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A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ooooh! Now I see, yeah I got through level 2 now :P. Perhaps adding that to the instructions, or making the radius to determine strength larger would have helped. But nice, now I got to see some more of the levels! 

I like the look of the game! It was pretty darn challenging! There were quite a few occasions where the obstacles were unavoidable, but I think you could probably solve that by adding some cool mechanic, like maybe letting the nitro you pick up give you a dash of speed that jumps over holes and smashes through rocks!

Overall good job!

I can confirm it works much better on my end now!

Thank you! The track was pretty challenging to make, but I feel like it paid off! Though I wish I had been able to make more levels, my original scope was much too ambitious so I sort of underestimated the time everything else would take, but I'm glad it managed to have some effect!

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Nice game! The fact that speed in this game can be both an obstacle and a goal is very cool and opens up a lot of nice puzzle opportunities. Good job!

A nice twist on asteroids! I like that speed changes how fast your weapon recharges, it adds a bit of challenge since you have to constantly move around and put yourself in danger.

The game is pretty juicy too, which is very much appreciated!

I like the idea! But I can't get past the second level. Judging by the screenshots, I think you're supposed to start with a speed of 30, but for some reason, we start with 40, and that makes it impossible unless you do it in a single bounce. Maybe that's possible? But I can't do it :P

I really like the art style in this! You've got a good sense of color for sure!

I like the concept too, and I think you could easily make this game even juicier with small tweaks, like upping the player's firing rate and increasing the spawn rate of enemies. It's an easy way to make a game feel more pumped with action.

Overall nice! 

Congrats on your first game!! I hope you stick with it!

I like the lighting! It was a bit easy and short, but overall a nice concept!

Very nice! I like that you can choose different vehicles and the general look and feel of it!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but accelerating currently only moves the camera further back, right? I think you'd be able to sell the sense of speed better if you also increased the FOV. It's ridiculously effective!

Overall nicely polished! Would love to see more levels!

I really like the visuals in this! Super great to see some more hand-drawn stuff (especially animated!!).

I feel the gameplay is missing something. I think someone else had the right idea when they said the speed should factor into the damage you do, or perhaps you should be able to do multiple types of attacks (swipe, stab, spin, etc). I don't really see how you're meant to survive against more than two opponents on the field, but I might just be really bad ;)

Overall nice game!

Good idea! Always love a good twist on football!

Cool idea! I would definitely want to see this expanded in some way!

It was hard to get the hang of it. Can't really say I ever did, heh. I think the moons and asteroids make the outcomes a bit too unpredictable. I also wish you could choose which person on the active planet to launch next.

It was pretty satisfying to unintentionally land people on planets further ahead though!

Thank you! :D

Thanks! Yeah I really wanted to rework the track and/or make more levels overall, but time-constraints and all that ;)

Glad you liked it!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

A well-rounded experience, well done!

loved the visual polish in this! It goes a long way to really sell the experience!

It was pretty unforgiving! Especially in the beginning. It felt like going up against more than a single enemy was a death sentence, and sometimes even one could launch you from one end of the road to the other, but it got somewhat easier with time as I got the hang of it :) 

Overall a really nice game!

Simple, clean, and some nice puzzles, I like it!

Good job on your first Godot game! This is a very good start, I hope you keep at it!

I'm amazed by how polished this game is! Very cool!

It's unfortunate that the web version is so bugged, but I know that feeling. 

All in all, it's a good game. It took a while for it to get rolling though, but I assume that's fixable with one of the difficulty settings somewhere.


(1 edit)

Same for me

Super nice! I really like the addition of a boss fight, it really completes the experience!

I think it was a little hard to read where you were aiming, and the boss would have been even nicer with some feedback when you hit it. But regardless a very nice entry!

Hey thank you so much, that's some high praise! Really happy you liked it!

Totally agree on the wall-sliding. It was something I considered but left out due to time, but I do want to keep polishing this a little bit more. At least until I join another jam :) There was a lot that I had planned but didn't have time for, so even though I don't think I will work on this until it reaches retail quality, I think it can go quite a bit further with just a little bit of extra polish :)

Thanks again!

Thanks! I wish I knew the name for it before I started developing, seems to be a recurring suggestion :). I'll keep that in mind for the future! Thanks again!

Good suggestion! I knew it was missing something! I'll keep that in mind for the future, thanks :)

Thanks! The only reason wasd is not recommended is because during the later stages of playtesting i got the feedback that v is a bit awkward to use together with wasd (i find arrow keys to be more comfortable specifically for platformers so i subconsciously designed for that). I considered adding alternate bindings but it was a bit too late as I'd have to update the key hints as well, and it was already 2am the night before the deadline lol. But I totally agree, it would be nicer to have better bindings for wasd players for sure.

Thanks! :)

Yeah I noticed that too! I kept it after I received feedback from some friends that it felt pretty nice from a speedrunning perspective. You can with enough skill get through it quickly, or go the safe route and do it slow and steady :)

Glad you liked it!

A very nicely polished game! I have nothing to say but very well done!

A nice simple platformer! Love the art style, did you make the assets? My only complaint is that there was one moment where a slightly off-screen snail killed me :^). Good job!

Nice short game :). I think the hit-detection could be improved slightly though. There were several moments where I thought I should have hit but didn't. Nice job!

As I said in another entry, I like these "catharsis simulators" ;). Digging the style! The camera angles are nice, but maybe a tiny bit disorienting sometimes. I think it would be nicer to have the main game from the isometric perspective, and then have like a replay feature or something highlighting your top moments of carnage from these more interesting angles inside the cubicles :).

Good job!

I like that this jam has brought out some nice (what I'm going to call) casual catharsis simulators ;). Well executed main mechanic, although could certainly be expanded upon to make it more game-y! There's potential for multiple levels if you were to introduce puzzle-elements or time trials. Otherwise good job!

Fun idea! I agree with gnome, would make a nice mobile game with some more polish! I actually thought the normal difficulty was the easiest, given the speed boost. But hard was definitely the hardest ;P. Good job!

Cute! I didn't really get it at first, but it clicked after I found the hidden plate on the ceiling lamp, I thought that was ripped wallpaper at first! The game is a little bit misaligned in the web player, I think I can see outside of the intended play area.

But overall it's a nice cute game, I think you can do some more with this :)

Simple but nice concept. I feel you could definitely expand on it, maybe add something that makes it more than a literal test of your speed and accuracy. Good job!

I like the juiciness of the impact when you kill an enemy! But I think the sound effect might be a little too intense/loud, at least on my end. This is definitely a game that would benefit from a bit of music.

Nice game! I think it would benefit from up-ing the pace a smidge! Perhaps a speed-boost power-up or similar would be nice. Considering the size of the map, and the somewhat overwhelming objective of collecting 50 items, moving slowly can become a little bit of a chore.

Otherwise nice game for 24 hours! Keep it up!

Like the concept! I did think it was a little hard to control, but I might just suck :D! Good job!