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Nick Koby

A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Cool vibes, really digging the sound design of the game. At some point, I missed the dialogue and wasn't sure where to go. Having a quest log of some kind would have been nice.

Awesome game! I loved the ability to use the hook to bypass some of the platforming challenges. It's a shame, though, that after defeating the boss, I couldn’t find a way to play smarter to reach the finish faster.

Great game! The sudden difficulty spike got me by surprise!

Hi! Level 6 is bugged, so I can only suggest skipping it by pressing Backspace. We have added this information to our description. Thank for your feedback! 

Great idle game idea! I wanted the progression of this game to move a little bit faster though.
Enjoyed this game a lot!

Awesome game! The 4th wall-breaking UI mechanic is awesomely executed! 

I really wanted to do something similar with my idea, but I was short on time :(

(1 edit)

Gorgeous art! Great music. Too bad the dog doesn't want to be petted :(

Cute little game about eating fishermen :D.
I enjoyed it a lot!

I really like the concept of this game! I wanted to have some cargo to deliver though, or some other things to do while avoiding the bullets

Really liked the overall vibe of the game! It was really punishing though, one-shot spikes are rough :D, would have liked to have some kind of checkpoints

Pretty cool visuals! I liked the aesthetic of this game! I had a little problem with the controls and always got stuck in the walls :D

I enjoyed this game a lot! On the last level, I didn't understand why I couldn't possess some guns, but when I figured out which guns were possessable, I finally beat it!

Interesting idea of player progression! I really wanted to have some abilities that would make me feel like a boss. Good job nonetheless!

I figured out the hard way that it's better to draw the road during the ride, not before :D. 

Interesting idea nonetheless! Good job!

Awesome game! I really enjoyed it. As an endgame, I wanted some underwater squad to hunt me :D

Amazing game! 10/10! I liked all aspects of the game! 

I almost gave up on the last puzzle, but in the end, I figured it out! :D

Maybe just a really small nitpick, I wanted to have a partial restart sometimes, especially when my little guy didn't reach the newly painted tile.

Cool game! I really enjoyed the music! I'm glad that the game was generous with HP, as the bullet pattern looked pretty scary. At the same time, I maybe wanted a little more challenge :D

Great little puzzle game! I really liked the freeze mechanic, for some reason, it gave me the feeling that sometimes I had my own unique solution! :D Nice job!

Short and cool little game! At first, I had a hard time figuring out in which direction the tapes were going to fly, but after some trial and error, I think I got a feeling for it :D

Sure, I have no enemies, but why are they ganging up on me in the corner? :D

Fun little game though! I almost made all of them my friends but ended up in rampage mode. Pretty cool!

Awesome production and polish! Funny idea :D. I had a hard time with the car controls, but I think I had the same problem in top-down GTAs

Enjoyed this game a lot, I really liked that at first I found the best strategy and then the next levels forced me to forget about it :D. Especially enjoyed the tricky timing on the last level!

Liked this game a lot, it really hooks you! I wanted some other activities to spice it up, but managing the disassembling by itself is already really engaging. Greate job!

Interesting spin on Flappy Bird! At first, I imagined that I needed to stop the birds, but I figured out that it was the opposite of what I needed to do :D

Cool idea! I really wanted to control multiple invaders or gain them slowly during the gameplay, but still, I liked the difficulty curve, and the game felt fair, good job!

Interesting idea and cool music! I guess I smashed my space bar too hard and got stuck somewhere in the air :D

Cool idea of inverting Peggle! For my taste, I liked the levels with obstacles in them rather than the empty ones. They give something to work with :D

Cute puzzle game! I really liked the main premise! On some levels, the paths didn't show up. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not :D

Pretty cool game! I encountered some bugs when my tail was running away from me, and I found it funny :D

This year, I didn't have enough time for SFX and music :(, I agree they would have made the whole experience much better!

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Always wondered how those guards in stealth games can't see me in front of them! Now I get it, this is tough! Really liked the game! Cool sound design and art style!

Really enjoyed this little golf survivor! The blue balls got me at the end :D

Really cool idea! Too bad the adventurer didn't like sneaky minotaurs :(

Dying from fun has never been so much fun! I like it a lot, it's very cute!

Amazing puzzle game! I really liked the music and art! The frog is a little bit tricky to control :D

I really liked this game! I had a little problem on the last level, and in the beginning, until I figured out the secret controls. Really neat!

Cute idea! I had a hard time navigating this big map, and I should have believed you when you wrote that there was a dead end ahead :D

I liked the game! Around 5 minutes in, the game became a little slow for my taste, but the first 5 minutes were really fun!

I really liked the music and art style! With more abilities to take from players and giving something worse but cool, I can see this idea working really well!

Cool game! I really wished there were checkpoints, or perhaps I just didn't reach them. I wanted to play more, but having to restart the whole game was a bit discouraging