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A member registered Feb 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was an unranked jam (pretty typical for TTRPG-related jams in my experience), so there isn't much of a post-jam process compared to something like the Ludum Dare. Instead, the submissions page basically acts as a catalog for people who want to find NASA image–inspired adventures in the future. If there's an adventure you wanna talk about, I'd say comment on that project's page directly; that way the adventure's author will see it.

Glad you liked it! I've shared it around as I could, but the nature of the internet is who finds something, who reads it, & who comments are ever-diminishing pools. All of which is to say, talk about it with your friends & use it to start conversations, that'll be a better reward anyways. :P

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on this day, 34 years ago! NASA has put together this neat highlight reel of images the Hubble has taken over the past year:

I hope that everyone's trucking along with their adventure plans. Remember that the Get Hype thread is there so you can share your excitement and get excited in turn! Looking forward to seeing y'all's submissions. :)

Finally decided that I wanted to make something for ICON since I'm gonna be running a 3–4-shot pretty soon here (so I suspect my adventure will look slightly more like prep notes than anything), and with that eye I was caught by and from JWST's Flickr. I'm thinking maybe the first is some kind of spirit in the plot, while the second is some kind of landscape shot or environmental feature? We'll see what I come up with once I start getting story ideas & plotting out encounters!

Have you started finding cool photos and want to share? Are you at the spitballing stage and want some outside perspectives to nudge you towards one idea or the other? Just excited about what you're making and want to talk about it? Post here! This thread is for sharing the energy you've got for your writing, and in turn getting energized by seeing the cool stuff other people make.

Aaaaaa thank you so much for your patience! I hope it serves you well. :)

I like the way you reinterpreted "out of control" to be similar to "out of stock," but it felt like I was less depleted of controls and more "Oh, oops, I made a bad routing choice, guess I need to commit suicide to get the gem(s) I missed." This is especially true considering I think you need a minimum of 3 controls to complete any stage; there's no hypothetical speedrun option where you can take a difficult path using 1 or 2 controls and thus skip out-of-the-way gems. That all said, the art was cute, and the music isn't too terrible in spite of the short loop.

Neat core concept, but it seems like the enemies spawn faster as the game progresses, until eventually there's no way in heck you can have enough Control to manage them. The high cost of shooting means that the optimal strat is to stay centered & just turret-fight, but the random spawning means that you're blindsided and either forced to reposition, wasting valuable control, or tanking a lot of hits to the face while you wait for your Control regeneration to give you the last bullet you need. With some extra time, polish, and a bit of re-balancing, I think this could turn into a pretty solid game.

The font choices weren't the most legible, and felt a bit out of place compared to the more pixel-y style. Additionally, I had some trouble in my early attempts figuring out which platforms I could move vs which ones I couldn't. The final up ramp also had some weird collision going on, causing our slimey friend to reverse directions if you moved too fast. That all said, it was a lot of fun carrying this cute green buddy over the various obstacles, and certainly it didn't feel like any particular game I've played before.

Lots of fun, and really neat concept! The size of the queued marbles versus the actual marbles dropped made it a bit confusing figuring out aim etc early on, but I got the hang of it soon enough. I'm not sure putting a heart in the final bin seemed to do anything? Also, frankly, the second-to-last fight was much harder than the last fight, as those 3 snakes could really lay down a lotta marbles in rapid succession... That said the only thing that was mechanically odd was that the flat platforms had no interaction; no bounce, no redirection, no rolling physics, just pbbt they'll go straight down once the platform moves out of the way. A really great game overall though, and I look forward to adding a future iteration to my collection. :)

Clever concept. I disagree with GreenClovers about the first stage timing; that wasn't too bad, but I did have an issue with getting off of the door after it shut due to a slight difference between the door level and the rest of the floor. I eventually got stuck at room 13, though, because it seemed like I couldn't make it to the bottom no matter what combinations of arrows I tried. The brick didn't speed up with 3 arrows on the mouse compared to 2 arrows, and neither a single nor a double-height jump got my arc in such a position that I could clear that many spikes.

Fun game in theory, but a lot of mechanical failings made it hard to actually enjoy. The inconsistency of springs functioning (it was sheer luck that I was able to finish the last stage) and the precision required to avoid spikes (I'm thinking of dodging the sawblade w/ the floor spikes immediately following in stage 6, and the 1-tile openings for stages 7 & 8) without a clear sense of your hitbox or where you're going to land wore out the enjoyment of the earlier stages. I liked the almost typist-level of on-the-fly button pressing as I had to figure out which button would move me out of harms way, though.

The fact that it's multiplayer-only makes it hard to judge as a single PC user...