Dude, I appreciate that so much. Thanks for the kind words, glad you liked it man ;)
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Thanks dude! Yeah I had plans to make this an RTS.. send troops to wall-off areas, park trucks to halt the flow, air-strikes, helicopters dropping chemical attacks ... all that sort of stuff :D The city is procedural as well so there was definitely a plan for start small (with slow blob, 1 spawn), get bigger and bigger with faster blob and more random spawns.. but yeah - jam be jamming :D Thanks for the comment and glad you liked it ;)
Dude, this is real good. Captured the atmospheric of a b-movie really (really) well, utter chaos everywhere, random ufos going nuts, giant monster destroying the city.. yeah was great work. Loved the random game title in the mountains lol. I _really_ liked the perspective of being a tiny little dude fighting against a giant monster, felt the pressure. Solid work man, really well executed - good work, well done!
Brilliant. Really good work folks, well done. Movement felt very slow to me, would have loved that to be like 3 times the speed.. awesome terrain deformation, loot drops, cool weapons, cool story and intro (fab voice work) - yeah was great work all round. Congrats to you folks, it was really well executed!
Oof so fun. Great work! I'm terrible at this but was fun to bounce about the place. Story was cool, antagonist was antagonising! Very end sequence was pretty sweet (I didn't get there myself but saw Jern play that part) - epic feeling. The tron-esque environment construction shader was very, very nice. Really good work folks, congrats ;)
Love this. So fun! Animation choice was great, voice acting was funny, horse riding anim was cool.. I ran around town shooting everyone before I realised I was supposed to go into the Saloon (even thoug the chat _literally_ told me to do that..) - once I did, I attacked the 3 ladies ... got totally destroyed.. played again and thought "Ah, this time I'll just pick the single dude behind the bar!" then got attacked by the entire town which I think was just a fantastic experience.. super cool fun. Great work :D (...only critique was not having a targetting reticule frustrated me a little bit)
Very, very nice. So polished. Very well executed. Loved the tutorial, which it definitely needed due to the initial complexity - but the learning curve was quick enough that it was super fun to play straight away. Great UI, great graphics, perfectly executed idea. I think that after a while it did become a little repetitive (even though it was still fun) so personally I would have liked there to be.. "something" else, I'm not even sure what.. I just felt like it would be nice to have some more decisions to make or some more little things to do - maybe that's just me. Fantastic work, really!
I liked the idea of this - I know you had some issues and couldn't finish, but, very glad you submitted it anyway, it's a big deal to do that, so congrats. Game was okay, has a lot of potential. Not being able to see the obstacles until impact was frustrating (but I guess is the point) - really added to the "aaaargh run away" feeling. Nice work - good luck with future development!
This was so daft... I found it great fun :D As others have said, the jump was too floaty, but it was still good fun. Could see some potential for developing this further.. bigger area to move the bear around in, pushing or pulling the bear more etc.. maybe some items to help with that or deflect the incoming projectiles - Had fun with it - deceptively simple but addictive - nice work