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James Duran

A member registered Jul 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really clever puzzles, especially some of those last few. The animation of the small guy getting smashed is funny

(1 edit)

The 4th is the last, and that's super impressive. I'm really glad you had so much fun with it. We did use a custom engine. Box2d handled physics, miniaudio for sounds, we used LDTK as a level editor, and I have my own platform layer for windowing, graphics, and inputs called tailor

Tons of fun, and very intuitive to me. Very good spin on the theme

Not a bad idea. I'll put what the extensions do in the game description

I honestly did not expect anyone to finish all the levels. Good job, man!

I understand your thoughts on the aiming. My partner suggested adding a laser sight and I shot the idea down because I didn't want to deal with line rendering lol. I guess he told me so

I agree. We had plans to put in better UI for viewing extensions and what they do, but didn't have the time to implement. When out of bullets, you can still try shoving enemies into water. Otherwise you are kinda stuck

I like the mechanic of scaling on different axis. Also found the secret

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed


WASD movement keys

Press J and L to rotate left and right

Press K to shoot

Press SPACE to pick up items

Press Q to drop last item

Really groovy. Everything felt great and it was fun. My only complaint is that the section with the platform was confusing when I didn't know I had to wait for it to come back, or that there even was a platform to jump on. Maybe only having it move when the play jumps on it would be better.

This game was a lot of fun, and I thought the drone mechanics were really good. My only critique is that I think the drone losing battery was a bit of a useless mechanic. I never really felt like it did more than make me wait a few seconds before using it. I feel like it could be a really cool mechanic if maybe you had a lot more charge, but it didn't come back outside of little recharge stations, or something like that. Otherwise, still a really nice game that I enjoyed playing.

The is probably my favorite game from this Jam so far. It's extremely stylish (my favorite small detail is the cool screen transition effect). It's also really fun and challenging. The main mechanic was really nice. The only critism I can give is that I think the game could be far better with more enemy types, and I did have a few instances of enemies spawning in walls.

I loved the art and the music, both were really good. I feel like the biggest weakness was the enemies though. Their attacks were not telegraphed in a way that gives you enough time to dodge. That mixed with them getting stuck frequently made the ideal strategy avoiding them and running past them whenever possible.

Very fun, this game is incredibly satisfying to play. I loved the music as well. I just wish I could damage the spider with the tracking missiles he sends at you.

This was made in GameMaker Studio 2

I don't know if this is a known issue or if this is just an issue with my download, but I often use functions inside of lightweight objects and have noticed that they are not highlighted, do not show up in autocomplete, and do not list their arguments at the bottom. Variables of lightweight objects do show up though.   

That's my bad, sorry I  forget to include it. It should work now

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the game,

Thanks. It was a mixture of no sleep and good teamwork.

I appreciate it and I'm happy you liked it. I'm probably going to update it again after the Jam so make sure to check back in.

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to update the game after the Jam, so make sure to check it out.

Good Idea!

Thank you. You're completely correct, this game needs a track. Not sure if peaceful or intense music would fit the game better though.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. Having the soldiers shoot at the player is something I don't think I'm willing to compromise in the game, but maybe having slower bullets or more player hp would fix the problem you're describing. As for the high score, when the time runs out, the game does give a grade depending on how clean the level is. If I had more time, I would have put the highest score you got in a save file though and displayed that in the level select.

Thanks for the feedback. The thing that was supposed to guide you to dead bodies was the stupidly loud and cartoonish death sound each soldier makes when they die. I will agree though that sometimes the soldiers will take awhile to kill each other cause their AI is pretty RNG based. Maybe the game would benefit from killing a random soldier off screen if one hasn't died in the last 20 seconds or something.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

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Did you use the WASD or Arrow keys? They don't work like traditional buttons that you click with the mouse. It's also SPACE bar or enter to select one.

Thank you so much)

I'm actually updating that to be tutorials right now. I'm still tweaking the game while I have time. Thanks for the feedback

Thank you so much for the reviews, videos, and jam. I think I'm going with the story that the player is a farmer putting down rebel carrots, or something like that