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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hola, gracias por jugar. La música no debería afectar al rendimiento, ya que se carga en memoria al principio del juego. Pero si has tenido problemas con la versión de navegador- eso sí podría ser-, hemos publicado también versiones para Windows, Mac y Linux- que deberían darte mejor rendimiento y no requieren un navegador. Eso podría arreglar tu problema, quizá?

Genial que eso se haya entendido, era nuestro objetivo! Muchas gracias por jugar y por tu comentario. Un saludo.

Nico tuvo una buena vida:

Al cumplir 3, dijo su primera palabra: EJJJJJJPAÑA. Era una persona bastante estudiosa. Si tenía un examen al día siguiente, era imposible sacarlo de casa. Solía trabajar duro siempre que tenía un proyecto en clase. Los días de estudio tuvieron resultado, siempre sacó muy buenas notas. Adoptó su primer gatito a los 23 años. Encontró el amor gracias a María a los 25 años. Gracias a sus esfuerzos académicos, consiguió un empleo cualificado a los 32 años. Él y su pareja decidieron tener un bebé a los 33 años. Corrió la maratón de su ciudad a los 35 años. Creía que no lo conseguiría. Adoptó otro gatito a los 40 años. Pidió un barco a los 41 años, pero se llevó una mierda. Su hijo Carlos llegó a su vida cuando tenía 45 años. Siempre bromeábamos preguntándole cómo se llamaba para contestar: el de los cojones largos. Yo creo que le puso el nombre a propósito. Siempre fue un poco friki. Se vistió de Ichigo Kurosaki para su primer salón del manga con ropa y retales que compró en el mercadillo. Su pasión por ESPAÑA hizo que su pareja le dejara a los 61 años. Aún no se entiende qué pudo suceder. A los 73 años, Nico pudo por fin jubilarse. A los 74 años, perdió el poquito pelo que le quedaba. Murió a la edad de 100 años

Rocío, confiesa- te encantan los controles de UI de Godot.

Buah, es ideaca lo de la luz- sobre todo para el tema de la jam. ¿Pero es posible que se os haya ido el scope un poco implementando la mecánica y no hayáis tenido mucho tiempo para el level design? Hubiese molado un par de niveles más fáciles y pequeños antes de enfrentarse a este, sobre todo para pillarle el tranquillo al plataformeo! También, si lo pensáis seguir desarrollando, ¿igual hubiera molado una cámara siguiendo al jugador más cercana, quizá? Con un par de cambios creo que hubierais tenido un GOTY. ¡Mis felicitaciones, en particular en el apartado gráfico!

I liked it, it is well thought, at first I thought it was going to be too simple, but the collisions are solid and they felt fair, and I loved the self-configurable difficultly, such a nice change for a Jam, so I could learn it first and then make it challenging! :-D The controls were a bit awkward at first, but I am guessing it is optimized for touchscreen play, which makes total sense (not an issue)! The only thing I would change is the background, being a bit distracting from the bullets- not sure how to improve that (slowing the scrolling? Having less contrast? Overall, I enjoyed it!

I played to completion. Nice little action platformer! This is just my opinion, but I feel it is a bit too "floaty", I think a stronger gravity (and a stronger jump strength) could make it feel more snappy? Looking forward for the next episode!

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This is so random that I love it! I don't know if this was quickly crafted together and accidentally perfectly balanced, or a careful chaos crafted over multiple hours to have the right amount of blocks, when the birds happen, when the helicopers happen! Just wow. I see myself being addicted to this on a mobile, and using several strategies- wall dividers, short platforms, long ones,...  It reminds me of Doodle Jump. It is just great!

So far, I think one of the best ideas for the theme. Doing a platformer, which is a genre that many people are familiar with requires a lot of polish compared to other genres (it is very ambitious for a Jam), and hard to get right. I like the atmosphere, too.

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Mind-bending puzzle game with actually nice level design. I wish there were more levels! Recommended!! How come this has so few ratings??

I was unable to pass the 3rd stage, so I haven't rated in case it was me who was doing something wrong. I think this is a nice concept, and I had some quite fun rolling the potato. If I could provide some useful feedback, I would like to suggest to make the collision detection of the potato smaller so it feels more fair to the player. Good luck and keep jamming!

Top rating in presentation (both visual and the voice acting!), great idea, but I have to say I got a bit frustrated with the difficulty curve (not to not understanding the mechanic, but the randomness in the beginning). Later it is actually easier thanks to sabotage strategy and timing the "act naturals". Otherwise I see this easily getting in the top 100.

Super cute concept and great theme implementation. Despite what I thought at first, it has surprisingly interesting mechanics to defeat the snakes (jump and crash into walls, eat itself, etc.) and interesting powerups. My guess is you run out of time for properly balancing them (which is normal for a jam), but that doesn't detract from my overall enjoyment. This has my seal of approval -short, funny and looks great (nice 3d art).

So simple, but at the same time such a nice concept and well executed. This is the ideal game jam to me. I think I may have found an exploit on the mechanics and making it easier for me -so an ideal iteration may want to disallow constantly ducking or adding more obstacles, but doesn't distract from the enjoyment. Good job!

Thank you, definitely need more practice on finding the right palette and art direction, specially under pressure! I run out of time and got a bit confused with the mechanics, didn't have time for polishing and content. Thank you for playing!

I actually included the tutorial because I didn't have the time to do proper level design! :-D It was actually easier (took me 5 minutes at the end of the jam)!

