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A member registered Jan 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Interesting, yeah I knew about some of the weird platforming issues.  I wanted to fix them but just ran out of time.  Thanks for the info about the Platform Effector though.  I'll keep that in mind next time I'm making a platformer.

Oh interesting, I had to turn my volume up to nearly 75% to hear it, but yes there is music lol.  Not sure if it's something with the particular track or my set-up as none of the other games had that problem when I played them.  Might be something to consider to boost the track volume for future projects.

Yeah, I noticed the side collision on the platforms as well...just ran out of time to fix it.  Good note about the jump though.  I'll consider that for future projects.

The words were fine I think.  It's just that there is barely enough time to look at all the cards, let alone find the one that doesn't have a match. Maybe giving another second or two so that the player could see all the cards might help.

Great game and idea even if it was over the time limit.  Nicely done.

This was great even if it was over the 3 hour limit.  

Great idea.  I think either making the hit boxes a bit bigger or display a little longer would help a bit.  There were times I swear I clicked the target in time but died anyway.

Are the levels randomly chosen each round?  I got the same map two times in a row.  Other than that, fun game overall.

As the other poster said, some sound and music would be good.  Also, I think it'd fit into the theme a bit better if you only had one health point instead of three as the game-play is relatively straightforward.

Great submission.  Fits into the theme very well.  The only feedback I have to give is on some levels (I know level 3 was one), I wasn't sure which way to the lever,  so I ended going the wrong way initially.  Easy enough to restart the level of course, but I think an arrow or indicator of some kind might make the user experience a little smoother.  Of course it is a game jam so time is limited, but would be interested in seeing this expanded on to a full fledged game.

This has been my favorite game (so far).  Really liked this one.  Great idea and execution.  

Tried this a few times so not sure if there is only one outcome?  Either way, very spooky take on the theme.

Really cool farming game.  Some music and sound would have been a nice touch since you had some time left over.  

Nice game.  I liked the visual style and music.  Took me a couple tries to understand what it was asking by a single pattern card, but then I was able to get it. 

Enjoyed the atmosphere and sounds of the game.  I would have liked if the text scrolled a bit faster.  Overall interesting idea.

Ah ok, yeah I couldn't tell if it was getting any faster or not.  Maybe since it was so slight I didn't notice.  Very cool overall though.

As mentioned, I think a score counter would be a nice addition.  Also, I think stopping the people and spawns when the elevator moves would help with the flow of the game.  Overall nice take on the theme and very well done.

I liked the concept for the theme.  Would benefit from an ending screen as you mentioned in the game page and some audio would be nice as well.  Nice submission nonetheless.

A good take on the theme.  Instructions would be helpful but was able to figure it out.

Cool idea.  Audio is always nice.  Took a minute to get the hang of it but enjoyed it once I did.  

Took a few tries to get the timing right, but once I got it enjoyed it.  I think slowly increasing the speed of the patients would be an interesting mechanic to add.  

Solid take on the theme.  As mentioned below, really just need some audio to improve on it.

Really fun game and an interesting take on the theme.  

This game best fits the theme that I've played (so far).  Really enjoyed it.  I think some audio would benefit greatly.  Also noticed if you spam space bar you can get a ton of items.  Probably would help to have a grace period between spawning items.  Other than that, great game and keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback!  Yeah I really wanted to add a little more functionality, but just ran out of time.  

Yep.  I did add a PhysicsMaterial2D and freeze the Z rotation.  Although I'm not sure if any of the colliders are overlapping, so that is something I could keep in mind for future games.  Thanks for the idea!

Solid platforming on this.  Love the music and voice over.  I'd recommend adding a sound effect for the jumping as well.  If you ever decide to expand on this, I'd like to see a way to "mark" the safe or bad falls.  I understand it's a memory game, but I could see this as a game that has extremely long levels with more obstacles and what not.

Solid platforming on this.  Love the music and voice over.  I'd recommend adding a sound effect for the jumping as well.  If you ever decide to expand on this, I'd like to see a way to "mark" the safe or bad falls.  I understand it's a memory game, but I could see this as a game that has extremely long levels with more obstacles and what not.

As others mentioned, I think a gradual build up of fall speed would help this a good deal.  Really like the idea and fits the theme very well.  I'd also recommend maybe slowing the side to side speed as well as the fall speed.

Cool mechanic.  Sound always makes the game feel a bit more lively in my opinion :)

The visuals and sound were great for this game.  

I'd recommend adding some controls on the game page.  Took me a minute to figure out what keys to use.  Music and sound effects always are a nice finishing touch too :)

(1 edit)

Cool idea.  Ran into some weirdness with the player walking on what I though was the background wall tile around level 3 though.  I'd like to see some of the kinks fleshed out and some more levels!  Also, I think a sound effect when jumping/changing gravity would be a nice touch for a better UX.

I like this idea.  One thing I'd recommend that was mentioned below is to make the damage colliders and the gate colliders which do no damage more distinct.  It took me a few tries to realize what I could touch and what I could not.  Overall good game though.

Nice game.  Some background music would add to it in my opinion.  The sound effects and shaking camera are nice additions though.  

Solid game and idea.  

Cool idea.  One thing I'd recommend is adding some sound effect when getting one of the balloons to give the user some audible feedback. 

Thanks!  Yeah I'll definitely keep that in mind for next time.

Yeah, that is exactly what was happening.  I spent probably a good 15-20 minutes trying to fix that.  I didn't get it completely resolved as you can tell from the game, but I did make it better by adding a very small edge radius to the player's box collider.  I'll have to try using one collider next time instead of using Unity's "Auto-Tile" flag.  Thanks for the suggestion and feedback!