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A member registered May 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is a really cool way to mitigate the randomness and put control back into the player's hands with a rolling mechanic. I liked it!

The mechanics seem neat. The presentation was really well done, but the game play itself didn't really have the time to play out.

Rolling a 1 1/6 of the time really just makes the whole thing frustrating. I could see this being a cool little puzzle without that, but it just makes it feel like rolling a boulder up a hill.

This is great. The puzzles are really well thought out, and the progression feels just right. Well done!

Very cool concept. I had a very hard time actually playing it, but the idea is very cool.

I've seen a lot of games at this jam with this mechanic, but this is one of the best of them. The puzzle design is really good, and I love the very crisp presentation. Well done!

I enjoyed the use of Yahtzee mechanics for turn based combat. The numbers felt pretty off though, as the enemies did a ton of damage and I never really had to go for the higher scoring rolls as I could usually one shot anyone anyway.

I really like the simple, clean look of the game.

I really like this. I appreciate how readable it is, and how easy it is to follow while not being mindless. Good job!

Very pretty game, the dice looked great and the music was very relaxing. The mechanic itself didn't really feel exciting, and the controls for setting dice felt a little awkward.

That was really fun! At first it felt like everything was going too fast, but I really got into a groove with it after a while. Loved it!

I love the amount of art and care put into this game. I love to see a good wario ware in a game jam. I liked the way that the dice interacted with some of the games more then others, like I wasn't a huge fan of the number die just making the game harder for some games as it just made it seem unfair at times, especially when I'm just coming upon the game for the first time. On the other hand, I did like for the basket game it would be collect exactly N, so you would have to choose to miss some on purpose. Really cool concept, and I love the presentation.

So, I like the concept of rolling to change character stats, but on my first play through I was accidentally skipping the whole rolling mechanic without realizing it (just spamming k to get through the menu). When I tried it with the dice mechanic it didn't feel like it changed the game play enough.

Very good presentation. It was incredibly hard to react to the rolls, and my die just stopped rolling itself at some point about a minute in. I really liked how you can smash into other dice with a move, that felt really good to play.

Its a pretty common gameplay idea, but you made it feel really good. Wonderful presentation!

I love how satisfying the physics of the dice feels. It does move pretty slowly though, the animations are great, but they slow down the gameplay quite a bit.

Glad you were OK with the length! I was freaking out near the end that I didn't have enough content. Yeah I agree I can use another pass on the UX to make sure information stands out. Thanks for playing!

I love the mechanic, and the way that you have different goals for each level keeps the whole thing fresh. Well done!

So simple, but it just works. It feels so elemental, like it was a game waiting to be made. Great job, especially for completing it in such little time.

Very cool 3d visualization puzzle. Its simple, but really gets my brain going.

I really like how giving three dice at a time turns the mechanic from what I would assume would be frustrating into something delightful. The art style is wonderful. My only complaint would be that levels felt a little too samey, and the different dice didn't feel different enough. Great job!

I enjoyed it. It was hard to judge what spin or force meant without any indicators, so it mostly felt like guessing and adjusting until it worked. Very well implemented though!

I like you you were able to make an engine builder in such a small amount of time. I think it can be a little unfair at times with the heart mechanic (I was always running out of campfires and then rolling sword repeatedly). I really like the idea of changing the faces on the die that you roll.

I really enjoyed this. I felt like the tank controls weren't the best fit, but I found it really fun anyways. The art and presentation was flawless, I love how you nailed the look without any concessions.

Thanks for playing! That is good feedback on the golden die. I intentionally made it a bit of a throwaway, but yeah I can see how it can be a bit frustrating having a whole level around it only for you to throw it into a fountain or lose it forever in some other way. I may want to reduce the story importance of it in some way. (I was possibly thinking of having the treasure of the first level being, like, a D8 or something instead.)

I agree about the UI being easy to skip. I put some important things over there, but yeah since its off the table it can seem less important. I originally had some of it on the table, but it was hard to fit everything that I wanted with a static camera angle. I may take another shot at bringing both the log and the die display in the top right more into the physical space of everything else (Like I did with the menu buttons in the top left). Thanks for playing!

