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A member registered Apr 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked the game!

(1 edit)

This was a chill little game. Took me a moment to figure out how to actual place objects, but then it was nice and relaxing. Simple graphics and cool colors worked very well together. A minor thing, but it would have felt even more Zen if the worlds pulsed to the beat of the music. Overall a very enjoyable experience. Well done!

What a great concept! I really liked the art and music in this one and it really felt very satisfying to play. I loved the pop of colors as enemies were destroyed. I couldn't get very far because it was quite difficult to accurately sweep through the enemies with the mouse. Still, it was a lot of fun!

That was a fun game. I liked the idea of being able to possess creatures. I could see where that mechanic could be used in a lot of different ways. Good job!

Well, I've never met a blob quite like bob! This was a lot of fun. I liked the morphing with different body parts. Good job!

Fun game, the echolocation effect was really cool. Well done!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Yeah, I find it annoying when the player gets sent too far back after dying, so I made sure just to restart the scene. Glad you liked the game!

That was a fun little game! I like that the frog could change size and that I could tilt the platform. I think having the arrow key tilt the platform would have been better, then I could have used both hands for better control.  Also, I  would have preferred the platform always move at the faster pace. Overall a great take on a classic!

Well done! That last level was tricky, but I liked how you really had to time the dimension switch when airborne to get to the flag. The controls felt great. Good job!

I liked the concept of this game, but I just couldn't get the mechanics working to complete all the levels. Looks like other have figured it out, so it was probably just me.  Overall, good job on the idea and I really liked the transition to the upside-down world. 

Thanks! Spread the word about it...  :D


Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback!


Thanks for the feedback! I would also like to see a longer version of this story :) I'm investigating the possibility. 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! The SFX were one of the last things I added and it took most of a day to do it (so many SFX for such a small game, and I didn't quite get them all in) so I'm glad you liked them!

Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't sure how controlling 2 characters through the split screen would play out, but it seems to have worked pretty well.

I was really bummed I didn't have time to get music in there. I totally agree that would add to the immersion. I am hoping to expand on this and add more interesting puzzles. Thanks for taking the time to play and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing!

Lol, yeah the ending is kind of abrupt with getting thrown back to the main menu. But... jam time... something had to give! I'm glad you liked it and thanks for playing!

Hmmm, additional dimensions... that's an interesting idea! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for the feedback!

I probably should have put some instructions in the game for how to play. I'm guessing you assumed WASD at first? I would like to make this into a full game at some point. I need to work out how to leverage the physical/spirit world mechanics into more interesting puzzles. And figure out a full story. And find the time to do it all... it will be a while... :) Thanks for the kind words and feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the ambiance and SFX. I almost didn't put the sounds in (vs. doing another puzzle) and had to fight with the lighting to get it working properly in the WebGL version. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Yeah, not a very smart antagonist, was he? Really, he was just sort of a hired thug. I find zombies are always the same, in life, death, undeath and re-death... it's no wonder they're so cranky! Thanks for playing!!

Thanks! I really did try to get as much of a complete story (or at least the hint of one) as I could.

Thanks for the feedback! Most of the animations were from Mixamo with Unity's Animation Rigging package used to tweak them. I actually used DOTween very little, just for some subtle adjustments when the girl was being carried and put down. It's really just for tweening individual values and makes it easier to LERP without coroutines.

I played your game, too, rated and left a comment.

Great game, I loved the retro vibe and humor! I like the MC Escher theme, too, it really fit in well with the idea of lost depth perception and I really appreciate that you didn't just show his art and call it a day. Being able to walk those stairs was a great addition. Very well done overall!

Great little puzzle game! The art, music and sound all complemented each other very well. Maybe shrink the character a little bit, sometimes I couldn't see the path ahead. This is a great basis for a larger game, I think there's a lot more elements you could continue to add to it. Great job!

This was a good story that I will probably come back to. But it seems to have gotten stuck in a loop for me. On the second day I played as Terrel and we got to the crossroads and Caprice kept picking left, which always took us to a blocked path. I was able to try to find a way around it a couple times (unsuccessfully) but after that the only option was Leave. Then we were back at the crossroads and that same scenario just kept playing over and over again.

Like I said, I plan to come back to this again later because I was really enjoying the story and artwork! Hopefully it won't get stuck again. Really great storytelling though!

Cute little game. I like the idea of interacting with the pictures, but it would have been cool if there was more to do inside them, puzzles to solve, that sort of thing. I was thinking of Fran Bow as I was playing, I think it would be cool to up the creepy factor bit. Good job on the game!

Cool game and good job on keeping the controls simple. It's hard enough paying attention to 2 dimensions at the same time! The dialogue every time one of them died was great. Good job on this one!

Good game, I liked watching the character evolve and hearing his voice get deeper. I didn't realize at first that I could move left and right. Some scenery to show horizontal movement I think would be helpful. A fun game, though. Good work!

Great mechanic being able to move obstacles. For some reason, I found the jumping SFX really funny. Good job on this submission!

Fun game, I really like the artwork. I couldn't figure out how to aim and sometimes the character wouldn't turn in the direction I was moving. Other than that, good job!

This was a fun little survival game. Pretty easy but worth the ending!

Fun little game and very unique mechanics. Nicely done!

It was a fun game, but I gave up in the blacksmith's shop trying to climb the platforms. The controls were just too awkward and loose. I'd have to make sure I stopped a little before the end of a platform since the player had a tendency to travel a bit after I released the keys. Also , when I got near the top, I tried walking with AS and jumping to get to the first square platform, but he wouldn't jump for some reason. Anyway, I did like the dialogue, characters and time-travel component of the game. This was clearly a lot of work, so good job!

Great game. I liked the way each ability was introduced and they are very well-designed, I really had to consider which ones I wanted to use when playing. I really liked the overall aesthetic of the game. Excellent job!

This was a great puzzle game! I would definitely play more of this. The cracks were a bit hard to see with the rather chaotic wall textures. And I was able to get to the outside of the castle on the second level... you can walk under the wall behind the heart pickup. Overall, this was a lot of fun to play, great job!