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A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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I liked this game! For your first game Its very Impressive work! But here are my things that I noticed:
-Missing cursor, this type of game needs a cursor to see where are you shooting at. in unity You can Implement that very easily.
-Faster movementspeed for the player or faster gameplay in general. 
-Maybe different styles of shooting or weapons 
Other than these Nice Work! 

I liked this game a lot! The Idea Is really Cool and I think this impementation fits the theme well, but Also here is some friendly critisism that you might find useful in the future! : - Make the camera/rendering/movement more smooth, it would Greatly improve the playability. I got used to the choppy movement but for example If you press down one movement button constanly the character should move in that direction unless I stop. Spamming my movement input was not a good experiance but I really felt like this game has so mutch to offer so I continued!the explore part is too long for my taste but that could be because I felt like the movement was a bit off. Overall I think this game has a lot to offer but also the kind of game that needed a bit more play testing before submission. I think it is a good game that is worth to play but Improvements are needed for the future ! Thank you for the game! I hope I wasnt too harsh! <3 Keep the good work up! 

Seems like a cute game, Sadly I dont have a mac but  if you make a windows or a browser version I will try that out! 

Great Game, Once I got a hold on the controlls I made it till lvl 10. Great Job ! <3

Thanks for playing with our game! To give you the hint the character got inspired by the Last of us . 

Moel Jiller <---> Joel Miller

We are Finally ready with our game, please test it if you have time!
Thanks for playing! c:

5* in all Best game in the jam I have tried so far.

Thanks for trying out our game !

Well made. Really liked the card system. I got stuck with the sun and moon but the game is really well made and fun to play!

Good Idea, first we thought about something similar but you guys nailed it, cool game. Not as challanging as i first thought but all and all Liked it! Keep the good work up!

Cute game, Liked the Art, It wasnt so intuitive to play, but figured it out, it was fun!

Good Game! 

I liked the game but the collecting and the cooking part felt like two different game. It could have been 2 different submissions. The cooking one was well thoght out the collecting one part was interesting but a little bit less intuitive.

Keep up the good work ! <3

Cool Game! Liked it a lot

Really fun game ! The graphics is absolutely good. Professionally and well made. The only thing is that the tutorial... it is unskippable and too long for my taste

Thank you for playing ! After the jam is over We will improve our game for the best. Thoose changes will contain : pathfinding and better controlls for the units, more information indications for the players , fixing bugs and based on  feed back more formations to choose from and better AI. Note that we are trying our best with the game but we do not want to make it easy In my opinion the harder a game gets the more the player will think about how to win. I think we did what we could under the time we had (we only had 24 hours cause we skipped the first day) and I am proud of our team to say the least. Thanks for playing the game and we would love if you would try the new version of it once it is released somewhere after the jam. <3  


In the current version you need to do the following strategy to win:
-you can cancel Spawning extra enemies.  if you exit the zone the spawn method stops so you go in with an army and leave the zone with one unit nothing will spawn. 
-So go in with one unit and cancel the spawn with an other. let the first unit pull all the mobs into one place so the mobs are stacked.(doesnt matter if that one unit dies)
-send an ohter unit in (and an another to cancel the spawn zone) if you did it right you can kill all of the mobs in one tunnel without ever spawning others.
-in each tunnel leave one unit for the buttons(the unit with the least amount of health is the right choice)
- one note is that the ghost have 2 spawn zones so be careful with that!!
##IF You done it right you will have enough units to defeat Satan.##

The spawn zones are the green ones and I marked the kite sports with red.


Nice game! Lots of devs  went with the idea of a questgiver but this game stands out by its polish and Its way of atmosphere. To improve the game I would put some npcs in the background let them walk up for a beer or let them just talk to eachother just for fun. maybe there could be some visual representations of the day and night circle and peope would want to sleep  and drink during the night and people would need food during the day. Outstanding game !<3 

Cool concept with a great implementation!

Great Game, I spam the gun so much that my fingers hurt! xd <3

Nice game ! I Loved the art!

I like this game's take on the theme, the constant changeing team was a bit confusing at first, and i think the zombies are a bit weaker than the player's but Great game overall <3

Thank you ! c:

Yeah , there are some bugs that is quite anoying .There is a bug I believe when sometimes you cannot select units (I still dont know why that happens.I also want to put  proper pathfinding into the game . I will take care of it once the Jam is over. If you have any other feedback we would love to hear it  to improve what we already made.  Thank you for the comment and we  hope you liked our game ! <3

Hey could you give me some instructions how to play your game(i mean how to boot it up)? Thanks <3

Not a unique idea but a well made game ! <3

The game's concept is unique and I think It is really fun to think in devolving yourself ranther than upgradeing. Challangeing experiance. Liked it <3

Loved the music and the Idea as well . Nice Game ! <3

Fun game ! 

This games shows the talent of every developer/designer who worked on it. Fantastic gameplay, Amazing Art . Overall a really good product! Loved it <3

This game is REALLY good ! <3

Great game, I find it really funny that the baits are dounuts xdd, Good job! <3

Loved it !

Loved the game, it is fun! Visually it is a masterpiece.I dont know if it is intended but you can finish the game without killing any enemies (thumbs up for a pacifist ending ) c: 

(1 edit)

Beautiful game I loved it so much!!I Built just goldmines all over the place and made HUGE income. Music is fantastic and the Gameplay is straight forward. If i could give an advice put a button to spawn the next wave instantly and make a destroy building in teraction to delete buildings for money. For a balancing point of view the game needs a bit of a touch. Do not give the player all goblins at instant make them work for them (a lvl up choice or something to unlock the next golbin).Also the basic goblin's stats are too op at the end i basily just had the normal ones and oneshoted all the enemies --> that means that the player do not buy any other units. To spice it up a bit I would put bosses in that fears the  normal goblins but not the ranged or the hobogoblins. This Game is beautifully done and I would love to see it in the future a full release! <3 

Heyo! I liked the game , but I had one thing to bug me , while I played it, and it wasnt even the game but my own personal experiance with sprites. The sprites doesnt really have shadows. I used to have the same problem with one of my older projects and I have a shader that could give the sprite shadows, recieve light and have an outline while being in a 3D space. Hit me up if you want it I could provide it for you! Anyway good game! <3

Thank you! <3

Thank you for playing our game, hope you enjoyed it! <3  We didnt really had time to playtest : that is why it is as hard as it is. All and all there is an  exploit that you can use to finish if you check out my other comment that I posted. Thank you for playing !!!

Here is a bit of a hint, to finish the game : the green zones are the spawn zones.If you go in you have 5 seconds to prepare for the enemies to spawn . There is an exploit that you can use to prevent units from spawning. If your unit goes in and than goes out than nothing is gonna spawn . So  if you lead an army inside but you go out with one unit from the zone nothing is gonna spawn because that one unit cancells the spawning process. (Technically it is an exploit but because the lack of playtesting we had this is the best way to finish our game cause otherwise it is too hard).Be careful with the ghosts tho they have 2 zones !!!! HAVE FUN ! C:

Great catch on the theme, the graphics are very well done, this game flips Death's purpose, intertwining time travel and subversive music for an immersive experience.