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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

The idea was really interesting and it felt really juicy, great job!

Love me some pico 8 games, the art was really good! And the idea of the theme reminds me a whole lot of waldo, the second level by far is the hardest but it was fun learning it ~inside out~

Simple yet entertaining, loved the music and the main character that looks like a genie that is a little too obsessed with socks (guessing he uses them for ~research purposes~ whatever that means)

While it did bug out to me on my first run, gotta say, the art was amazing and loved how it felt when you took out an enemy with the bullets (tho wished that juicy feeling was also when you sucked them in), great job!

This was really interesting to play, it's something you don't see that much these days but i really love this type of games!

It was really entertaining how you platformed your way through, have a blast 9/10!

That was really fun!~

That was fun! Loved the main mechanics, the only thing to note for me is that the sound is way too low, could barely hear it even at 40% volume, overall really fun!

Thanks for playing! And yeah, we definitely could have made the rules more understandable, will do exactly that for a new update!

That was really fun! Liked the general idea and mechanic of the game, specially how it feels like you could solve a puzzle in so many different ways.

That was really fun, didn't get it quite right at the start but once i realized you could rotate the entire stage my mind was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH. Really fun 10/10

That was really fun, loved the art and music. I think it would be nice if there was a little more feedback every time you take out enemies, but regardless i had a really good time playing!

I played this game before the end of the jam and played it again after. The atmosphere still gives me the chills. 10/10


Thank you so much for the double rating haha, also your feedback was really helpful, definitely gonna use that to improve the game!

The atmosphere... just wow everything about this game gives me this surreal kinda like inception vibe, the gameplay is engaging and your core mechanic is something i can really get behind. Great job!

Thanks! And Yeah, the cameras were a tribute to inscryption! loved every second of the game and wanted to learn how they made the camera animations since they make the game feel so alive and fast-paced, love to see that it was worth learning!

Thank you so much, glad you liked the game!


that was the definition of chaotic, really fun!


Thank you!


That's the best compliment a compliment could ever ask for, thank you so much!

Thank you! And really? i thought that it could be expanded but wasn't too sure, thank you sm!


Thank you so much! also thanks for the feedback i wouldn't have realized about that bug otherwhise lmao

Really good implementation of the theme "chaotic"! got really into it didn't realized that a whopping 30 minutes passed, that was really fun!

deez nuts, the epitomy of chaos

This was made in only a few hours?! wow, +Respect!

Darn rats are not getting away from this! (loved the art style sm, and the animations are just... wow)

the idea for the gameplay is really good!

Thanks! And yeah, thought about that, like an hour before submitting, but didn't have enough time to make that change without changing a fair bit of code, regardless, thanks for playing! :D

It was really fun to wall jump add a double jump AND a dash to create some crazy combos, really fun game!

The game looks phenomenal!

The gameplay has a TON of potential, i mean pool AND roguelike?! That IS crazy

i jiggled looking at the animations and at the ending omg that's cute

Really fun game, the sounds, especially WEEE-HEEE

Really enjoyable experience, can be a little too difficult at times, but that doesn't make it less of an amazing game, and the visuals... oh god the visuals are amazing, really good job, team!