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A jam submission

Box: The Power of ScalingView game page

Spatial puzzle with boxes and stuff
Submitted by Sp1cyP3pp3r — 1 hour, 11 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You can place boxes and scale them to scale high places

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
I mostly used for textures
Sound for laser is from this clip (Sans ahhh style)
I outsourced sound design to my friend and these are the links he send me and
Also he created some of his own
Soundtrack created by my other friend
Icons are made by me
The gun model is by Kenney

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Your approach on the theme is clever, indeed it remembered me of Tag. The levels felt too saturated and close together so after the first steps when I got the gun, I didn't know where to go and when. Anyway it has a lot of potential if you polish the game design. Great game!


Really solid puzzler! Had a tonne of fun with this one


This is fantastic! The open ended puzzle design felt great. Strangely, I found myself not actually using the scaling mechanic all that much, but the different blocks all felt cool and useful in different ways. The limited ammo felt frustrating, as I kept waiting around at checkpoints for it to re spawn; maybe if the checkpoints filled you up to a certain level but deleted all placed cubes then it could reduce the waiting around. Very fun mechanic, and great aesthetic. Well done!


A really fun game to traverse! I got a bit confused at times, but I really enjoyed exploring the open environment and the art style is also top notch. Great work.


This is the moment I found out I was the second cake all along... Simply beautiful and creative with some satisfying movement! Loved it. 


It was a lot of fun climbing to the top and finding my own way through it. I like how freeform the level design was. It gives the opportunity to pick your own path and change it if you can't figure out how to get past a certain obstacle. It was a very good idea to make the ledge-climb mechanic so generous, since platforming in a 3D game can often feel clunky, especially when the platforms are physics objects.

Controls for switching box and resizing modes felt a bit clunky. think having (different) sound effects for switching would have helped a lot. The cooldown for item pickups also felt a bit pointless. Why put them on a timer if I can just sit there and collect the same object until my inventory is full? Small nitpicks though. Great job!


Thank you! I actually like level design field a lot, but I didn't put too much thought in it since  the limited time. But I managed to do some forks in it so courageous players or the ones who figured out their way with the mechanics could use their skill. I wish I did the end part more challenging and diverse, though.

Originally i wanted for every box type to have its own collision sounds as for the lasers! But choosing fitting sounds is very delicate process. Also I delayed implementing sound effects till the last day, so I had to rush through it. Now in retrospect I think I could change the laser pitch depending on its mode, but I worried too much to publish it in time.

Cooldown originally was 30 seconds (it's 10 now), but it felt too frustrating for the player when they're stuck (or at least think they're stuck) and they would just stay there and wait for pick up to respawn anyway. If you want to fill up your inventory, you can stay in one place for 50 seconds if you want. I accounted average player doesn't like to stay in one place and tries to move constantly, so they wouldn't notice how quick the cooldown is. But I also believe everyone can play games how they want.

Thinking of picking it up after the jam ends and polish it, thanks for the comment again!


This was such a cool climbing puzzle, I really like the balance of having to implement mechanical measures through platforming and then figuring out what tool is the best for the current predicament.


Really Cool Concept and very polish movement and gameplay.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

 like art design. Fun game 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

You've had managed to do something so polished from gameplay and level design perspective which we didn't have time to do.
I really like this labirinthy level, player controller and overall art style! It reminds me of antichamber which was my favourite game for a while!
Reached the apex by the way!

You're first one I gave 5/5 on each category!
Glad to see fellow Godot + Jolt Physics user!


Oh, one more thing. It's a little annoying what your laser comes from the gun and cursor do not show were you're shooting at for real.
There is a video about on YT: "Cursors are lying" or something like that. Might be useful!


Damn, I should've put laser mesh onto the same visual layer as the gun (it's rendered in subviewport), that's probably why it's a bit misleading. It uses hitscan from the camera to detect boxes and obstacles. Mesh is generated from gun point to the hitscan position. I also wanted to have 2 different cursors for boxes and laser, but I couldn't figure out how to implement it at first and decided to skip it to finish in time.

And I totally forgot about Antichamber! It's definitely was a subconscious inspiration for this game. The "3D fps puzzle with guns" should definitely be it's own genre lol


It doesn't affect much. Just a little annoyance.
As you can see in our project we had much more quirks like that.
Yours is very polished in that regard!


I really liked the game, although it is not very clear where to go. I liked the mechanics of increasing blocks, but there is a small problem with increasing the block size or decreasing it, but this is not so critical. Anyway, good job dude!