushrooms add a great challenge, & I love the art style. The sound design is fun as well, getting Arthur killed by bees was too cheeky & fun to even be mad at.

What a delightful & fun spin on golf! Water barrels and mushrooms add a great challenge, & I love the art style. The sound design is fun as well, getting Arthur killed by bees was too cheeky & fun to even be mad at.

I dug the recommended listening. Witch is strange because I'm not much of a blues fan. I can see how the theme brought it to mind.

I dug the recommended listening. Witch is strange because I'm not much of a blues fan. I can see how the theme brought it to mind.

Love this great entry into the butter-fingers platformer genre.

Absolutely blown away by how many levels you fit in, & the music is catchy to boot.

Love this great entry into the butter-fingers platformer genre.

Absolutely blown away by how many levels you fit in, & the music is catchy to boot.

I love that someone else decided to go with a conservation oriented take on the theme .  The soundscape and visuals were great, but as alot of others have said the frame rate lag is a little brutal.

Also, maybe it was just me, but is their any way to exit the game after the start menu? I tried using the escape key but no dice.

Really digging the Zen vibes.

Solid sound design, the music never really got old witch is a plus.

Kept finding myself wishing I could place the watering can or sheers on other shelves.

Great take on the Jam's theme.

Really digging the Zen vibes.

Solid sound design, the music never really got old witch is a plus.

Kept finding myself wishing I could place the watering can or sheers on other shelves.

Great take on the Jam's theme.

Very fun & Stress inducing interpretation of the jam's theme. I was especially flustered when I discovered the turret had a tracking behavior.

My only constructive criticism is that a little more time could have been dedicated to the sound design. The low sound quality was grating & the repetition of the 'new record' gag got old fast. Otherwise I enjoyed the snarky sense of humor it brought to the game.

Very fun & Stress inducing interpretation of the jam's theme. I was especially flustered when I discovered the turret had a tracking behavior.

My only constructive criticism is that a little more time could have been dedicated to the sound design. The low sound quality was grating & the repetition of the 'new record' gag got old fast. Otherwise I enjoyed the snarky sense of humor it brought to the game.

This was totally rad, I was in love with the retro Sega-CD vibes this game gave me. 

I think a text based point and click adventure is a great fit for this particular jam.

I rather enjoyed the plot as well, going to run through again & see if I can get an alternate ending.

Hats off to Jac & Celadon.

This was totally rad, I was in love with the retro Sega-CD vibes this game gave me. 

I think a text based point and click adventure is a great fit for this particular jam.

I rather enjoyed the plot as well, going to run through again & see if I can get an alternate ending.

Hats off to Jac & Celadon.