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A member registered Aug 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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yeah i assumed that whoever played the game would easily grasp the plug/socket mechanic but it seems i was wrong thanks for me telling me :) 
but i really dont know what made the game run so poorly for you.

anyway thanks for playing my game, i really appreciate it.

the "water" is ice

Hi so you noticed the player never exactly fits the holes since they are bigger but the game getting faster seems like a good idea and it shouldnt be too hard to implemen

oh really i dont know about similar games i just had this random idea

ce que t'as utilise te permet juste de decompiler le code il va pas te montrer celui qu'il a fait et le fait qu'il ait 3 copies du playercontroller est plutot chaotique c'est vrai mais je ne vois pas ce que tu veux dire pas un script pour chaque scene ? quel script ?

I couldnt go very far since i'm too dumb for games like this but the environment looks so great and the idea of interacting with dioramas to change the real world is really cool

yes i know that in fact almost everybody told me about it but you didnt notice the player get more score if he fits matching the gap size i think restraining the player to pass if he isnt the right size feels to hard a stamina bar would be right

i just tought maybe removing score if the play dont fit enough gaps with the same size (and tell him too) and adding controller wouldnt really be too hard probably like 5 minutes since i already use unity axes

you're welcome ! :)

yes that a problem i was aware of but i didnt really have any good idea on how to fix it maybe killing the player if he stays the same size too long ? and the i didnt think the perspective was so bad :

oh it seems the title panel stretched all the way to the play and credits button i had some problems similar to this and i just moved the buttons a bit lower but this is worst than i tought

oh really thats weird it seems to work for other people it should look like this

no problem cubix is actually my only game that is somewhat good! all the other are garbages

Hi proob :) anyway really cool game it could have been more challenging but its still great, i couldnt solve the end riddle "what gets bigger the more you take" which made me lose and the back button didnt work and also i dont really know how you made the lava shader but it looks like its just some tiles of circle i think you could have used voronoi noise to make it look a bit better

ye i spent too much time doing the atmosphere and i knew the game wasnt original but thats the best idea i could think of also if you fits the gap while being the same size as it you get more score :

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nice score i didnt really think perspective would be a problem it felt good for me

thanks for me telling me i didnt even notice that !

Ohh a zombie survival :) the game looks really good and its fun its off theme because 'Damn look at all the guns and zombies on the map' isnt really a valid explanation but its so good we can make an exception just... why did you use a 2d tileset in a 3d game how does it even looks good !? (apart from the barn)

ohh this is the type of games i really like i even tought of making a game like this but didnt have enough time...

Such a cute game :) i tought it would be easy when reading the description... it wasnt but it was fun

Really cool game :) i also love the 3d ui, it would have been perfect for my game :(

nothing really fits the theme (except moving platforms) and its just regular rocket lander still a fun game to me

the game is fun but find it too hard especially to get the power cell in the room where you have to stack barells (thats where i ragequit lol) i didnt finish the game tho but it looks really good and the ui is realllly clean

i think there is something wrong with your ui (why is it so pixelated ?) the doors wont react when i close or open them and if i try do so they will open and close multiples time ? i'm not gonna say anything about the graphics since we didnt have much time but the game was off theme i didnt do it to the end but i dont think that this "At the end , player incresases its height to escape" still counts

this is way to hard for me but i think it still great

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btw if you wanna see a custom solar system check out my profile and download the zip

making a custom solar system with his project was really pain so good luck if you dont know unity :(

for those wondering if you wanna try the solar system exploration you need to download the unity project on github and load the project on unity :)

really cool game but how can i destroy the medium sized trees ?

this game is so fun but not long enough i would love to see the game get more boss the game also look really nice and feels like an AAA game :

look like remains...

is virtua still updated ? 

it's fun but using a different game engine would be better...

it looked good but sadly i cant play it


but Dinablocks are 2004 Roblox

he just need crappy roblox studio (roblox studio)