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In and Out of Action: The General and the SoldierView game page

Strategize as the General or jump into action as the Soldier. The War rages on!
Submitted by voveostudios — 2 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did your team create most/all of the graphics yourselves?

Did your team create most of/all the audio yourselves?

How did you incorporate the theme "INSIDE OUT"?
In our game, the player is either inside or outside of the action: either a general surveying the war from a bird's eye view, or a soldier swaying the tides of battle in the muck.

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this was really fun, perfect level of challenge once you get the hang of it!


The game is a lot of fun, really enjoyed the gameplay. Nice graphics too.


The game is a lot of fun, really enjoyed the gameplay. Nice graphic too.


That was really fun!~


Holy Smokes! This is incredible, I cant believe you were able to pull this off in a week! 

I wanna play again but my general feedback, is how the game starts off, its very overwhelming because it just throws you in the mix with no chance to breathe,  Maybe start with a timer or start with controlling a unit right from the start so the players can digest the map and castle positioning 

Otherwise, Love the Art, the health gauges were easy to read, you should be proud of this one! lots of work must of gone into this! 

Nice work! 

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My feedback for In and Out of Action: The General and the Soldier:

What the game does well:

The graphics and audio fit the setting you aimed for. The unit AI is functional and prioritizes attacking a player controlling a soldier as it should for balance reasons.

Player actions + gameplay is tied to the theme 'inside out'. Your game does a great job of requiring the player to make use of both the general and the soldiers.

What the game doesn't do well:

I immediately got overwhelmed by the Rules/Hints page when I clicked on a level. Whenever you have a pixelated font you have to be strategic about how much text you're making the player read at one time and how much of it is covering the screen at one time.

It felt like this part was rushed. From the start the player is obligated to memorize the controls of the general, the controls of the soldiers, the hints, and the objectives all at once before they play the first level.

Areas of Opportunity:

You have a lot of rules, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. You also have a decent amount of levels. I can tell by the levels' designs that your intention was to start small and get more complex after every battle. 

Instead of shoving the rules/hints at the beginning of each level, there's a great opportunity to take one rule or hint and design a level to teach the player that one rule/hint and nothing else. Then as levels get more complex you can start to combine previously taught rules/hints together to create new challenges for the player to overcome.

I hope this feedback helps!


Hi Daniel,
I really appreciate the comprehensive feedback! Your note on the flow of information is really helpful for me. I tried to overcorrect past experiences and just put all of the relevant rules on the screen. Playing your team's game helped me understand a bit more as well! 
Thanks for checking out the game!


Anytime. I'm down to know more about your workflow. DM me on discord @salsero whenever


a  s u m m o n e r  h a s  r e c o n n e c t e d


aahahah this makes me so happy. Hi j


This game is incredible, the art, the mechanics. I love everything about the game. Addictive game


Thank you so much for checking out the game! Means so much <3


Really cool concept and great take on the theme!!!


Thank you, and congrats on your game too! You got one of the coolest mechanics in the jam :) 


Great concept, it was fun! I liked the unexpected strategie that was needed, wasn't expected that! Great work!


Thank you so much! The balance between strategy and action was tricky to figure out. Super glad you enjoyed it and thank you!


Very nice game. I love strategy games and therefore I had to try it out. Little suggestion: the teleporting of the knockback is a bit hard to look at. Still very fun and played every level except for challenge 3.


Hi Chrisi, 

Thank you so much for playing the game! That is such good feedback, on replay I agree that the knockback is a bit jarring and I would love to fix that in future projects. Glad you had fun!


I liked it, different from what I thought it would be from the pics. Good job


Thank you so much for trying it out, glad that you liked it! :)


Good Game!


Thank you for checking it out!


I absolutely love your relation to the theme. The levels are great and each one is different. At times, the combat can be clunky due to the knockback. I do think more can be done with the general mode, though, and give more possibility and difference between the two modes other than just panning around. Great job, and great game!


Hi GoldShots,
Thank you so much for checking out the game! We spent a lot of time on game design this time and glad to see it come through in the levels. I also really appreciate your feedback! Knockback could be implemented much better, and your comment inspires me to start dreaming of what could be done with general mode. 
Thank you for taking the time to give feedback!


Nice concept! Very ambitious to design so many maps, congrats for the great effort.


Hi bandejo,
Thank you so much for playing! Congrats to you too on finishing your game! Fun note: my partner and I actually considered making a game with emotions having different powers, glad that someone did it!


yes, it was a nice idea to develop!


Nice concept! Very ambitious to design so many maps, congrats for the great effort.


I really liked the game. it's simillar to TABS but its 2D. Gets pretty bugged with the attacks and collisions though.


Thanks for checking out the game! Appreciate the feedback on collisions, something to figure out before the next game jam :)


I really liked the idea, it can be very entertaining to go from one unit to another that have completely different gameplays. Good job!


Hi Cocosdev,
Thank you so much for checking out the game! Glad that you had fun :) 


I like the idea and the fantasy of being both the general and the knight. It was hard to understand, and might have been easier if the instructions text box was split between multiple levels so I could test out the new info as soon as possible. Very interesting interpretation of the theme :]


Thanks for checking it out! I especially appreciate the feedback -- I made an effort to explain the mechanics explicitly, but it's a good reminder that there's always more work to do! Congrats on finishing your game, it's really polished and fun :)