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A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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The narrative and lore of this game is soo well done. Its so real that really scares. Really enjoyed playing it

Entiendo, entonces no te preocupes, tu aprende a tu ritmo y sigue hacia delante. Gracias tambien por tu apoyo ^^

Daleee genial, ya veras como asi le iras pillando el gusto a trabajar en pc. Ve a por ello ;D

Hey, ya probé la nueva actu y se nota que ha mejorado. La nueva bossfight con el ninja trae cosas nuevas que están muy bien como lo de que se hace intangible, te obliga a esperar esperar un buen momento para atacar y eso le da más juego. Para estar hecho en max2d desde un móvil tiene su merito. Aun que yo te recomendaría que si quieres hacer algo más trabajado mejor que empieces a plantearte lo de saltar a un editor más potente de pc, como Godot o cualquier otro. Más que nada por el hecho de que así no estarás tan limitado.

Gracias por compartirme la actualización, mucho animo con tu juego :D

I really enjoyed the story, love the end too ^^

El juego está bien y se puede jugar de principio a fin, pero como es una beta, obviamente aún tiene muchos aspectos a mejorar, aquí va mi feedback:

  • La pantalla del juego no se adapta bien al móvil (la interfaz se queda cortada y a penas podía tocar los botones). Como no todos los móviles son iguales, primero asegúrate de que la interfaz encaje bien en todos lados antes de continuar con el desarrollo de otras cosas. Porque si luego tienes como cuarenta mil interfaces para reconfigurar porque un tipo de teléfono no encaja bien, va a ser como pegarse un tiro en el pie.
  • La fuente de letra que se usa a veces está presente y a veces no, además de que hay caracteres que les faltan como los interrogantes que se mostraban en formato Arial.
  • El selector de niveles al principio cuesta de entender que es un selector de niveles (y el hecho de que se cortase la pantalla por el mal encajado de la interfaz tampoco ayuda mucho). Lo mejor que puedes hacer es poner algún título que te indique mejor el nivel que quieres seleccionar.
  • El jugador y los enemigos saltan demasiado, (fue un poco hilarante que cuando me tocaba luchar contra el maestro, este pegase un salto que desaparecía del mapa, para después caerme justo encima xd)
  • Intentar mejorar la implementación de los elementos del escenario y los personajes. Al ser todo pixel art, si todo tiene colores vibrantes es difícil que puedas distinguir mejor los elementos interactuables de los enemigos. Prueba a hacer el escenario de fondo "ligeramente más oscuro" para que puedas destacar mejor lo que el jugador tenga en frente. Lo mismo con los textos de diálogo, a penas se pueden leer, haz que estén dentro de una burbuja de diálogo u otra cosa similar para que el texto resalte más.
  • Métele más Juice al juego, cuantas más animaciones, efectos y detalles tenga mejor.

Cosas que me han gustado han sido por ejemplo el detalle de que los enemigos y jefes tengan barras de vida, y que haya 2 jefes para vencer y avanzar en la trama (además que soy muy fan de las peleas contra jefes, así que en general me ha gustado que hubiera un par). Espero que con estos consejos sirvan, gracias por compartir tu juego ^^

Hey, yes i alredy tryit and this version is definitely better than the first. But it can bee much much better, try to find the way to add it more lore, control indicators ("perss e to take that" for example), light effects and dont make the game so darker if the player dont have flishlight

I really like the shooting animaion off the player, its very juici, it will be good if the game starts with a soft introduction or a tutorial because the begginig its a little bit abrupt. Over all its a very good game :D

Thank you so much for playing!! I really appreciate that you noticed about the detail of the animations, thanks for being so observant!!

The game graphics are quite interesting (i like the amogus ghost hunters haha), the gameplay its good but it could be a little bit more easy cause its quite unfair some times. Over all a good game :D

Really enjoyed the beggining intro (literally shooting the start button its something original hehe). Maybe the game feels a little bit slow but it was fun to play!!

The background music and the dummy art styile its grate but at the beggining its a little bit hard to know the controls. Also it fits well with the jam theme. It was fun to play!!

