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A member registered Mar 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Obrigado por ter testado o jogo!

O sistema de "respawn" pega algum lugar aleatório de um terreno seguro de tempos em tempos, e quando vc cai ele teleporta o player de volta para esse lugar, infelizmente não tive tempo na jam pra refinar melhor esse processo, o que acaba dando uns resultados meio estranhos como o que você falou pois tudo acontece muito rápido, e o sistema pode acabar pegando um lugar seguro novo no meio desse processo, se tivesse dado tempo de colocar uma animação do personagem morrendo e voltando pro ponto seguro de uma forma mais suave, não daria essa impressão, talvez eu ajuste isso em um próximo update, obrigado pelo feedback!

Obrigado por ter jogado!

Muito divertidinho, tem potencial pra virar algo maior!

Muito obrigado por jogar! por coincidência ia comentou no seu jogo mais cedo também, adorei, eu tenho vontade faz um tempo de fazer alguma coisa bem parecida com o que vc fez, e conseguiu fazer em tão pouco tempo! muito bom!

Só pra não ter dúvida, então é até as 23:59 que podemos enviar o jogo?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I think this game as a concept turned to be nice, but honestly I think the overall character moviment for this jam version a little too slow and clunky. I'm thinking if I should do an expanded version with multiplayer and fast paced combat (redo most of it, add some dash and rolls, idk) to see how fun this concept can really be, let's see if I will commit to it.

I think a system to not get the tree in succession would be nice, I'm planning a post jam upgrade to address some small things, maybe I will add those suggestions, thanks for the feedback

I really enjoyed playing this, nice job

Thank you so much for the feedback! I indeed learned a lot (especially what not to do). I'm think in expanding this concept into a more fast paced multiplayer game, but I still don't know if I will do it

Really nice and enjoyable game, with some solid gameplay, great work!

I really liked a lot of this game and had a great time, very polished, and think that there's really potential to be a full game of some sort, so an feedback, not looking as a jam game, but what it can became: while I was playing, felt more like a "ok let the skeleton running and then I can see where it dies and I insert an block", I know there is the skull rating system if you die less, but still don't seen to be enought to just try withouth doing this way. Maybe if you guys put some reward shop in exchange of the skulls or something, I really hope if you guys do some more with this, great work.


(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I did an post here earlier about that, we used that pre existing art as placeholder while developing, and I thought would be nice to keep it since it was already working (a little extra content would not harm), I did not saw that option until there was no time left to take it out from the game, and didn't think was fair to my partner who did all the art if we said we didn't make the art because of it. Anyway in a post jam update it will problably be replaced to a created sprite! (I also wanted to in overall make the animations a little faster after jam)

Thanks for playing! the camera indeed is a little too close, I will change that after the jam, I also wanted the game in general (and attacks) to be faster, but we didn't had the opportunity to do it during the jam time

Thank you for playing! The idea of adding points to pick a specific character is clever, I wish I had thinked that, nice!

Overall the game is not polished as I whished, not only the things that you mentioned but some others, but we run out of time to do the fine tuning we liked, I will address some in a post jam update, others I think, only if we ever made an 2.0 update expanding the concept (maybe adding your upgrade idea?)

Thank you for playing! During the playtest I didn't find the camera too zoomed in, but now checking more carefully after all the comments, indeed I think is too close, I will address this in a after jam update.

Thanks for the feedback! I will address the camera in a after jam update. As for the movement, I agree that the way you describe would work better, but I would had to rewrite almost all the motor from scratch, I didn't had the time  to do  it during the jam. If we ever do a 2.0 version expanding the concept, this is something I will address!

Thank you for playing

Thanks for playing! the tree was more like a pre dev joke, but in the end worked really fine, so we put in, I think adds a nice flavour to the mix

Thanks for the feedback! in the rush of the jam is quite hard to catch those small details, but a camera zoom option will be added in a after jam update, I can also do some small graphics changes

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Very well executed! great job

I didn't expected this to be as fun as turned out to be, nice work! as other pointed out in comments below, is usually better to leave buttons like alt or ctrl out when planning to use on web, but very nice game in general!

great work, I had fun playing! would play a mobile game like this easily, great job

So cute! I loved, music is also very nice, we can hear when the loop goes, a little tweak on that would be perfect, but very nice!

Really cool idea, since I know nothing about art, would be nice to put something to help more to know which one is fake, but very nice anyway!

Nice idea, well done, I would love see if further developed into a more in depth gameplay

I really liked the lines and audio in general, good take on the theme, nice!

I absolutely loved the atmosphere and graphics, sound is also great, I liked the gameplay and see some potential, nice!

Nice visuals and polished game, I had a pleasant time playing it

Great puzzle, I would play a full version on mobile easily (or even a full game with more content), great job

Thanks for playing! probably I will address the camera zoom in a future update

Thanks for the feedback, some adjustable camera zoom (at least until some level) is certainly something I can add in a post jam update

I will admit that at some point I had multiplayer in the backlog, even knowing that I would never do it in the time we had, but certainly would work very well, maybe I can do a full version of it with MMO? I don't know what the future holds

This give me warioware vibes, really cool!

Fun game, great job

Nice take on the theme, I loved how the modifiers were introduced one by one, very cool.

I don't think it was inted, but at some point, my dead body was able to collect the key for me, very likely a bug, but it was nice to have something like your old body can help you, maybe some feature?

A hidden gem, very very clever use of the theme, great job

A hidden gem, very very clever use of the theme, great job