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A member registered Sep 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi yeah the game was made at the non fullscreen resolution and didn't scale correctly with full screen even though it was set to anchor. I wanted to encourage exploration but some of the in between levels to get more familiar with the mechanics broke on the last day so it was a little difficult to visualize what to do. The bunny is on top of the houses. You can see it fall right away in the level. Using the mushrooms you can jump up to it. From there you can also see the rune/spell to blow the house forward and find the tower. I appreciate the feedback and will add in the the future release. Having an option to toggle waypoints may also assist with this.

Unironically my favorite game of the game so far. And you had 25 levels! As a fellow puzzle game I know how hard it is to create implement and realize mechanics so this is really impressive

Hacker voice, he's in cause I was not good at this game haha. Still a great execution of the stop the good guy type games

Man this is the best anti pollution game because if people stopped poluting I could have gotten that fish (I was unable to screw the fish)

Fun take on the concept, love me a game where you play as the level and not the player, but making it to get the hero is a nice touch.

This felt like a mix of Warioware (of course) and the Flowey fight from Undertale. Awesome work!

You got me, I was thinking I was so smart sticking in the corner and then I got diced haha. Felt very similar to the Super Meat Boy boss against the big guy. Felt almost like a dance

I think you have a real career in VO haha, but really great idea and execution. Of course the king cannot lose

I'm a simple man I see a chicken I'm a clickin

Great concept, great execution. I tried as hard as I could to keep one just stuck in the corner but to no avail haha

The townsfolk didn't stand a chance haha. Cute Kraken and fun gameplay loop

But I'm not a robot I swear. I love the concept and it was very funny to see the new challenges. I would like some sort of save system as waiting 5 seconds each new run did grow tiresome after a bit

The artstyle and aesthetic are great. The gameplay is also cool being able to summon a horde. Would love someway to improve yourself the same way the knight gets stronger. I was never able to get to the Demon Lord

I love the quick levels to get into mechanics for the puzzles. The white bars were a little hard to see at times but otherwise well done!

Slay the spire to stop the players from climbing is a great idea!

Really fun puzzles, I will say while the story was fun (I said I liked them for their muscles) I would have liked to get into the puzzles sooner to appreciate the dialogue more.

Always have to respect the people who made a game designer inside of a game design challenge haha. Great concept love the rats

Great Presentation and gameplay. Felt like being the conveyer belt in the Lickitung Pokemon Stadium minigame haha!

Funny idea. Dancing Chef for the win. I was a little confused on what to do but I made my own fun out of it.

Fun concept, but like others have noted could use a bit more polish on the UX. For anyone else like me, make sure you click the Unity Fullscreen not the one

Fun simple idea. The colors were all weird fullscreen for me so I did play it in windowed just fine. 

Deserves more ratings, but I'm sure too many people felt this was too real haha. Worth the download for sure

My poor family and friends haha, but gotta do what I must to survive. Aside from the stair collision being funky was really enjoyable.

As others have said, fantastic gameplay and presentation. My headcannon is that the brick breaker is thinking the points are his when really they are yours

Great concept. The RPG version of not busting on a 21 haha. Some way to speed up encounters would be great so you can speed while power leveling and slow when you have to be more methodic

Great presentation and gameplay! Feels very much like Diner Dash. Would be cool to add a timed version to try and balance getting people the best quests but also trying to get as many out.

Love Slay the Spire so this was right up my alley. The art makes it a little difficult to understand, but that is super understandable with the limited time. Otherwise super fun to try and play the gamble of getting good cards for yourself and not to give them to your enemy

I love this! I was hoping someone would do a reverse Papers Please. Really well done

As others have noted, fantastic game. Feels very Baba is you aesthetically.  Figuring out how to move your reticle around is a great mechanic!

Aside from some performance issues, a fun game.  Feels like the opposite of Phasmophobia haha

The game was really fun! The puzzle solving was cool and an inventive take on the "reverse you are the game" idea. I would love to see a speedup button added for a small Quality of Life thing, but really good project.

All around a great project, and I love the idea of a leaderboard. The balance of risk/reward is also awesome to see. The only thing I'd love to see if a version that starts off faster. On new runs it's a bit slow to start

Love the idea, bout time the aliens got their revenge haha. The audio was a little loud, but otherwise a fun time!

Thank you for playing! Yeah I sadly ran out of time to properly explore the puzzles possible with the mechanic

Yeah sadly I ran out of time for a proper tutorial, hopefully moving forward I can get that in.

Really cool idea. Seems like it could fit a really cool puzzle idea where you can try and get the CPU to the area it wants to go through prompts it gives back. (Like if you described treasure ahead maybe the CPU doesn't really care and mentions wanting combat, so you can make the chest into a mimic)
Great work!

I love the idea of being the board in a board game. I was a little confused on how to play but got it eventually

I really like the idea you were going with. Sorry the in browser doesn't work but worth the install

I like the idea going on, but accidentally got the computer out of the level. Great for 48 hours

Wow the polish on this is phenomenal. I was a little lost in the beginning, but the second playthrough was really fun.