I really liked the concept off the 3d and 2d environment. Maybe the movement of the main character is a bit too slow at first, anyway the upgrade system is good, maybe more variety of enemies would have been better but to be done in a week it's really cool, it's a good game, really enjoyed

Hey there, thanks for the review my friend, after the JAM i will balance the game to make it more fair to play. Thanks for playing!!

Heyyy thanks so much for your point of view!! Yehh I will balance it when the jam ends, thanks so much por playing!! :D

The animation off shooting its very juicy, also the controls are a little bit rough but the game it selfs its very nice. Good job, this is juicy :D

pretty interesting game, its quite relaxing but the only thing i feel like its missing it was how the jam theme fits on it. Over all very good and simple golf simulator

Well the controls are a little bit rough and the shoot gun didn't shoot... AHHH WHO AM I KIDDING?? This game was a complete peace off adrenaline haha, at the begging I was like "well another relaxing juicy game", and then... when I shoot the tv and this one literally explodes, instantly it was a dopamine buff. I become like a crazy monkey destroying everything in my path. ALSO, the dialogs are very funny and impredictivle. Really enjoyed the concept and had a real carzy/fun moment. Very good job Kemsou, you didn't make a jucy game, you make a SATISFACTORY jucie game haha

Very good drawing 3d art stile, and the animations are very juicy. The things that can make this game be better I guess it will be the variety of more levels or a tutorial (I spend like 10 minuets running away from the racoons because I didn't know how to attack). Overall, to be made in a week its a very good game with a potent art style. GREAT JOB!! ^^

Heyy, yes, maybe the difficulty is a little bit high (i will balance it in a future update when the jam ends). Also, thanks sooo much for trying my game until the end, I am really glad that you spent a good time playing ^^

(Oh, and yes, that is a movie reference, nice obserbation hahaah) 

The game art its very cool but the gameplay... hmm it could be better, i mean its not a bad game, its just that the charactar controls could be a little bit polished. Over all the graphics and level design are amaizing.

Alright, the main aracnid character has amaizing movment skills but the "strange noises" i heard in the background was a little bit unexpected for me. Over all the phisics and gameplay still being pretty cool, nice game buddy!!

This is a nice one, but the only thing I missed was how the theme applys on this game, Over all pretty good job!!

Really enjoyed the retro entry, also the gameplay its pretty good and juicy. Very nice job!!

The game gameplay its very engaging and i like the soundtrack and dinamic off "a quiet place that becomes a battle stage in a short time". Very good game, i really enjoyed ;D

(1 edit)

The game its very curios, the mechanics are nice, the gameplay a little bit rough and the graphics are just awesome, pretty nice game, I really enjoyed it

The art is (holy shit) incredible, but the gameplay its not quite engaging or juicy, over all this has pottential as a ritmic game

The effects are very good, but the gameplay feels a bit strange. I think it will be better if you can move the ship (that's just my opinion of course). I also made a ship space game for this JAM and its just that in some way it feels familiar to me. Very good job, nice game: D

The game its pretty good, just that the only thing i dont know is wy the menu is 2d and the stetic of the game change a 3d. But over all its very nice

Adictive and fun, when you start its like a little bit boring but when you keep playing it like an exponential curve of fun and clicking, very nice game for a jam

The graphics are very good but the gameplay it doesn't feel very juicy, overall it's a nice game and the shield mechanic is very original!!

Hey for be made it in a week its at least an entertaining horror game, if you want to get more people to test it, try to test other games from other participants, it is a good way to make yourself known.

Hey thanks so much for playing, in a future update i will do it, thanks for the feedback!!

Thanks so much for test it!! I will take note off that feedback, when the game finishes I will launch an update to valance difficult and other aspects. Thanks so much for give it a try :,D

This game has a lot off good things but over all, the visuals, they are amaizing, the gameplay also its very good and juicy

The game has pretty good visuals and a lot of effects that are very juicy but the theme dosent feel very well, over all the game its very good

This game is one of the best i could found, literally it have all, good theme, pretty fun to play, its JUICY as hell and have a fun story. Nothing more to say

The visuals and look of the game are very good but the gameplay its not pretty fun to play. Also its a little bit juicy