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Juniper's Disciple

A member registered Oct 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you! It is actually an intended feature. One you hit a certain number of orders (20 or 25 I forget which) it stops giving you time between them so that you have so stockpile a bit before that.

Makes sense, I'll try to fix that in the future.

The reason the player movement exists is fairly simple. It's less about busy work, and more about the strategy of how you choose to prepare for the future. The game is also based on another game called overcooked (but of course, is much watered down from that). Also yeah I'm gonna add a way to speed the text up, but yes, crafting was explained in the intro.

Also yeah I made the music lol.

Thank you, it means a lot! You can skip the text, but i might be able to add a secondary speed up function as well. I'll have to play around with the pickup and probably add some sort of indicator like you mentioned. Thanks for the feedback!

I used FLStudio to make it. It's a pretty steep price point though...  You can use the trial for free, but you can't save anything in it. If you want to be able to save it'll cost anywhere from 100-500 USD. Realistically though, the minimum is about 200 since you lose a lot from the trial if you only get the $100 version. Beepbox and garage band will probably suit you well for a free DAW. Otherwise, soundtrap is also free, but kinda overused, so a lot of people might recognise it. Glad you liked the song though, I'll probably upload it and the title version of the song to my YT at some point in the future.

I figured I'd post a message on the board here to let everyone know that I updated Hell of a Farm! It's just a quality of life update (and some music), but I think it makes a pretty decent difference. If you played it already you're free to check out the new stuff. If you haven't played it, then you're different and strange, because all your friends love Hell of a Garden, so go play it.

I just posted it! Idk how itch follows work, so I figured I'd let you know just in case. Anyway, I'd say the song is pretty fire, at least to my personal tastes. ;3

Thank you so much! I'm building an update as I type this, so I'm hoping you'll consider playing that. It adds a few quality of life changes, such as a notepad to check what fuses into what, and a way to skip cutscenes. I also added a banger of a music track, and I'm pretty proud of it. 

Also, yes, you would indeed call that a character's portrait. ;3

I absolutely agree with the text skip, I'm updating the game now and just finished adding that a little while ago! I'm glad to hear that the end of the game was a bit... Shall we say, hellish? ;)

Thanks! Working on an update now that's going to add music and the ability to skip the dialogue, actually.

Definitely good Ideas, since we can technically update the game, so long as we keep the original available, I think I will probably add those today. I guess that's really just if I have time but we'll see.

A little bit of both, really. Other comments have mentioned both, but a grid snap for the mirrors and some better collisions for the sword would make it much easier to handle.

Makes sense, I tried to make it really seem like the fused plants were from hell, but I do agree there were definitely some issues with the fusions. In the future, I might try to add more of my original idea, which is doing a sort of biome-swap that would let you go between different places and each biome would have different crops. I really enjoyed making it, even though it might have taken me 9 hours to get the interaction working (as stated in my reply to another comment).

P.S, Don't tell anybody but the collision system totally doesn't just exist so crops don't get stuck inside each other

Absolutely phenomenal! I have no Idea how you would have been able to make this in only 3 days. Loved this from start to finish. Plus, really reminds me of old DOOM, which is a welcomed thing, always. Really enjoyed the fight with the The Big Crazy Extraordinary Evil Dimensional Boss Spider Insect Boss Real Spider-Man 90X at the end too. Amazing job.

Rated! I said it in my comment there, but  I quite enjoyed it. Good game~

The animations & graphics in general were kinda rough (I couldn't really tell what most of the creatures were supposed to be...) but it was still quite fun. I liked the feel of the combat, it's definitely enough to make it fun.

Yep, there's 2 endings: If you get above 3000 score, you'll get the good ending, and below 3000 score is the bad ending. Of course, if you get the bad ending it's not really that bad. After all, who would stop loving someone because of a couple of turnips? ;)

Thank you! Glad to know people actually like this one. I wasn't so sure about it when I submitted, but it's doing pretty well. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, which ending did you get, or did you get both if you played multiple times?

I was really pressed for time (For some reason it took like 9 hours to get the item pick-up working) so I didn't get to spend as much time on tutorial elements or dialogue as I wanted, but I do plan to update this in the future and those are some of the first things on the to-do list! The crop growing could've used a bit of work  too, but I just didn't think of that at the time lol. Thanks for the feedback! Totally gonna fix those things in the future.

A very cool concept, and it's quite well executed. A better way to paint would be nice, but very good. The atmosphere is, and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, quite unnerving. The mix of the music and the death sounds especially really make it feel kinda creepy. You do love to see some LGBT representation though. My game also has some of that ;) (Shameless plug for my game lol).

The ball does indeed bounce.

Really cool concept, but it's very complicated. Once I figured things out it was somewhat fun, though.

Good concept, but the movement and especially the shooting/enemy hit detection just feels really bad. Could be a really fun game with some work, though.

Cool idea, but needs some sounds.

Overall it was pretty good. Some of the puzzles had elements or bunnies that weren't needed, which is cool. The physics were, at time, kind of annoying though.

The artistic talent here was truly something else. Fun game otherwise, but quite short.

(1 edit)

Fun, but after a while it feels pointless. Making money only really feels rewarding in games like these if there's something to spend it on, or an end goal to make however much money. Sound of any kind would also be very appreciated.

Cool game, but the swapping was a little confusing, mechanically, at times.

An interesting game, but it's a little odd to play. It's pretty hard to gauge what's actually happening at any point because of the lack of indication on, well, anything. The music was nice though.

The game overall was pretty good, but there were a few rough parts in each level. In the first level, the second rice bowl was way too hard to get for a 1st level, and the 3rd section of the 2nd level was also  pretty rough. I really liked the visuals though, they were funky, but in a good way.

Not bad, but it would be more fun if there was some sort of difficulty scaling.

Really great game: interesting concept, good gameplay, good visuals, and nice music. The only complaints I have are these. There should be an option to turn the shaking off on the solar flares, since it kinda messed with me a bit while playing. Also the tokens and recovery effects are kinda underwhelming, which in turn, makes it pretty difficult to stay alive for any long period of time. Pretty good overall.

Creative, but there wasn't much to do.

Honestly a work of art.

This is a good game: it teaches you how to play it by letting you play it. Of course, it's harder to pull off in some games than others, but this one does it well.

Not bad but a little janky to control. Very difficult to position the mirrors. A very unique concept, though.

Very fun game, but I couldn't beat it because brain small. Also the characters remind me of Macho Legs Cat from The Battle Cats.

Good game, but eggs hatch too slow/orders are too fast, fixing one or the other would improve the game.

Very cool game, I like it. The controls are a little floaty and unresponsive sometimes, but it's still a cool game.

Cool game, but needs some sound, like just any at all. You should also probably be able to cancel a purchase of a tower. #TeamSpikeTree