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A member registered Dec 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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I liked the look (style) of the game. I like that you can push an enemy into another enemy. If you don't mind I have a few comments to make. 1. The controls seem a bit delayed, your player gains momentum after a split second and stops after a split seconds. It makes it a bit hard to make precise movements, I would have liked more "snappy" movement. 2. I would have like to have a health bar somewhere (maybe even simply changing the color of the player?). I wasn't sure how much health I have left. 3. I don't think it fits the theme that much (I guess your backstory explains the "chaos", but not the gameplay). Maybe the enemies could chase the player? That way it could be more chaotic.

Hope I wasn't too harsh :). That is just my opinion after all. The gameplay feels satisfying, when the enemies splash, the grapple feels nice, so good job on the game, keep being positive and best of luck :).

Definitely one of the better submissions I have seen. Although I have some comments if you don't mind. 1. Some of the enemies are too strong, on level 2 they just beat me too fast, or even on the first level they are sometime quite tough. 2. I felt that the prices were quite high sometimes, some of the stuff costs 15, but I hardly ever get to that number. Or maybe include more ways to get points to but ? 3  I think that that player and enemies blend too much with the background, make them distinct and separate the colors.

Other than that, this is quite a nice game and definitely better than a lot of submissions I've seen. Great job and keep it up!

The game graphics look really nice. Although while playing the game I didn't really feel the chaos, even the music is calming haha. Anyways, great job and keep it up!

Thank you

Haha, thanks

Thank you


Nice game. It took a few tries to get used to the controls, but I managed it and the gameplay felt nice. If you don't mind I have a few comments to make. 1. The wall of explosions (the "chaos") that is chasing you is a bit too slow and the player shouldn't be able to get too far away from it (give the "chaos" a speed boost when the player is really far away). I was able to get so far up, that the explosions weren't a threat anymore. 2. You shouldn't be able to shoot platforms that are not visible on the screen (or very far away). What I managed to do is to get really high up and just shoot downwards to get score. 3. The explosions animation doesn't get deleted after it finishes, so it stays there on the last frame.

Hope I wasn't too harsh :). Other than that I liked the characters sprite and controls, I like the idea that you get score by destroying platforms, which creates a dilemma, where you need to shoot them and use them to get up. Anyways, great job and keep creating  :).

I like the idea of using explosions and blowing stuff up in specific way, that's always fun. Although if you don't mind I have some comments to make. 1. Even though a web version of the game is best most of the time, for some reason my performance was not great (10 fps or something), include a download for 3d games next time (it may have been a problem with my computer, but I didn't really have other options). 2.  I was able to flip the camera somehow and the world was inverted, haha. Next time put some constraints of the camera. 3. Bomb placement could be better. bomb spawns in the air, but I guess that it is still usable. 4. This may be my personal preference, but maybe I would have liked that the player would be on the ground rather than flying.

Hope I wasn't too harsh :D . I liked that you had a tutorial section at the start of the game. Anyways, good job for making the game, keep being motivated, keep it up, stay positive and best of luck :).

Great level design! And plays really well. Although if it was me, I would like the characters be something other than puzzle pieces (but that's just me). I liked it!

Level are quite clever, I like it!

Thanks for playing. I will check out your game too :)

(1 edit)

Yeah, that actually a great suggestion. For some reason we didn't think of using sound as a switch indicator. Thanks.

(3 edits)

You weren't too harsh! These are some great comments! There is definitely an issue with the characters sliding. The characters are sliding because I couldn't figure out how to stop the sliding . I introduced 0 friction for the character  to fix another bug, although it introduced problems you mentioned. So that's why they are sliding. And once the character is in the air and the switch happens, if I don't fully stop the character they just keep sliding on the ground.. A silly bug that limited us a little... Hitboxes on the spikes are definitely too large. I will definitely address your mentioned issues next time .

Thanks for the comment and also thank you for playing :)

(1 edit)

You get 3 seconds for each character. Although it could definitely be improved by adding a better indicator on when the switch will happen (and some other stuff related to the switch).

Also thanks for playing!

I like the art, also the movement works quite nicely

This looks great! And plays quite nice too

I like the idea! Although I would have liked for the movement to be a bit faster

Thanks for trying our game out!

Thank you for playing :)

(2 edits)

This is definitely one of the better submissions. Simple, pleasing to look at and quite original. Although fish could move a bit faster.

(2 edits)

quite spooky :D. Although I wish there was a hint which would say what to do in a room. It took me quite a bit to figure out I need to press a button (I couldn't find it). Gameplay could definitely be better, but I like the spooky atmosphere and sounds.

rules take a while to understand (at least for me), but I like the  idea of these different values and levels


This looks really cool, you could really expand on this. Although I have one problem... Your aiming cursor is the same color as the bullets! I can't see where to aim