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A member registered Sep 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Leader board is always a nice touch especialy for a jam. Well done with the visuals too. The game starts really suddenly and it doesn't give me enough time to find my bearings. so it took me a while to figure out how to play.

Very unique idea, very polished. Well done.

I have not found a game yet with this much depth and polish. I was pretty confused on how to play for a little while because everything going on was kind of overwhelming. Could just be me.

Really good idea, I got supprisingly far but it kept freezing, might just be me. Well done.

I can't believe how long i spent playing. Nice work.

I love the atmospher and the polish. Could be a skill issue but it's kind of hard.

I wish this game was competitive

Good stuff well done guys. Joke*

Really intriguing concept. Might just be a skill issue on my part but the difficult ramps up fast. 

I can't get over how detailed the environment is. And the lighting too. I mechanic are really fun and interesting but there is some difficulty curve too it.  Also i kept falling through the ground when picking up the heart.

I like this idea, It's a little finicky, I was having a really hard time with the first level. I'll have to agree with everyone else about the difficulty.

Nicely Done. But for me I struggled to wrap my head around all the indications. like which way cars were turning and the traffic light's direction (or I'm just bad). Also not a fan of the delay when changing the traffic light I think it would be better if it was instant or at least reduced delay. I also found it was possible for the intersection to be soft locked, I think because 4 cars were yielding to each other in the intersections (pretty sure). Other than that this is one of the most polished games I have played so far. I had a similar idea for my game but this game has much more depth and I like it.

couldn't stop playing almost made it to 10th! nice work

this was cool. I kept getting stuck tho

I was wondering if this was a spin on katamari. until I read your submission above. very nostalgic.

Yeah, the sixth level was made to be harder because the rest of the levels felt too easy. I just wanted the last level to feel chaotic. But ya i see your point especially since the platforming character is so inconsistent.

Juicy Game!!

I really enjoyed that, I found the gameplay difficult to understand at first. Im impressed with the polish here.

I am just impressed you have all this functionality working in only 2 days.

thank you for including the disclaimer. Also Great work on the visuals. I also have to admire a clean simple game like this.

Yup that's an oops on my part forgot to freeze the blocks in place


It looks amazing nice work.

Yup We suffered from the same bugs I see. 👌

(1 edit)

kind of clickbait not gonna lie

This game was made for a game jam. With limited time, much focus was put into atmosphere. so the game lacks content. I'm leaving it here for now. Sorry you were disappointed.

very cool it would be nice if I could change some input settings. overall the game was suspenseful and interesting.

the visuals in this game really stand out. 

I found it frustrating trying to through the rock and bebop was in the way. Also throwing the rock over edges without falling is tricky. maybe shrink the collider for the rock or indicate when the rock will hit the wall. 

I Also got stuck once because the robot put the cube in the ceiling. 

put other than that throwing rocks to command bebop is fun and satisfying.

very polished. and a very appealing art style. The tutorials are very helpful. it's difficult to naturally teach the player how to play your game. but it is done very well here.

cool concept but it may be intimidating for new players. I found it difficult to learn.

my computer did not like your rope physics. it was not very playable on my pc but it was adorable looking. nice job

very fun. the difficulty is very balanced.

I spent a long time trying to do things the "right" way but now  I've realized that's not how game jams work. I just finished working on my dialogue framework. but still no game.

I really struggled with this theme. I spent to long trying to come up with an idea that would make top 100. But I submitted something that's what matters.

I noticed that issue but didn't have time to fix it. I'm kind of new to the fps stage.

Oh I did not see that. Excellent... Just easy to miss

I think your missing the build data for this download. When publishing on itch you zip all the files in the build folder together and upload that. (sorry for your loss)

I love the rolling dice animation very clean. rolling the dice is very satisfying. this game has everything all it's missing is a Fullscreen button.

Ya the distortion is more intense the larger the screen is. I did not account for browser scaling but I'll hopefully have that fixed after the jam

ya i should have made it more obvious but ESC brings up the pause menu.