Thanks. *Eats cookie.*
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A) As much as I love to say so, the game has unfortunately ended up the wayside due to a lot of personal stuff, other projects coming up, and my (at the time) lack of skill.
B) I actually created Franae up over nearly a decade ago! It was for a Nessecary Evi, a campaign based on the Savage worlds system. It never panned out unfortunately but I liked her enough that I've kept her since then.
Honestly, a lot of others here cover what I'd like to say. Making it a cooperative storytelling game is something that never would have occurred to me. I do find interesting that managing the accumulation of stress was something that came across here- it was something that we managed to finish in time and had to cut out for our release. I think the Commander is the most interesting role to play just because of how different it can become based on the player. I could imagine an entire solo game based around playing the Commander.
Everything started coming to together towards the end of the jam where we finally hit our stride. There was a lot more there, but we had to move a lot out of the document in the final day of polish. A few statements on GM guidance really should've been put in. Sometimes I forget that I need to write things like that down and not just let it stew in my head.
It was a fun little romp. I gave my mech a black and gold paint job and went right in. Gotta say, though, the grenade launcher I think was the best weapon by bounds since ambassador pineapple made hitting enemies fairly easy. Old Mines was my favorite map because of how you used the lighting and fog withing the small confines of the map.
Can't be later than us.
This game is pretty sharp- though I stopped playing at the Sudoku section since I couldn't figure out what the clear condition was, even after managing to make all the numbers in the black squares turn red. The platforming feels pretty good to me despite the very short jump height. Though it is odd that Bao's wall jump has better height than her regular jump; it's usually the other way around in most platformers. Not bad, but unusual. When I got the boiler, the velocity changes seem pretty odd as well. Going down is an almost immediate change in direction while going up is very gradual by comparison.
Outside the platforming, I thought the VN portion was nice and I like the backgrounds and characters. Though for being an explorer, it does strike me odd that Ming-Hui, some one looking for adventure, doesn't tag along with Bao. I think it could be more interesting to hear about Buddhism from someone who was troubled and turn to that path- which I think would nicely entwine Bao's own story and what she learned.
That shouldn't be happening. The in-game menu on my end should only be coming up when C is pressed. Otherwise, hitting X on title starts the intro for me. I can only guess this might have had something to do with how virtual keys handling were updated in the engine during development. I'm honestly not sure what is going on since my own local copy of what was uploaded doesn't have this behavior.
It's actually something I've done with that action selection movement menu you see in the second screenshots(with Action, move, etc). The issue I saw in the future if I used that too much is that I'd have to manually order how these layers are drawn if I had to use this a lot. I found it easier to set up a variable and signals that would let me control that variable. I appreciate the suggestion.
Yeah, when it comes to AI it's either a blueprint or placeholder for me. It's a fun way for me to figure out what kind of designs work for what I want. Though for more complete works I tend to be picky and have a very specific workflow of editing and inpainting. I didn't leave myself nearly enough time for myself to even think of using that workflow unfortunately and the actual programming was eating up almost all my dev time. All I managed to get done unfortunately was Minerva with a few edits in Krita to get the hologram look and those low-poly lights in Blender.
That aside, thanks. Glad you enjoyed the experience.
I think it's pretty well written and having some RNG involved I think makes it more interesting since it quickly becomes a case of picking your own poison. What'd I definitely like to see is some ability for the player have the option to take action to deal with future problems you're already aware of which in turn may draw more attention.
Thanks. The armor and the two guns that fire rivets and bolts respectively would have textures that made them look like they were made out of scrap metal, parts and pipes. The firearms that actually uses chemical propellant would have looks like a firearm is very good condition. That one is based on the H&K G11 with its caseless ammunition.