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Keksstuben Games

A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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i liked the game but i got stuck. also "z" for jumping felt kinda weird

Great game. had fun playing it. but at some point it started to get repetitive. Also there was no menue to close the game or adjust volume

maby this is the reason i donst think it fits but i think every second game hase the same theme idea that an end of a level is a new beginning you know?  overall your game is almost great beside the audio

Realy good game. had fun playing it. only thing that could be usfull is a reset button. sometimes your first bob dies in a bad spot. no you need to to a mass suizide of bobs to restart. adding a shortcut to that would help. but still great job

really nice game well done BUT i want some nice music to it maby next time try add some but still a really well fitting game and keep making or using such nice artes

Really really nice game i like the mecahnic of it maby you could make a bit more on the graphics but even though the game dosnt fit the theme in my opinion but still a overall good game well done

i Liked the game. but i think it was realy hard to get enough souls. the graphiks and the audio was very good. sadly i dont realy see how this  game fits the theme

music is a bit load a volume slider whould be nice also the theme dosent really fit the game but the idea is really greate 

i realy enjoid playing this game. it was fun and fit the theme well. i only have a few minor problems.

1. for some reason if i tryed to play in web full screen the game froze and stoped working

2. my audio was glitched. it had some realy bad artifacts in it which completly ruined the vibe. not shure it it was a bug with webgl and my mashine or somthing es but i just wanted to let you know.

3. i sometimes had a hard time with the camera. i somtimes did not really  see where i was going. also i think its kinda weird that your wasd is locked diagonal with the camera view. i expected that it will move alog the grid if i only press "w" for example. once i figuerd that out it got alot easier to controll.

4.i liked the vibe of the music but sometimes felt like the same 5 sec. repeating.

please do not understand me wrong i realy enjoyed the game. there are only the few very smal problems that i found.  great work!

i like the wall jump feartur but the music is a bit loud a volume slider whould be nice overall a good game

i really like the idea of keeping stuff but it isnt working for me.  also i miss some music but nevertheless its a nice clicker game

A really nice game also the mechanics are great but the theam dosnt fit at all audio a also pretty nice

Overall a nice game but it dosnt fit the theme at alland the audio is in my opinion a bit load but reallly nice on the starting a bit confusing but still a nice little game

Nice game! it was quite challenging to play. i have never seen that idea. it fits the theme very well. the only thing i kinda missed was some music. over all well done 

im sorry. another guy on team commeted this. it was defenetly not ok to leave a comment like this. it is a light hearted event and therefor the  feedback should be more to improve on our skills.

Thank you for playing!

We though of adding more stuff to the game but didnt had the time to implement it all.  we are glad that you still enjoied the game

Thanks for playing!

We are glad that you enjoied playing our game. We accually implementet shortcuts last minute but didnt had the time to mention them in the tutorial. We hope it wasnt to bad :)

Thanks for playing!

We are glad that you enjoied playing our game. We accually implementet shortcuts last minute but didnt had the time to mention them in the tutorial. We hope it wasnt to bad :)

Thanks for playing!

Glad you liked the leaderboard. It was not easy to get it to work :)

thank you for playing! We tried really hard to get it as polished as possible. Glad you liked it!

in my opinion the game dont fit the thme at all! at least the graphics are good. but also the audio is not good and also the game is to easy i fell asleep while playing (it rotates to slowly isnt a challange at all).

i dont know how the game fits the theme and also the game is to loud just add an escape menu and an audio slider i dont know what to do in the game and also the game need longer to start then the microsoft flight simulator overall not a good game sorry

Realy enjoyed playing this game. but there were a few problems. first of all you did not lock the courser which caused a bug where i could not look in a sepcific deirection because my mouse hit the edge of the screen. in the sceen where im in the prison i got stuck i found the key and found the door woth the padlock on it but i could not figure out how i can open the door. i knoked the key donwn but i was not able to pick it up.

does not fit the theme and also is to easy to be funny or hard or anything also the audio is sosososososososo loud i couldt take my headset on to play this game!

game was fun to play for a while even tough i was unable to get past level 4 because the enemies shot me even before in could see them. i dindt realy get the theme. it did not feal like a new beginning when i shot enemies.

dont fit the theme and also cant ajust the audio and why is it stereo and only on left speaker make it mono or on both speakers xD

i dont think the game fits the theme but i can rate that so good because i dont get what to do in this game i just ran across the map and talked to people and dindnt knew what to do but otherwise the game has good graphics and is a bit funny

got stuck realy quick. was not able to get past the first laser :( game looks awsome. the control did not always behave like i expected. and sadly the options menue did not work at all. over all good job

overall not a good game audio to loud and not ajustable in my opinion the game dont fit in the theme and also i dint have much fun with the game. i not even get wat to do as a gost after like 2 minuts i got it and knew what to do.

you got luckey that you just published the hotfix as i was about to leave my review XD. the graphiks made it hard to see what block is at what hight and what is behind something. i also did not quite see the theme in your game.

Your game is overall a good game but the sound needs to be ajustable and also your i think the theme dosent fit that good in the game but still a solid game. 

Sadly there was a bug. i was not able to move my camera around. this made the game unplayeble. also you may add a voulume control. it was realy loud

if you used unity u could have just Turned the volume down on the audio scoure :)

it was ok. had fun in the begining but it was not very long. i had problems with my mouse leaving the screen and also it way way to sesitive. i dont know what the goal of the game was and what the reason for the gun was but i have one big question. why are the trees shooting at me? i dit nothing wrong XD