This is a fun challenge. I like that you can go for either speed or number of moves to test different skills. The controls are a little strange, but I don't know how you would do 3d movement of a cube with a 2d keyboard any better so I dunno.

I didn't have someone to play it with, but this seems really neat. I played a lot of chess variants in high school, and its fun to see a new spin on it that can only work digital.

Very cool and unique spin on a dimension swapping mechanic. I enjoyed it!

I like the way that you blend the 3d dice with the pixel art background, it looks great. I have a similar concept in my game of choosing die with different values on them, and I really like how it works here.

Yeah, I would say that the accelerations on the character were maybe too slow, as it felt a little like my character was sliding on ice. Mix that with the digital input of using WASD, and it felt a bit off. It could just be a preference thing.

The Bullet effects were good, but the shooting itself felt a little flat to me, like it wasn't being fired from me but rather just appearing in front of my character. Comparing that to the juicy way that the later dice hit the ground to create shockwaves it leaves me a little wanting. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the game!

I really enjoyed what I played of the game once it really got going (Around level 10 or so for me). However I felt like the feedback wasn't quite right for the random weapons system. It felt like it just worked best to aim in the right direction and shoot no matter what type of weapon I got, like I wasn't reacting to what weapon I got but just what I shot. Also, because of the randomness the upgrades felt much less impactful because I couldn't really build around anything. It was fun, and I love how all of the weapons played, but the random rolling mechanics felt like they detracted from the experience rather then adding.

This game looked great, and played great. I really love the enemy animations in particular, and the lighting made it fit so well into the environment. While the enemies looked so good, the player and how they feel to move and shoot could have been tightened a bit more to bring i to another level. I feel like controller support would have been great as well (It seemed to work for moving but not for aiming). Great job!

No camera control really stood out to me, especially when trying to aim throws at enemies it became very hard to judge angles and distances. I really liked the crunchy pixelated/low poly look, and how you were able to add some really nice assets like the dice plants or the elaborate enemy spawners.

Very fun. I love how everything seems to be a rigid body, that led to some fun moments. To anyone reading this before playing, I highly recommend using a controller, I had a hard time on mouse and keyboard before switching. A small grip is that the aerial movement felt very strange, like you could build up obscene speeds while pushing off of just the air; it took away from what was otherwise quite satisfying ground movement.

I like look of the isometric dice in the center, that was really well pulled off. The gameplay felt a somewhat hindered by how far I had to look to see each set of numbers, as I would have to look at the far left to see my numbers were, the far right to see my enemies, all while manipulating dice in the center. It feels like a minor things typing it out, but it was a lot of necessary information too far apart for my liking. I do like how frantic it is, and when I got into the groove it was really fun!

Solid overall, but for a few nit picks. I feel like the visuals could have used a clarity pass, like maybe a close camera and some more differentiation between the foreground and background. In the current state it is pretty hard tell whats going on when I'm so far away and the beautiful floor textures are the main thing catching my eye. Gameplay-wise, its fun if a little simple, and could use a little more impact to make your actions stand out some more. Congrats to the team for the entry!

My metric is usually is usually if I can recognize the defaults of the engine, like text boxes and stuff like that. The look of a game can be so good but I can be taken out of it by standard UI elements sticking out from the rest of the style for instance. I like the individual looks of the d20 and the background, but they feel like they are from two different games. You have the simple shapes for the background elements, that look great, and then thin lines of the D20 and arrow which look out of place. Its mainly just small nit picky things like that, but overall I still really liked it, and the gameplay loop is quite solid.

I loved the mechanics, they were truly unique. Some of the puzzles didn't quite come together for me, as it became just so much to keep track of all at once that it felt like the best way to do it was to play randomly, but maybe thats just a me problem. Loved the art and music as well. Great job!

Nice job integrating a leader board. It played well, and with some more polish could be a really good time waster!