I am glad I made you laugh- the shape was not intended, but if it made you laugh- that was good- I tried to supply the lack of content/polish with humor :-).

Yeah, they keep spawning, didn't have much time for content: more enemies, more dice, more levels. Also more polishing/bug fixing needed. Cheers!

Yeah, definitely lacking some polish/bug fixing, was a bit late due to time restrictions.

Thank you, only one person- all art, music and sfx were done from scratch using open source tools and recording them during the jam!

Hey, I couldn't start the game in the HTML5 version- is that also a known issue with my browser (Firefox) or is it just me. Should I just play the win version instead?

This is very fun, polished -having a team goes a long way!-, nice presentation, I like the main mechanic- it was very original and something other than "2 characters on a rope". The only nitpicking I suffered (and it could be me) is that sometimes the characters got "stuck" moving very slowly, and that wasn't great player feedback- I didn't know if it was me doing something wrong or "exploiting" climbing a high slope.

Other than that, I think this is one of the cutest jam games.

This is super impressive technically, but I think I am too dumb to understand the implications of the new chess rules, is it a complete different game? Is it just a variant? I would need more time to study it.

I captured some "Thomas was alone" vives, right? I liked the twist of the turn mechanic.

I think this was really nice for a jam game- many people did rope mechanics, but this was actually fun. And it has a twist at the end, great!

If you could had more time to develop this, this could be a fun mechanic (joining enemies together). My biggest issue is the weapon, and specially the retraction is not very responsive. If the retraction was faster, I think it would be way more enjoyable.

If you could had more time to develop this, this could be a fun mechanic (joining enemies together). My biggest issue is the weapon, and specially the retraction is not very responsive. If the retraction was faster, I think it would be way more enjoyable.

Nice cute game in the style of crayon physics, but with paper and pins instead of drawing figures. I wonder if some of the solutions I did were inteded or I exploited things a bit :-). Very original!

Nice rogue lite with a "twist" reload mechanic. People said that it was hard, but I think it was the right amount of difficulty. very polished for a jam game, only thing improvable are music/sfx.

Nice twist on a plat former with a very interesting mechanic. It took me a bit to understand how to join buds (they link to the last one) but that was on me. Impressive for 2 people for a jam!

This looks really nice, but it took me a bit to understand what goes where. When I got it, it was a nice experience- I think this could be a really nice mobile game with touch controls, just it looked challenging at first.

I liked the aesthetic a lot. The concept has been done in other games but it felt really good.

I liked it. It took a bit to get to the fun parts with upgrades, and I think many people will miss that. The basic gun didn't feel super responsive, but once you got 2 guns it was very fun. I guess the other upgrades were also fun. Thanks for sharing it!

Great jrpg with a twist. I would like to see more feedback on time left to press the keys, but otherwise, great game. Very nice artwork. I liked it.

I love the concept. I wish I could continue setting color while the platforms are moving, otherwise, great job.

Thank you for playing! Some people complained about the time limitations, but it was added to add some urgency and thinking need rather than trial and error.

I was thinking of adding two game modes (in addition to more levels)- "casual", with no time limit and focused on learning, and "pressure", with the regular timer. Maybe even provide more time by default and increase the timer speed on bad connections. What would you think about that?

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Thank you for your kind comments. I was indeed trapped between a time-ticking "Among Us task"/"Keep talking and nobody explodes" design, a Zachtronics complex puzzle and a more traditional laid-back (casual) design with a bit of edutainment sprinked in. More playtesting would be needed to refine and focus it, indeed. 

Simple idea, but excelent execution- great design, top originality, and theme match, plus gorgeous aesthetics. Top rating in all areas for me.

My only suggestion in playability would be to punish the player if the right sock is show but space it is not pressed (maybe it is already done in other way) and maybe reduce the difficulty curve a little for an extended gameplay, but those are nitpicks for a game that cannot be 100% polished in so little time.

Uno de los juegos de la jam con más trabajo por detrás de los que he visto. Cumple a la perfección el tema de solo moverse. Lo único que no termino de entender muy bien es la inteligencia de los enemigos y cuándo voy a recibir daño. No tengo sonido y pese a morir varias veces no me queda del todo claro cómo funciona. Debería retirarme después de atacar? Como sé cuantas vidas el enemigo tiene? Por qué me persigue a veces y otras veces no? El juego está muy bien, pero necesita más "player feedback" (con audio o imágenes).

Me gusta, cumple perfectamente con el tema del jam! Cosas que recomendaría pulir si en el futuro se trabajaría más en él:

* Es bastante fácil- quizá incrementar la dificultad con movimientos de los tiburones más complejos?

* No hay razón para moverse horizontalmente, quizá podría añadirse algo para que sí? O dejar la cámara fija en el delfín y no hazer scroll automático. Hay varias opciones.

* Dejaría el sprite del delfín solo entre +45 y -45 grados para no ponerlo horizontal o de espaldas al ser un side scroller,

Sencillo pero agradable. Impresionado si se ha hecho en menos de una hora.

Quizá mi comentario es que al quitar del jugador los controles de disparo (y otras funcionalidades que a veces tienen estos, como movimiento en horizontal, powerups, etc.) el diseño queda un poco simplista- por ejemplo, uno puede quedarse parado y no sufrir consequencias negativas. Si tienes pensado desarrollar la idea posteriormente, aconsejaría añadir algo para penalizar el quedarse parado. No me quedó claro al principio si las naves verdes eran enemigos o powerups hasta que me choqué con ellas un par de veces.