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A member registered Jan 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was fun to play. Smooth mechanics, nice visuals, exciting music. The theme and limitation are both strong. Personally, I'd like a bit more of a backstory to explain why I can shoot bullets. Am I carrying a gun? Do I have magic powers? Am I spitting seeds at my enemies? You already have a little bit of worldbuilding (the idea that each Spring all the birds fight to be the king of crumbs), but I'd like to see a little bit more. You could even expand to some characterisation -- What is my name? Why do I want to be King of Crumbs? What will happen if I lose? But then I am a story-geek, so most of this feedback is just about my personal preference :) As I said, I really enjoyed this, so thanks for the cool game! :)

Wow! I really like this game. Unlike many games in this game jam, this game is something I've never played before. The game mechanic is new to me, so I felt liek this game was very original. I really enjoyed it. Great use of theme and limitation. I'd like to see this developed with better artwork, more types of birds, and a change in background to demarcate progression through levels of difficulty. Thanks for the cool game! :)

I spent a lot of time playing this game and really enjoyed it! I had some problems with the difficulty as others users have mentioned, but with some tweaking this will be an awesome game. I hope you develop it more :)

I had fun playing this game. It looked cool and the music was good. The difficulty was a little bit too challenging for me - but I'm not good at this type of game. Otherwise, the mechanics worked really well. They were simple but sufficient to create a good game experience. I'd like to see a bit more in terms of the concept/story (Who put the blades and the guns here? Who is trying to keep us imprisoned? Where will we go when we're free?) but that's because I am a geek for storylines and worldbuilding. Anyway, I enjoyed it, so thanks for the cool game :)

You obviously ran out of time with this, but I could still see the potential, and enjoyed the visual style and music. I think the concept is strong, and I felt like I'd made a bad decision by going swimming in the dark :) I'd like to see this game finished :)

I really enjoyed this game. I felt like it was well balanced. My penguins spawned randomly all over the map - so I didn't experience the bug that some users report below. The art style and the music contributed really well, and I would like to see this game developed more. I feel like you could add quite a few features to this. Thanks for the great game! :)

I felt that this game was all-round really good! I really felt the tension of being chased, and I think the visual style and music contributed well to the experience. The difficulty was perfect for me, and the simplicity of this game was refreshing! Thanks for the cool game! :)

I loved the concept of this game, and even though I kept dying, I felt satisfied when I got to that first house. I felt like the mechanics were a bit too challenging, and I wasn't really sure how to unpack my things when I got to the house, so I just kept dying. Perhaps the difficulty could be lessened near the start? Good use of limitation and theme. Would play again with some tweaks. Thanks for the nice game! :)

I loved it! This game made me feel some emotions. The music was well suited. The theme and limitation were strong. I enjoyed the return journey even more than the outward journey, and I found the end very satisfying. 

I'd have liked maybe one or two instances of branching, so I felt like I had a bit more agency over the storyline (but the same could be said of my own game's narrative). Also, the movement was a bit jumpy, which went against the smooth and dreamlike atmosphere of the game, but it wasn't a big problem.

Overall, very touching, enjoyable and memorable :) Thanks!

Nice game. I enjoyed playing but found a few bugs. The same but as cricketHunter mentioned below. Also, one time the game started spawning infinite enemies (100s of them per 1 second) when I entered a room. Maybe whatever action triggers the spawning (being on the threshold of 2 rooms?) was prolongued, causing so many enemies to spawn.

Regardless, I really enjoyed the game :)

This gets top marks from me. Really enjoyable. Great physics. The difficulty and progression was perfect for me. The visuals and audio created the right atmosphere. The enemies were programmed well. Thanks for the cool game!

I really enjoyed this. As others have said, the theme is strong but the limitation is not. I still enjoyed it :)

I love how it looks, but shooting the enemies does nothing? They never die. 

I liked this :)

I really liked this game :) I felt that the number 100 was too big. It would take so long to absorb 100 planets. Also, it was difficult to see the other black hole because the background is black. Apart from that, I think the mechanics worked well and it looked good :)

Even though this game seems unfinished, I'm giving it a good rating for its potential. Firstly, I think it looks beautiful. Also, I like the idea of having to quickly read the quote at the top, then mentally repeat it in your mind to remember each word, because you cannot keep your eyes at the top to see the quote. You are forced to divert your eyes from the top to the moving words at the bottom. So that's why you have to read the top quote, then internally repeat it, while looking at the bottom. I thought this is a good educational game, which will fill the player's mind with quotes from literature. I really liked that aspect.

The basic mechanics need to be improved. I couldn't even get to three words when I played. And there's no way to start again (you need to refresh the whole page). Also, some classical music would be lovely.

I can't wait to see the finished version :)

My favourite game so far! I really loved this. At first, I had the same issue as AdrKacz below. I saw the old computer monitor and nothign happened. I clicked around and nothing happened. I thought the game was broken. Then I realised there is a small power button on the bottom right of the computer monitor. It wasn't obvious, but this button starts the game.

TO START THE GAME - press the power button on the old computer monitor (bottom right).

I hope nobody misses this great game because of that one flaw. 

The difficulty was perfect. I was progressively getting closer to dying on each level. And the final level (Friday) would be likely to kill me. 
Also, the content was really good. I enjoyed reading the emails. Of course, I died if I read them. It's a shame that people will miss the good content within the emails because they have to close them so quickly. I wonder if there is a way to let them see more of this? Perhaps you could allow them to browse their inbox before each level starts, during which time the delete button is disabled. Then players can read all the emails before the level begins - when the level begins, the clock starts ticking, the pop-ups start popping up, and the delete button is enabled.

Thanks for an amazing game :)

Really great work. I enjoyed this. I found a problem occasionally when it was as if the direction key was stuck down. My sprite would just run in one direction and I couldn't stop him. I'm not sure why. Regardless, I would just let him die then start again. Thanks for the fun game :)

I really enjoyed this game :) I thought it was well-balanced mechanically. I felt like there could have been more of a rewarding moment when completing each level. I felt like it simulating the action of shopping in a supermarket very well. Unfortunately, my sprite got stuck between two shelves on the 6th level. But I still enjoyed it :)

I enjoyed it for a while, but I couldn't figure out the purpose of the different colour cartridges. On one playthrough I ended up in a room with 2 enemies and I was unable to do either ranged or melee attacks, so they killed me. I'm not sure if I needed to pick up more cartridges to replenish my attacking ability? I could not attack the furniture to get the cartridges, so I was stuck in a situation that I couldn't survive. I did enjoy it, but the cartridges aspect was unclear to me.